Short-term Rehabilitation

For individuals who are going through acute episodes of major psychiatric illnesses, Cadabam’s offers Short-term rehabilitation programs. This program helps individuals who are fighting disorders like Schizophrenia, Depression, Personality Disorders, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, SLDs, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This program stretches between 1 to 3 months and is solely focused on integrating the individual back to daily functioning.

The multidisciplinary team at Cadabams focuses on the speedy recovery of individuals with psychiatric illnesses while equipping them to face the rigors of daily life when they return to society. Our infrastructure also aids in accelerating the recovery of individuals and helps them feel at home while fighting their disorder.

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Detailed Program Overview

What is Short-Term Rehabilitation at Cadabam’s?

Psychiatric illnesses can strike anyone, from the young to the old. In many cases, with early diagnosis and effective treatment individuals can manage their disorder at home. But, in some cases, individuals will need specialized care in dedicated facilities. Major psychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia, depression, and more require intensive rehabilitation to ensure effective recovery and reintegration into society.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation is the process of helping individuals return to societal functioning and normal living. The nature of psychiatric illnesses is such that it completely impairs daily functioning and living necessitating effective rehabilitation.

Cadabam’s offers short-term rehabilitation programs for individuals who are fighting psychiatric illnesses. This program is client-based, personalized, and integrates the individual’s family into the recovery process. The goal of the short-term rehabilitation program at Cadabam’s is to help individuals develop the skills and coping mechanisms necessary to be successful and live a satisfying life in society.

What does the program involve?

The program involves multiple different steps that aid recovery. These include:

  • It begins with detailed profiling of the client and an assessment of their condition. During this period, the individual participates in multiple one-on-one individual sessions with our multidisciplinary team. This includes our consultant psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, family therapists, and counselors. During this period, the professionals help the individual understand the nature of the disorder.
  • The next step is when the individual slowly starts participating in group activities. These group therapies can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivation Enhancement Therapy, Reel Therapy, Guided Imagery, Therapeutic Yoga, Art and Movement Therapy, and Music Therapy. These group therapies help the individual rebuild their social skills, and help them build healthy coping mechanisms against their disorder.
  • Individuals, through this program, start recovering from the symptoms of their disorder through these multiple therapies and sessions. The program also involves the individual's families in the recovery process helps them rebuild their relationships and helps families understand the adaptations they need to make to ensure that their loved ones can function once they return to society.

How does this program ensure effective and sustainable recovery?

  • The program goes beyond just providing temporary relief from symptoms to help a person learn how to manage the symptoms more effectively.
  • It is a structured program with proven benefits. It has been perfected over 3 decades now. 
  • With planned leisure activities that aid in recovery, this program helps a person remain engaged through their stay at rehabilitation.
  • The program ensures the individual receives continued care and psychosocial support. 
  • With an aim at societal reintegration, the program focuses on building self-esteem within a person to help them cope with daily life. 
  • With constant monitoring and assessments, progress is monitored by the professionals to ensure the individual is always on their route to recovery. 
  • We also offer specialized post-rehabilitation care and support for individuals and the families.
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Years in Rehabilitation


Campuses across 2 states


Individuals recovering at Cadabam’s every year


Mental health professionals working with us

The Cadabam’s Treatment Experience—The Bio-psycho-social Model

Our centres where this program is offered

Types of Admissions

Regular Admission

As and when the family or the primary caregiver confirms the admission by following the processes related to “Admission Procedure”.

Referred Admissions

Many psychiatrists utilize our psychosocial rehab services for their clients. In cases where the resident is referred from a psychiatrist for psychosocial interventions, the referring psychiatrist also becomes part of the treating team and he/she will be regularly updated about the progress and will also be involved in the overall care. Hundreds of eminent psychiatrists trust us with their clientele when it comes to residential care & rehab.

Admission under Special Circumstances

We have a number of patrons from various countries and different parts of the country seeking admission. We also have mental health professionals across the country referring us to complex cases that require psychosocial intervention. Under special circumstances where it is not feasible to visit or in case of a crisis/mental health emergency the Director-operations will guide the family after assessing the need for intervention.

Come visit our Rehabilitation centre!

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Our son was fighting Schizophrenia. Earlier he used to manage it well, but slowly he started facing difficulties. A short stay at Cadabams Amitha helped my son so much.

Mr & Mrs Shankar

Watching my husband go through bipolar disorder was one of the most difficult things. To see him recovered now, and back on his feet is an indescribable feeling. The short-term rehab program at Cadabams really helped him return to me.

Mrs. V Shekhar

Rehabilitation at Cadabams really helped me. The professionals here are so helpful and understanding!

Vinay L

The short-term rehab plan at Cadabams really helped my child beat his disorder. Thank you team Cadabams!

Karishma D

Thank you Cadabam’s for your support. They helped a lot with my father, who was suffering from old age issues.


It's good there are very supportive doctors like Priya Raghavan, and Arun Kumar. We are very satisfied with the doctors and counselors. The counselors are very responsible and we had a very good experience with them.

Srividya B

It was a good experience. The team members were very understanding and helpful throughout the stay. Counselors have worked sincerely to help the family. Thank you Team Amitha and Cadabams!

Mansoor Khan

I had admitted my mother for schizophrenia treatment. Full marks to the facility, doctors, and the counselor. My mother was treated with utmost care. This is one of the best in the city.

Amrithraj Kannanth

Amazing Team, International standards of care and Rehabilitation. We had a good experience with the team, in particular Dr. Rajasekhar, Mr. Bipin Thomas, and the counselor Ms.Neethu.

Sai Prasanthi Nalavenkata

I am extremely pleased with the entire staff for their ability, care, and expertise for the treatment, rehabilitation work, and timely action during emergencies.

Christopher Neal

I stayed here for schizophrenia treatment. The care and treatment I got were on par with global standards. I did not regress to any other disorder after staying here. I recommend Cadabams highly.

Vijaya Vaishnavi Narayan

Difference between Rehab and In-Patient


  • Continued Care and Monitoring in a setting that feels like home.
  • Focuses on long-term recovery that is sustainable.
  • Involves the family over the treatment course to ensure sustainable recovery.
  • Round-the-clock assistance for the individual, with all basic needs cared for.
  • Most important step towards recovering from psychiatric illnesses.

IP Care

  • Hospital setting for care in acute situations
  • Focuses on immediate relieving of symptoms in case of emergencies
  • Mainly involves the treating team that focuses on symptoms reduction
  • Individuals will need a family member with them in case of emergencies
  • The first step is seeking care for acute mental health disorders, after which rehabilitation may be necessary or not

Speak to our Program Head

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Our Professionals

Dr. Arun Kumar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. R. Priya Raghavan

MBBS, MRC-Psychiatry

Why Cadabam's?

Cadabams Group has been the leading name in mental healthcare in India for over 3 decades. We have been the pioneers in the field and have helped countless people recover from various psychiatric disorders. Our client-based approach with our proven treatment programs ensures that you are always on your route towards recovery.

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