Post Diagnostic Support Program

Dementia is a chronic and progressive disorder, that causes increasing disability and impairment in functioning over time. The disorder leads to reduced independence in a person and results in difficulties in performing activities of daily living. Considering the implications of the disorder, a diagnosis of dementia is always difficult to deal with.

Individuals and families will need support to deal with the diagnosis of dementia. Many individuals and their caregivers can end up facing multiple other mental health disorders like depression or anxiety due to a diagnosis of Dementia. At Cadabams, we offer effective post-diagnostic support and care for individuals families fighting dementia. The program is aimed at making the process easier for all the stakeholders.

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What is post-diagnostic support at Cadabams?

Dementia is a progressive mental health condition and getting diagnosed with the condition can be difficult for many. You might wonder what the next step should be and how to live with dementia. Cadabam’s post diagnostic support program can help you live a healthy life with dementia. The program also helps your loved ones understand the condition and how they can help you through the treatment process.  

What is Post-Diagnostic Support?

Post-diagnostic support program for dementia is a program that provides support and education to people with dementia and their caregivers after a diagnosis of dementia is established. Cadabam’s post-diagnostic support helps individuals with dementia and their caregivers to understand the disease, cope with the challenges it presents, and plan for the future.

Importance of support after a diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis of dementia can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. A support program from our professionals at Cadabam’s allows you and your loved ones to reduce fear and anxieties.  

With a support network you can understand your condition, explore various treatment options, and navigate the treatment process. A strong support system provides practical help that lessens your burden. A treatment plan for dementia can be complex and challenging and support programs can help you through it.  

The critical role of support following a medical diagnosis

Medical diagnosis can be difficult to grasp and navigating the condition can be overwhelming. Cadabam’s support programs help you understand your condition, treatment options, and answer your questions. Support post dementia diagnosis provides a safe space to express your fears, anxieties, and confusions. The crucial role also includes assessment of the individual, diagnosis and guidance for the family, follow-up sessions with clinical psychologists.  

Key Components of Our Post Diagnostics Support Program

There are certain key components of Cadabam’s post diagnostic support program that helps individuals make progress in their treatment. Here are some components listed below.

Initial Assessment and Consultation

The initial assessment confirms the diagnosis of dementia and identifies any other medical conditions, the severity of the condition, and the person’s cognitive abilities. The next step after assessment is consultation with a healthcare professional. At Cadabam’s our professionals develop tailored support plans based on the diagnosis. They will provide information, treatment options, and all available resources.  

Comprehensive Care Approach

Cadabam’s offers a comprehensive care approach that helps individuals with dementia live a full and meaningful life. We integrate medical management, psychological support, and social support methods to enhance overall health. Our multidisciplinary team, which includes psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, therapists, and social workers, will develop a personalised care plan that meets the individual’s needs and preferences.  

Specialised Support for Dementia

Dementia is a progressive mental health condition and specialised care is needed for targeted assistance. The focus is on improving quality of life, managing symptoms, and creating a safe and supportive environment.  

Challenges after a Dementia Diagnosis

Dementia diagnosis affects the individual and family members as well. They face a complex web of psychological and emotional challenges. The patient might sense grief for the loss of cognitive abilities and independence while the family might blame themselves for the progression of the disease. The patient might feel frustrated, anxious, and might slip into depression. The family might dwell with the emotional toll of caring for someone with the condition.  

Dementia Post-Diagnostic Support

Cadabam’s post-diagnostic support for dementia includes various support strategies, engagement activities, and therapeutic interventions. Support strategies like individual and group therapy help patients process their emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and manage behavioral changes. Other strategies like group therapy and education help empower patients as well as caregivers.  

Cognitive stimulation activities like puzzles and games enhance cognitive skills. Engaging activities also include music therapy, art therapy and physical activity.  

Our therapeutic interventions such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, and validation therapy help patients perform daily activities.  

Developing a Comprehensive Care Plan

At Cadabam’s we develop personalised and comprehensive care plans that cater to individual’s unique needs, maximise independence, and reduce anxiety. A comprehensive plan consists of a collaborative approach that optimises care, fosters peace of mind, and ensures all aspects of the condition are addressed.  

Inclusion of Medical, Emotional, and Social Support

Medical support includes regular check-ups to monitor the progression of the condition, medication management, and addressing any co-existing conditions. Emotional support is provided with individual or group therapy and education sessions, which will help both the patient and the caregiver. Participating in social activities and hobbies is part of social support, which gives an individual a sense of purpose.

Co-ordination of Care and Caregiver Roles

Integration of a successful comprehensive care plan for dementia requires coordination of care and caregiver support. The caregiver acts as a bridge between healthcare providers and patients. They ensure the patient's needs are addressed. They manage daily tasks, follow all medical needs, and provide emotional support. Care coordination is ensured by a healthcare professional who communicates and collaborates with all involved professionals.  

Support Systems and Resources

Support systems and resources for dementia care ensure that an individual is leading a healthy and fulfilling life. Support systems and multiple resources can be included in a tailored plan for an individual to minimise the psychological and physiological effects of dementia.  

Counseling and Psychotherapy

With Cadabam’s, counseling and psychotherapy an individual with dementia can learn to process his or her emotions, fears, and frustrations after getting diagnosed with dementia. A therapist can implement various strategies to manage anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges. People will acquire improved communication skills and constructive coping techniques. In addition to being beneficial for the patient, counseling and psychotherapy can teach caregivers how to communicate effectively, manage stress, and process challenging emotions like loss and sadness.  

Medication Management

Dementia care requires regular medication to manage symptoms, improve cognitive function, and address behavioural issues. A healthcare provider at Cadabam’s will prescribe medication after assessing the current state of the individual. Our medication management makes sure that medications are taken correctly, and the dosages are right. With a management plan in effect one can monitor any side effects of the medication which will help review and adjust medications as needed.  

Local and Online Support Networks

Local support groups provide a safe space for both the individual with dementia and the caregivers. These spaces allow them to share their experiences, gain emotional support, and learn from others. Online support groups can help connect individuals with dementia and caregivers across the globe. This is a convenient way for individuals to find support and access information.  

Training and Education for Caregivers

Our healthcare professionals at Cadabam’s provide training programs to educate caregivers about different types of dementia, their progression, and the impact on cognitive abilities and behaviours. Caregivers will learn how to assist with daily activities while giving a certain amount of independence. Our professionals will teach effective communication strategies to help caregivers understand the person’s needs and minimise frustration. Modifying the home environment and implementing safety measures, how to manage challenging behaviours are crucial elements of dementia care.  

Planning for Future Health Care Needs

After establishing an accurate diagnosis of dementia, a dementia patient needs to plan about his or her future care needs as it is a progressive disease with no known cure. Initially having an open and honest conversation with your loved ones about the condition and sorting out any legal documents is suggested.  

Evaluate your current physical and cognitive abilities and understand the level of care you will require and how it might progress. Explore options for in-home care services, assisted living, nursing homes, or long-term rehabilitation centers.  

Regular Assessments and Adjustments to Care Plans

Regular assessments and adjustments to care plans are fundamental for ensuring the effectiveness of the program. Dementia is a progressive disease which requires regular assessments to identify various cognitive, physical, and emotional changes. Adjustments should be based on the identified changes and healthcare needs. Regular evaluation also allows to understand how well the current care plan is working.  

Emergency and Long-Term Care Options

The progression of dementia can bring unforeseen emergencies like falls with injuries, sudden changes in mental state, or severe difficulty breathing. For these situation emergency services in the best option. Have a plan in place outlining preferred hospitals and point of contact in case of emergency.  

For long term care there are various options available like personal care assistants, home health nurses, one can also opt for assisted living facilities or nursing homes to live in a structured environment.  

Empowering Patients and Caregivers

Challenges associated with dementia can hamper the quality of life of an individual. Empowering someone with dementia can help navigate these challenges and improve quality of life. Empowering caregivers through knowledge, respite care, support systems, and technology can help improve communication and give a sense of purpose.  

Enhancing Communication with Health Care Providers

Clear communication between the patient and healthcare providers helps them feel heard and understood which in turn reduces anxiety and frustration. Effective communication also allows caregivers to confidently voice concerns, ask questions, and participate in care decisions, ultimately feeling more empowered in their role. Cadabam’s prioritise the establishment of effective communication between the patient, caregivers, and healthcare providers.  

Advocacy and Rights Awareness

By advocating better care, resources, and policies for individuals with dementia can help them get appropriate care and maintain their dignity. Caregivers with knowledge about their and the rights of their loved ones, can navigate the healthcare system more effectively. This also helps them be better advocates for their loved ones and the dementia community.

Why Choose Cadabams for Post Diagnostic Dementia Care

Cadabam’s post diagnostic support program helps you live a dignified life with dementia. Our experienced professionals deliver the best available care for dementia in the country to help you live a better quality of life. With over three decades of experience, we leverage evidence-based treatment to minimise the progression of the disorder. We have a specialised dementia care unit that will support you at every stage of dementia. Reach out to us for more information.


What is post diagnostic support?

After getting an accurate diagnosis of dementia, an individual needs support like education, therapy, and support groups. Our post diagnostic support helps the patient manage symptoms, with daily care assistance, safety measures, and emotional support. Cadabams’s post diagnostic support also empowers caregivers to plan by exploring long-term care options.  

How many pillars of post diagnostic support are there?

The universally accepted number of pillars of post diagnostic support is the 5 pillar model. The model was developed by Alzheimer Scotland which focuses on:  

  • Understanding the illness and managing symptoms
  • Planning for future decision-making
  • Supporting community connections
  • Planning for future care
  • Peer support

What is a post diagnostic support link worker?

A post diagnostic support link worker helps the individual diagnosed with dementia and their family understand the illness, assess their needs, develop care plans, connect them to resources like support groups or daily care assistance. They are healthcare providers who help both the patient and caregivers.

How can caregivers get training and support in caring for someone with dementia?

Caregivers can access training and support through our healthcare providers for specific program recommendations, local organisations for workshops, online resources for flexible learning, and support groups for emotional connection and shared experiences.  

If you want to learn more about dementia care, reach out to us. Call us: -+91 9741476476  

What legal preparations are necessary after a dementia diagnosis?

Legal preparation is crucial as it helps an individual with dementia ensure that their wishes are followed as the disease progresses. An individual can prepare documents like:

  • Power of attorney
  • Living trust
  • Advance directives
  • Guardianship
  • Standard will
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Years in mental healthcare


Rehabilitation centres across 2 states


Mental health professionals working with us


Individuals recovering and returning to society each year

The Cadabam’s Treatment Experience - The Biopsychosocial Model

Our centres where this program is offered

Types of Admissions

Regular Admission

As and when the family or the primary caregiver confirms the admission by following the processes related to “Admission Procedure”.

Referred Admissions

Many psychiatrists utilize our psychosocial rehab services for their clients. In cases where the resident is referred from a psychiatrist for psychosocial interventions, the referring psychiatrist also becomes part of the treating team and he/she will be regularly updated about the progress and will also be involved in the overall care. Hundreds of eminent psychiatrists trust us with their clientele when it comes to residential care & rehab.

Admission under Special Circumstances

We have a number of patrons from various countries and different parts of the country seeking admission. We also have mental health professionals across the country referring us to complex cases that require psychosocial intervention. Under special circumstances where it is not feasible to visit or in case of a crisis/mental health emergency the Director-operations will guide the family after assessing the need for intervention.

Come visit our Rehabilitation centre!

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Difference between Rehab and In-Patient


  • Continued Care and Monitoring in a setting that feels like home
  • Focuses on long-term recovery that is sustainable.
  • Involves the family over the treatment course to ensure sustainable recovery.
  • Round-the-clock assistance for the individual, with all basic needs cared for. 
  • Most important step towards recovering from psychiatric illnesses.

IP Care

  • Hospital setting for care in acute situations
  • Focuses on immediate relieving of symptoms in case of emergencies
  • Mainly involves the treating team that focuses on symptoms reduction
  • Individuals will need a family member with them in case of emergencies
  • The first step is seeking care for acute mental health disorders, after which rehabilitation may be necessary or not

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Our Professionals

Dr. R. Priya Raghavan

MBBS, MRC-Psychiatry

Dr. Swarupa M U

Ph.D. (RCI) in Psychiatric Social Work

Raji Raj

MSW, M. Phil (RCI)

Why Cadabam's?

For more than three decades, Cadabams has been the top name in mental health treatment in India. Since its inception in 1991, we have grown to include over six well-equipped facilities dedicated to the treatment of a wide spectrum of mental health illnesses. We ensure that the client gets total healing with the help of qualified specialists who focus on holistic rehabilitation.

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