At Cadabams, we provide a wide range of therapeutic services that are best catered to manage symptoms of specific personality disorders. Our multispecialty team of mental health professionals also ensures that you or your loved one get the best possible care with personalized treatment plans made especially for you.

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  • Cluster A: Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by odd and eccentric thinking in social situations and interpersonal relationships.
  • Cluster B: Cluster B Personality Disorders are characterized by symptoms of being overly emotional, erratic, and dramatic. This may cause issues in the way they maintain relationships.
  • Cluster C: Cluster C personality disorders are marked by feelings of anxiousness and avoidance. 
  • Genetics
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Medication
  • Psychotherapy
  • Social Support
  • Out-Patient Services
  • In-Patient Services
  • Rehabilitation

Over 1%

of the country's population suffers from some kind of personality disorder


At 28.6%, BPD is the most common personality disorder in India.


patients reintegrated back into society every year


Professionals specializing
in treating mental health disorders.

Our Professionals in Bangalore and Hyderabad

Dr. Vishal Kasal

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Arun Kumar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Keerthi Sagar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Raja Hiremani


Renuka B H

M.Phil (RCI) in Clinical Psychology

Ashwini Shastry

M.Phil (RCI) & M.Sc in clinical psychology

Dr. Anitha Bharathan

M.Sc (Psychology), M.Phil (RCI) Psychology, Ph.D in Psycho-oncology

Gayathri Krotha

M. Phil (RCI) in Clinical Psychology

Aparna Rani

M.Phil (RCI) in Clinical Psychology

Udisha Sarma

M.A, M.Phil (RCI) Clinical Psychology

Neha Parashar

M. Phil (RCI) in Clinical Psychology

Radhika Sahal

M.Phil (RCI) in Clinical Psychology, M.A. in Psychology

Raji Raj

MSW, M. Phil (RCI)

Manju TH

M.Sc in Clinical Psychology

Nikki Das

M.Sc: Clinical Psychology

Dr. Lakshman Sudhir Gandham

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Kanchana Musrif

M. Phil (RCI) , M.A.

Dr. Bopanna Sridhar

 MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Sethu P S

MSW in Medical and Psychiatry

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Here's everything else you need to know about Personality Disorder

Personality disorders represent a wide array of mental health issues, defined by persistent patterns of thought and behavior that significantly diverge from the cultural norms of an individual’s society. These patterns manifest in cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, and impulse control. Understanding the spectrum requires recognizing its complexity and the necessity for tailored interventions. Effective management combines therapy, medication, and ongoing support to navigate these disorders' challenges, aiming to improve quality of life and interpersonal relationships.

Understanding Personality and Its Impact

Personality disorders are long-standing patterns of thinking and behaving that hinder a person’s psychological and social functioning. Often, people with personality disorders do not know or are oblivious to their rigid patterns of behavior that not only interfere with their quality of life but also cause distress to those around them. They struggle with forming healthy relationships and tend to have poor coping skills. 

Since nothing is perceived to be out of the ordinary, people with personality disorders, do not feel the need to work on themselves and improve or control their ways of being. 

The Foundation of Personality: Genes and Environment

Our personalities are an amalgamation of our thoughts, perceptions, feelings, actions, and traits. They are developed- often shaped by the environment we are exposed to and the genes we inherit. Our personality influences our choices, behaviors, and emotional responses, playing a crucial role in our mental health and well-being.


Genetic factors contribute significantly to personality development by influencing temperament, predispositions to mental health conditions, and inherent response patterns. Studies of twins and families highlight the heritable component of personality traits and behaviors.


Environmental factors, including family dynamics, cultural background, education, and life experiences, play a pivotal role in shaping personality. Social interactions, trauma, and positive influences all contribute to the development and modification of personality traits over time.

The Impact of Personality Disorders on Life

The presence of a personality disorder can profoundly affect an individual's quality of life, influencing family dynamics, social interactions, academic and professional achievements, and overall well-being. Challenges in emotional regulation, impulse control, and relationship management inherent in these disorders necessitate comprehensive support and intervention to enhance coping skills and interpersonal functioning.

Common Signs & Symptoms of Personality Disorders

Common signs and symptoms of personality disorders are listed below. These patterns of thought and behavior significantly differ from societal expectations and can substantially impair an individual's functioning and quality of life.

Erratic or Unpredictable Behavior

Individuals may display sudden changes in mood or behavior, making their actions unpredictable and often leading to conflict or confusion among those around them.

Pervasive Sense of Suspicion and Mistrust

A constant feeling of being threatened or betrayed characterizes some personality disorders, causing difficulties in forming trusting relationships.

Engaging in Risky Activities

Persons with certain personality disorders might repeatedly involve themselves in dangerous or harmful activities without considering the consequences.

Experiencing Severe Mood Swings

Significant and rapid fluctuations in mood can be a hallmark of some personality disorders, affecting the individual's stability and quality of life.

Difficulties in Maintaining Relationships

Challenges in understanding social cues and regulating emotions often result in strained or short-lived relationships for those with personality disorders.

Challenges in Educational or Occupational Settings

Personality disorders can impair performance and adaptability in school or work environments, often due to difficulties in concentrating or cooperating with others.

Strong Desire for Instant Gratification

An intense need for immediate satisfaction or pleasure may lead individuals to make impulsive decisions, disregarding long-term implications for themselves and others.

Causes of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders arise from complex interactions between genetic predispositions, environmental factors, early trauma, and developmental experiences.


Genetic factors play a significant role in the development of personality disorders, with a higher risk observed in individuals with a family history of such conditions, indicating hereditary predispositions.

Brain Structure and Function

Abnormalities in brain structure and function, particularly in areas controlling emotions and impulse regulation, have been linked to the emergence of personality disorders, affecting behavior and emotional responses.

Childhood Trauma

Experiences of trauma, neglect, or abuse during childhood significantly contribute to the development of personality disorders by impacting emotional regulation, self-image, and interpersonal relationships.

Family Dynamics

Dysfunctional family relationships or a family history of mental health disorders can increase the risk of developing a personality disorder. For example, a lack of parental nurturing or overly critical parenting styles may contribute to these conditions.

Difficulties in cognitive and emotional development

Difficulties in cognitive and emotional development during critical developmental stages can contribute to the formation of unhealthy patterns of thinking and behavior associated with personality disorders.

Personality and Temperament

Individual differences in temperament, such as a natural predisposition towards anxiety or aggression, can interact with environmental factors to increase the risk of developing a personality disorder.

Interaction of Factors

The development of personality disorders is often the result of the interaction between these genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. For instance, a genetically predisposed individual may be more likely to develop a personality disorder if they experience trauma or dysfunctional family dynamics during their formative years.

Types of Personality Disorders

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) categorizes ten distinct personality disorders under three different clusters. These are:  

Cluster A Personality Disorders

Characterized by behaviors that may be perceived as strange or odd, people with Cluster A personality disorders are socially awkward and withdrawn. They are suspicious of those around them and, as a result, detach themselves from their relationships. People with Cluster A personality disorders could also have a family history of schizophrenia. 

There are three personality disorders clubbed under Cluster A:

Paranoid personality disorder

People with paranoid personality disorder tend to be suspicious of others. Their actions are governed by the belief that people are out to get them, even when there is no evidence to substantiate their claim. Consequently, they feel threatened and struggle to put their faith in anyone. 

Schizoid personality disorder

This disorder makes people unable to form and maintain relationships, and neither do they show a desire for the same. They are detached, distant, and indifferent. People with this disorder express little to no emotion. They seem to not care for either praise or criticism and may engage in solitary activities. 

Schizotypal personality disorder

Characterized by odd and peculiar beliefs, thoughts, behavior, and appearance, people with this personality disorder are often perceived as bizarre. They tend to be superstitious and socially withdrawn. 

Cluster B Personality Disorders

People with Cluster B personality disorder struggle with impulse control and emotional regulation. They often experience intense and unstable emotions and engage in behaviors that are performative, irresponsible, and sometimes, even illegal. 

The personality disorders under Cluster B include:

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

People with this disorder show a disregard for others. They are rash, irresponsible, and aggressive, and they may violate others' rights to get their way. Their actions often inhibit their own safety. This disorder is characterized by an inability to abide by society’s rules and regulations. They may commit serious crimes and show no remorse for their actions. 

Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Characterized by unstable moods and poor self-image, people with this disorder tend to be impulsive. They have fragile egos and go to great lengths to prevent being abandoned. People with the disorder display inappropriate outbursts of anger and often have intense and chaotic relationships. They may experience a chronic feeling of emptiness and may engage in self-harm. 

Histrionic personality disorder

Marked by a constant and excessive need for attention. People with histrionic personality disorder have dramatic outbursts, exaggerate, and often speak with quick dramatic succession in emotions. They use their appearance to draw attention to themselves and often believe that their relationships are more profound than they are.

Narcissistic personality disorder

People with narcissistic personality disorder exhibit a sense of entitlement and an exaggerated sense of superiority. They often dream of success and power, however, there preoccupation with prestige is an attempt to mask their fragile self-esteem. They seem arrogant, are self centered and display a lack of empathy and understanding for others. They may exploit others for their own benefit and think that their own needs and feelings are more important.

Cluster C Personality Disorders

People with Cluster C personality disorders often shy from criticism and rejection. They do not always confront their fears or embark on new activities. They do not take personal risks either. 

This cluster includes:

Avoidant personality disorder

People with avoidant personality disorder avoid social contact. They exhibit extreme shyness and are sensitive to criticism. In fact, their desire to be alone is fuelled by their concern over being embarrassed or judged. They fear rejection and perceive themselves to be socially inept or not good enough.

Dependent personality disorder

People with this personality disorder struggle with making everyday decisions for themselves. They need others to assume responsibility for their life. When left alone, they feel helpless and are often governed by the fear of separation. In a relationship, they focus their energy on pleasing the other person and have a need for constant reassurance. They tend to avoid confrontations and have difficulty expressing their disagreement.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

Perfectionists, people with this personality disorder have an obsessive need for control, order and cleanliness. They are set in their ways and are inflebile in their morality and values. Their preoccupation with details makes it difficult for them to finish tasks. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may work relentlessly, often leaving no time for leisure or social activities. 

Diagnosis of Personality Disorders

Diagnosing personality disorders involves a comprehensive assessment by mental health professionals. This process typically includes detailed interviews with the individual, psychological evaluations, and often, input from family or close associates to understand behavior patterns over time. Clinicians use specific criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to identify the presence of a personality disorder, considering the individual's long-term patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that deviate significantly from cultural expectations. The diagnosis is made with care to differentiate from other mental health issues and to consider the overall impact on functioning.

Personality Disorder Treatment 

Treatment for personality disorders focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life through a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and, sometimes, hospitalization in severe cases.


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, helping individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices, emphasizing emotional regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and self-awareness.
  • Group Therapy offers a nurturing environment where individuals can exchange experiences, gain insights from peers, and hone social skills in a secure environment.
  • Family Therapy involves family members in the treatment process, helping to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and understand the disorder's impact on family dynamics.
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy explores unconscious patterns and early life experiences that influence current behavior and emotions, aiming to deepen self-awareness and understanding of personal dynamics.
  • Psychoeducation informs individuals and their families about the disorder, its effects, and coping strategies, empowering them with the knowledge to manage symptoms and improve overall functioning.

These therapeutic treatment approaches can be used alone or in combination, depending on the individual's condition, to provide comprehensive treatment for personality disorders.


While there are no medications specifically approved to treat personality disorders, various drugs prescribed by psychiatrists can help manage symptoms or co-occurring conditions. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms like depression, mood swings, impulsive behavior, and anxiety, contributing to overall stability and functioning improvement.

Crisis management

Crisis management in the context of personality disorders involves immediate intervention to ensure safety, stabilize acute symptoms, and prevent harm. This may include hospitalization, short-term medication adjustments, and intensive therapy sessions. Effective crisis management requires a coordinated approach, leveraging healthcare professionals to address the immediate crisis and plan for long-term stability and care.

Rehabilitation of Personality Disorders

Rehabilitation for personality disorders involves a comprehensive approach that aims to reduce symptoms, improve functioning, and help individuals lead more fulfilling lives. This process typically includes tailored psychotherapy to address problematic thinking patterns and behaviors, skill-building to enhance interpersonal and coping skills and medication management for co-occurring symptoms like anxiety or depression. Rehabilitation may also involve social skills training, vocational rehabilitation, and support groups to provide a supportive community and practical assistance. Cadabams focuses on holistic recovery and empowers individuals to achieve improved mental health and well-being by providing individuals with the tools and resources they need to navigate their disorder, improve their relationships, and increase their ability to cope with life's challenges.

Transforming Lives Affected by Personality Disorders at Cadabams

At Cadabams, we're dedicated to transforming lives affected by personality disorders through our comprehensive and personalized treatment programs. Our expert team utilizes a blend of psychotherapy, medication management, and holistic approaches to address the unique challenges of each individual. Join us on a journey toward healing and empowerment, and start rewriting your story today with Cadabams by your side.

If you are searching for a solution to your problem, Cadabam’s Rehabilitation Centre can help you with its team of specialized experts. We have been helping thousands of people live healthier and happier lives for 30+ years. We leverage evidence-based approaches and holistic treatment methods to help individuals effectively manage personality disorders. Get in touch with us today. You can call us at +91 96111 94949

Personality Disorder Self-Assessment

Take a 5-minute self-assessment test to see how severe your or you loved one's personality disorder is.

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Why Cadabam's?

Cadabams is the best rehab center for personality disorder treatment. With our 3 decades of experience, we focus on patient experience and provide excellent solution-oriented treatment plans to meet the needs of you and your loved one. With a wide range of evidence-based techniques, we stay with you every step of the way to give you the best personality disorder treatment.

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