Optimize Treatment with Medication Management | Help for Recovery

At Cadabams Maldives we have a team of expert psychiatrists who conduct thorough assessments and prescribe medications when necessary.

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"Empower Your Journey: Effective Medication Management for Recovery"

Our centres where this program is offered

Types of Admissions

Regular Admission

As and when the family or the primary caregiver confirms the admission by following the processes related to “Admission Procedure”.

Referred Admissions

Many psychiatrists utilize our psychosocial rehab services for their clients. In cases where the resident is referred from a psychiatrist for psychosocial interventions, the referring psychiatrist also becomes part of the treating team and he/she will be regularly updated about the progress and will also be involved in the overall care. Hundreds of eminent psychiatrists trust us with their clientele when it comes to residential care & rehab.

Admission under Special Circumstances

We have a number of patrons from various countries and different parts of the country seeking admission. We also have mental health professionals across the country referring us to complex cases that require psychosocial intervention. Under special circumstances where it is not feasible to visit or in case of a crisis/mental health emergency the Director-operations will guide the family after assessing the need for intervention.

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Difference between Rehab and In-Patient


IP Care

  • Hospital setting for care in acute situations
  • Focuses on immediate relieving of symptoms in case of emergencies
  • Mainly involves the treating team that focuses on symptoms reduction
  • Individuals will need a family member with them in case of emergencies
  • The first step is seeking care for acute mental health disorders, after which rehabilitation may be necessary or not

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A woman contacting Cadabams Anunitha, Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center.

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A woman contacting Cadabams Anunitha, Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center.

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