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Substance Abuse Treatment

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Substance abuse disorder not only affects the individual but everyone around them. Among these, family is the one that gets affected the most, both mentally and financially. Substance abuse is also associated to other problems such as health issues (affecting liver), physical abuse and criminal activities.

Recovery from substance abuse can be hard but there are quite a few treatment options available. These can help the individual get over the abuse:

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  • Cognitive behavioural therapy: Also known as CBT. In CBT the therapist help the individual identify the negative thought patterns that are associated to substance abuse. Through the process, these negative patterns are replaced with positive ones. Here appropriate coping techniques are also taught to the individual.
  • Motivational enhancement therapy: In this therapy, the therapist helps the individual get in touch with their personal motivation to give up the abuse. Here the individual is motivated to commit to the treatment plan and recover. This therapy is effective when used at the early stages to engage the individual in the treatment plan.
  • Contingency management: This usually seen to be used in residential program where individuals with a variety of disorder live together and seek recovery. Here expectations, regarding particular behaviour, are clearly stated to the individual. If they engage in this desired behaviour a reward is given. This technique is to reinforce desired behaviour by providing incentives.
  • 12-step program: These are support groups are an essential part of recovery. Here individuals share their experiences and techniques that help them. These groups give the individual as sense of support and community. It can also help the individual structure their life and avoid temptations of the substance.
  • Medications: Medications are mainly used in detoxification process. Here the goal is to drain the substance out of the body. Specific medication and supervision is essential in this. Detoxification is also a stage where the individual gets a lot of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Techniques to cope with these are also provided.
  • Long term residential programs: Here the whole living space is structured to help the individual recover. The individual is asked to stay for usually 6 – 12 months. A multidisciplinary team, consisting a psychologist, nurse, psychiatrist and physician, takes care of the individual. All the team members render their services when required.
  • Out-patient programs: Here the individual is not asked to stay in a residential area. They are provided treatment on a weekly basis. Every week they are required to meet and undergo therapy with a psychologist and psychiatrist. If progress is not observed in a period of time, they are offered a long term program.
  • In-patient program: This is similar to the long term program. Similar set of therapies are provided along with 24 hours supervision from a multidisciplinary team. The only difference here is that the individual is required to stay only for a few weeks in the organisation.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Recovery from substance abuse is the same as giving up a regular habit. There are a lot of struggles and temptation the individual needs to overcome. However, there are many treatment options available that can help the individual recovery and lead a better life. For effective substance abuse treatment, call us now on +919611194949.

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