Top Psychiatrists for Depression

A psychiatrist is a medical professional who is specialized in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders. A psychiatrist can help an individual battling depression by prescribing medication to help them overcome the distressing symptoms of the disorder. With effective treatment, individuals can make a significant recovery from depression.

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  • Loss of interest
  • Social isolation
  • Anxiety
  • Persistent feelings of sadness.

  • Genetics
  • Trauma
  • Grief caused by loss
  • Medication
  • Psychotherapy
  • CBT

Can Depression be treated?

Depression is a significant mental health condition that, if left untreated, can lead to death. A mental health expert should diagnose the illness as soon as possible so that the proper therapy may be prescribed. A person suffering from depression may overcome the symptoms and live a happy life after a period of recovery with professional assistance.

Why Cadabam's?

Cadabam's is India's largest mental healthcare brand, with over 6 rehabilitation centres, and hospitals spread over two states. Over 200 mental health specialists are dedicated to serving the community at all times. We guarantee that you and your loved ones receive the care you deserve by taking a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation and providing the infrastructure to support it.

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Our Professionals

Dr. Vishal Kasal

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Keerthi Sagar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Arun Kumar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. R. Priya Raghavan

MBBS, MRC-Psychiatry

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Who is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses and emotional disorders. They are trained to understand how the brain and body interact to affect a person's behavior and mental health.

Unlike psychologists, psychiatrists can prescribe medications, as well as provide psychotherapy and other types of talk therapy. They work with patients of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures to help them manage their mental health conditions and improve their quality of life.

If you are struggling with a mental health condition, a psychiatrist may be able to provide the medical and therapeutic support you need to recover and achieve your goals.

What Are the Qualifications of Psychiatrists for Depression?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders, including depression. In order to become a licensed psychiatrist, one must complete a four-year medical degree program, followed by a residency in psychiatry. During their residency, psychiatrists receive specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of mental health conditions, including depression.

What Does a Depression Psychiatrist Do?

A depression psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating depression, a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. A depression psychiatrist is trained to understand the underlying causes of depression, including genetic, environmental, and biological factors.

They work with patients to develop an individualized treatment plan that may include a combination of medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

Difference Between a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Therapist & Counsellor?

A psychiatrist is a medical professional focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of depression through medication. 

A psychologist is a mental health professional with a Ph.D. in psychology, and they use various psychotherapeutic approaches to treat depression. 

A therapist and counselor for schizophrenia focuses on using talk therapy and related approaches to treat depression.

Together, these professionals form a multidisciplinary team that ensures comprehensive recovery from depression.

What Diseases Are Treated by a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders. There are a wide variety of mental health conditions that can be treated by a psychiatrist, including:

  • Anxiety disorders: such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.
  • Mood disorders: such as depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.
  • Psychotic disorders: such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and delusional disorder.
  • Personality disorders: such as borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and avoidant personality disorder.
  • Eating disorders: such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
  • Substance use disorders: such as alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and prescription medication abuse.
  • Trauma-related disorders: such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder.

Psychiatric Tests & Assessments for Diagnosing Depression.

Psychiatric tests and assessments are tools used by mental health professionals to diagnose depression. There are several types of assessments that may be used, including:

Depression screening tools: These are brief questionnaires designed to assess the severity of depressive symptoms. They may be administered by a healthcare provider or completed by the patient on their own.

Diagnostic interviews: These are more in-depth assessments that are conducted by a mental health professional. They may involve a series of questions about the patient's symptoms, medical history, and family history of mental health conditions.

Psychological testing: This involves a series of standardized tests that can help identify specific psychological factors that may be contributing to the patient's depression.

Physical exams and laboratory tests: These may be used to rule out underlying medical conditions that could be causing or contributing to the patient's depression symptoms.

Overall, the goal of these assessments is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the patient's symptoms and develop an accurate diagnosis for depression.

This is important in order to develop an effective treatment plan that can help the patient manage their depression and improve their overall quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it is important to seek help from a qualified healthcare provider.

What Things to Expect During an Appointment With a Psychiatrist?

During an appointment with a psychiatrist for depression, there are several things you can expect:

  • Assessment: The psychiatrist will likely ask you questions about your depression symptoms, medical history, and any medications or supplements you are currently taking.
  • Diagnosis: Based on your symptoms and assessment, the psychiatrist will develop a diagnosis and discuss treatment options with you.
  • Treatment plan: The psychiatrist will work with you to develop a treatment plan for depression that may include medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these approaches.
  • Monitoring: The psychiatrist will monitor your progress over time to ensure that your treatment plan is working effectively and make adjustments as needed.

When to See a Psychiatrist for Depression?

You should see a psychiatrist for depression if you are experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness, as well as changes in appetite, sleep, or energy levels. Additionally, if you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it is important to seek immediate help from a qualified healthcare provider.

Seeing a psychiatrist can help you get an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that can effectively manage your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

How Often Does Someone Needs to Visit a Depression Psychiatrist?

The frequency of visits to the psychiatrist depends on the severity and nature of the depression. Depending on your progress, the psychiatrist might increase or decrease the frequency of sessions. However, the key is to not miss any of these sessions and to keep the professional aware of all symptoms and changes you experience.

How to Find the Best Depression Psychiatrist Near You?

To find the best depression psychiatrist near you, start by asking for referrals from your primary care physician or mental health provider. Look for psychiatrists who specialize in treating depression, have experience working with patients similar to yourself, and who have a positive reputation in the community. Cadabams Hospitals has some of the best psychiatrists for depression and offers comprehensive treatment options to effectively manage symptoms and improve overall mental health.

Why Cadabams?

Cadabams offers the best psychiatrists for depression in Bangalore and Hyderabad. Our psychiatrists liaise with the multidisciplinary team at the organization to offer the most comprehensive recovery experience around. We come with over thirty years of experience in treating a wide range of mental health disorders.

Facilities & Services within Cadabams

Cadabams offers multiple treatment options for individuals who are battling mental health disorders. We have an expert and multidisciplinary team that customizes our proven treatment programs to meet your unique needs. Our treatment options include:

  • Outpatient Services: Our expert professionals offer consultations for a wide range of mental health disorders.
  • Hospitalization: In severe cases or in case of emergencies, hospitalization services are available at Cadabams with round-the-clock monitoring and advanced infrastructure.
  • Rehabilitation: Cadabams offers the most comprehensive rehabilitation experiences in the country allowing for recovery that is sustainable over a long period of time.


A huge part of any professional-client relationship is trust. At Cadabams, we maintain the highest standards of confidentiality. No information about a person or their recovery journey is ever revealed without just cause.


1. Can Psychiatrists Cure Depression?

Psychiatrists are a part of the team that treats depression. Though there is no complete cure for the disorder, with the help of psychiatrists it can be managed and a person can live a happy and fulfilled life.

2. Can Psychiatrists Do Counseling?

No, psychiatrists are not equipped to counsel individuals for any mental health disorders. They use medication and related medical approaches to help a person overcome the symptoms of depression. They also regulate the dosage and type of medication which helps in the recovery of an individual.

3. Are All Mental Disorders Treated by Psychiatrists?

Yes, psychiatrists are equipped to treat a wide range of mental health disorders. They can treat all issues ranging from mood disorders, psychotic disorders, childhood disorders, eating disorders, and age-related mental health disorders.

4. How do Psychiatrists Treat Depression?

Psychiatrists typically treat depression with a combination of medication and therapy. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to address chemical imbalances in the brain, while talk therapy can help patients identify and cope with negative thought patterns.

Other treatment options may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), depending on the severity and nature of the depression.

5. How do Psychiatrists Diagnose Mental Disorders?

Psychiatrists diagnose mental disorders by conducting a thorough assessment of a patient's symptoms, medical history, and family history. They may also use diagnostic tools such as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) to help guide their diagnosis.

This may involve asking the patient to complete questionnaires or undergoing physical and neurological exams. The psychiatrist will then develop a treatment plan based on the diagnosis and individual needs of the patient.

6. How do Psychiatrists Treat Depression Patients?

Psychiatrists typically treat depression patients using a combination of medication and therapy. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to address chemical imbalances in the brain, while talk therapy can help patients identify and cope with negative thought patterns. 

The psychiatrist may also recommend lifestyle changes such as exercise or dietary modifications to help manage symptoms. Regular monitoring and adjustments to treatment may be necessary to achieve the best outcomes for the patient.

7. How to Consult a Depression Psychiatrist Online?

Consulting a depression psychiatrist online typically involves finding a reputable mental health provider and scheduling a virtual appointment. Cadabams is an excellent option for those seeking online psychiatric services for depression, with a team of experienced psychiatrists who can provide personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. 

8. Who Should See a Psychiatrist for Depression?

Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of depression should consider seeing a psychiatrist. This may include feelings of sadness or hopelessness, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, loss of interest in activities, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions. If left untreated, depression can lead to significant disruptions in daily life.

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Cadabams has helped us so much. Our grandmother was fighting dementia, and she was suffering a lot. Cadabams Rehabilitation helped her. The doctors there were very helpful and caring. They regularly kept in touch with us to give an updated about her.

Varshith R

My father was fighting dementia, and it was difficult to manage it at home. We searched for support for him, and we found Cadabams. They helped us immensely, they cared for him, and he seems so happy there. Thank you Cadabams.

Mahantesh G

My son made great recovery at the rehabilitation centre, but he was having some problems after discharge. With post-rehabilitation care at Cadabams, they ensured that my son identified and dealt with his issues at an early stage. The dedication of the team is really commendable! 

Dhanvantri J

The post-rehab care program really helped me. I had recovered from addiction, but was tempted again after some months of discharge. But, post-rehab care with the treating team here at Cadabams, really helped me keep my head straight.

Mahesh R

My son has rebuilt his life through rehabilitation at Cadabams. The supported employment there helped him immensely as well.


He started doing some work while recovering and it changed him as a person. He has since made some good progress in recovery, thank you Cadabams for helping my brother.


Supported employment at Cadabams really helped my son find purpose in life again. I found him looking forward to each day again and it helped his recovery so much.


Cadabams were quite beneficial against my alcoholism. My life had been absolutely shattered as a result of it. I was able to get my life back on track thanks to a brief program here. Thank you very much.


Deaddiction is a difficult process. Cadabams made it easier for my family. A special thanks to Dr. Swarupa for helping me reconnect with my family, I am a lot happier now.


This place changed my life. Would recommend it to everyone for recovery.


My son had fallen into drug addiction. Rehabilitation here really has helped him recover.


Cadabams really helped with my drinking problems. It had completely destroyed my life. A short program here really helped me bring my life back on track. Thank you.


Cadabams Amitha is the best place for recovery. My sister recovered very well here.

Varshith H

Good rehabilitation is available at Cadabams. Special mention to Dr. Madhukar, very professional, and accurate treatment.

V Mahendra

Cadabams is a really good place for longer period rehabilitation, we had a really good experience.

Chandana K

My brother was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. He just didn't seem to get better anywhere. At one point, we thought everything was lost, it really affected our parents the most. Since he has joined rehabilitation at Cadabams, he has slowly gotten better. Seeing the joy on both his and my parents’ face as he recovered was worth it. A great experience here with Cadabams.

Mrityunjay A

Our son was fighting Schizophrenia. Earlier he used to manage it well, but slowly he started facing difficulties. A short stay at Cadabams Amitha helped my son so much.

Mr & Mrs Shankar

Watching my husband go through bipolar disorder was one of the most difficult things. To see him recovered now, and back on his feet is an indescribable feeling. The short-term rehab program at Cadabams really helped him return to me.

Mrs. V Shekhar

Rehabilitation at Cadabams really helped me. The professionals here are so helpful and understanding!

Vinay L

The short-term rehab plan at Cadabams really helped my child beat his disorder. Thank you team Cadabams!

Karishma D

Thank you Cadabam’s for your support. They helped a lot with my father, who was suffering from old age issues.


Special shoutout to Dr. Priya Raghavan. She understands both the patient and their family so well. My mother had Dementia, and she was so caring about all of us while she helped my mother get better.


Thank you to everyone at Cadabams. I am deeply grateful for everything they did for my aunt. She had suffered a lot due to dementia and old age. Cadabams ensured she is happy and recovering!

Rishabh V.

My grandfather was facing many difficulties. The psychiatrists and other professionals at Cadabams ensured that he got better


Dementia was so difficult for my family to deal with. My father suffered a lot. Cadabam’s helped him cope with the disorder better.

Sukhbir S

Very effective treatment is given by their team of well-trained professionals. They are both patient and family-friendly. The hospital is well organized and the treatment plan is excellent. The activities are challenging and very useful. Our Thanks to Cadabams.

Uma Ramesh

Thanks, Anunitha. My son had gone for deaddiction. Ms. Raji, Jobin, and Sufia have done wonders. He was treated professionally and there is a vast difference in his behavior from before admission and after 2 months of treatment. He liked the food out there. Raji is fantastic. She understands the patient closely and is very attentive. She is completely dedicated. We have constantly been after Raji, Jobin, and Sufia for the ongoing developments in my Son but they have always attended to us calmly and understood our concern. My Son is back to his studies and other activities and leading a normal life. Thanks to the entire staff who was involved in treating my son. Anunitha is a very good place for treating Deaddiction.

Nilesh Jing

This is one of the most well-planned and thought-out rehabilitation centers in India. I was diagnosed with substance Induced psychosis a couple of times before and was admitted here. To be honest I found it very harsh at first and sometimes they really frustrate you and curtail your freedom a lot. But when you look at the bigger picture they try to inculcate discipline and good habits which is the most effective weapon to tackle substance abuse.

Abhimanyu Verma

We had a very satisfying experience at Anunitha. The professional approach and the diligent personal involvement were exemplary. I would particularly put on record the contribution of Mr. Rajsekhar for handholding and for providing us the clarity and direction of the process and for Mrs. Renuka, Mr. Biju, and Mrs. Saji for taking care of all the requirements of professional service during the course.

Rajnish Kumar

Anunitha gives hope, comfort, professional support when you need it the most. Dr. Priya is amazing. As for Ms. Raji, she's outstanding in her depth of understanding and tracking all the residents. Her thoughtful advice has been most valuable. I am very grateful for all the help my family member has received. Thank you!

Bhanu Chandran

It is a very good place. Very professional. Most patients who recover some self-awareness will know the value of this place. The centre has served the patient well.

Anand Rajamani

I took my aunt here for her recovery. Though it took some time, she started getting better. In my experience, this place is the best rehabilitation centre for an affordable option.


I stayed here for a year and saw a huge difference in my own life. My family were also so happy with my progress. Thank you so much for everything to the doctors, and the rest of the team.

Chintan Gowda

My mother suffered from Schizophrenia. She had faced a lot of issues everywhere, but here, I saw some improvement. The counselors, caretakers, and the doctors all were so understanding.

Kumud Sharma

I had a great experience here. It was affordable, clean and the doctors really care about the patients. They were so understanding and helped me a lot in my recovery process.

Lohith M

My brother was suffering from Schizophrenia. Cadabams offered the best recovery experience and helped him return to good health.

Manjunath R

I had stayed here for treatment of Bipolar Disorder. It was a great experience, and staying here really helped my recovery. Thank you Cadabam’s!

Ravi Kumar.

It's good there are very supportive doctors like Priya Raghavan, and Arun Kumar. We are very satisfied with the doctors and counselors. The counselors are very responsible and we had a very good experience with them.

Srividya B

It was a good experience. The team members were very understanding and helpful throughout the stay. Counselors have worked sincerely to help the family. Thank you Team Amitha and Cadabams!

Mansoor Khan

I had admitted my mother for schizophrenia treatment. Full marks to the facility, doctors, and the counselor. My mother was treated with utmost care. This is one of the best in the city.

Amrithraj Kannanth

Amazing Team, International standards of care and Rehabilitation. We had a good experience with the team, in particular Dr. Rajasekhar, Mr. Bipin Thomas, and the counselor Ms.Neethu.

Sai Prasanthi Nalavenkata

I am extremely pleased with the entire staff for their ability, care, and expertise for the treatment, rehabilitation work, and timely action during emergencies.

Christopher Neal

I stayed here for schizophrenia treatment. The care and treatment I got were on par with global standards. I did not regress to any other disorder after staying here. I recommend Cadabams highly.

Vijaya Vaishnavi Narayan

Cadabams really cares about our recovery. The staff and the professionals all try to understand the patients. Thank you Cadabams!

Ramesh G

The campus was very pleasant and the staff were also very polite. The management really cares about all patients.

Vinayak Sarkar

The rooms were so spacious and clean. Good food, and compassionate staff. Special shoutout to Dr. Madhukar for helping my son.


Cadabams helped me recover. I am very thankful. Luxurious stay at Tri-Star, and experienced team helped me a lot.


Three months my brother stayed here. He made good progress. Worth the money.


I was worried about leaving my son at a rehabilitation center. But Cadabams changed my son’s life. He has recovered impressively and the entire family is so happy. Thank you!

Vanitha K

My son was having difficulty in reading things. It was only after meeting the professionals at Cadabams that we realized that this was a disorder called Specific Learning Disability. They helped our child recover, We couldn't be more happy today!

Rani B H

When we realized our daughter was fighting Specific Learning Disability, we tried to seek help from various places. No one was able to give us definitive advice. But Cadabams was different. They took us through what exactly the disorder meant and the team helped us understand how we could make our daughter's life easier.

Ravi Hebbar

My child was facing difficulty in school. It took us some time to understand that our child was fighting a specific learning disability. Seeking help from Cadabams helped us as a family understand what our child was going through, and also helped us make changes which would assist him in his recovery.

Pramod Naik

I did not even know Autism was a disorder. But, when the psychiatrist diagnosed my son with ASD, it was terrifying. There are very few good mental health centers in North India. We had to search across the country and we finally discovered Cadabams. They helped my son so much.

Jackson Pakh

My younger brother had ASD. It was distressing to see him struggle everyday. But, Cadabams helped him navigate the stress of everyday life and helped him grow as a person. He is now able to fully enjoy life and realize his potential.

Rishikesh Verma

My son is so brilliant but he has faced so many difficulties. Autism made it very difficult for him to interact with others. Cadabam's helped him cope with ASD better and helped us as a family meet more families who were going through the same. It is such a wonderful support system. Thank you Cadabams.

Sandesh Sharma

My husband suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. It was really difficult to see him in a rehabilitation center. But Cadabams did such a great job at helping him recover. We are doing much better in life now. Thank you Cadabams!

Neha Malhotra

My niece suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. It was affecting her relationships and her work as well. We decided to bring her to Cadabams so that she could undergo comprehensive rehabilitation. She is now able to manage life so much better, and I am so proud of her. Thank you for helping her, Cadabams.

Charith Kumar

I somehow convinced my best friend, who was suffering form OCD to consider rehabilitation to help him. Cadabams' Rehabilitation Center vindicated my advice. Today, he is able to lead his life with minimal distress and he is enjoying his daily activities.

Damodar Modi

My sister was fighting OCD from quite some years. Sometimes with treatment it would get better, but eventually she would start having problems again. Rehabilitation at Cadabams, helped her a lot. She is doing much better now and her recovery seems to be sustaining.

Virat Kumar

We did not know Obsessive Compulsive Disorder could become so severe. Thats why we started looking for treatment so late. but luckily for us, we got the best possible treatment experience on our first try. Thank you for helping our son recover from OCD.

Veena R

My son was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We had tried everything to help him get better, and we were losing hope. We tried Cadabams as a last ditch effort, because it was so far away from home. From the moment we stepped into the premises, we knew this place was different. They have helped our son so much through rehabilitation. We now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you Cadabams.

Laila Rohan

I had fought Bipolar Disorder for so long, I thought I would not get better at all. Multiple doctors and treating centres tried. But, finally Cadabams changed my life. They helped me fight Bipolar Disorder and helped me understand that I could live a fulfilling and happy life while fighting the disorder.

Vinyas Ravish

My brother was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We didnt know what to do, but the team at Cadabams was so understanding. They have taken such good care of my brother. He is recovering and is so much better now.

Parth Kumar

My father started facing severe memory problems. We understood that he was suffering from dementia after a few consultations with a psychiatrist. Rehabilitation at Cadabams has helped him so much. He is able to take care of himself and he is able to enjoy life. Thank you Cadabams.

Veeresh A S

I would like to thank Cadabam's for their care and treatment procedures. My mother was suffering from Dementia, and I was so scared to leave her at a rehabilitation centre. But, I see her so happy now, and she is still so functional. Thank you, thats all I want to say.

Farah Sharma

My wife of 35 years started forgetting everyday things, and that was when we realized something was amiss. We received a diagnosis of dementia. It felt like the world was falling apart for me. But, the Cadabams team have done such a good job of caring for her that I feel so much more peaceful now. I can see her happy, and I know that she is cared for.

Arvind Subramanian

Depression is such a difficult situation to face. My family was so supportive through my recovery journey. But, I must give special credit to the team at Cadabams, who took such good care of me at their rehabilitation centre. Thank you for helping me return to my life.

James Verghese

My daughter was suffering from Depression. She had tried to hurt herself as well. The entire family was scared. The staff and doctors at Cadabams were so understanding. They really seemed to care about our daughter, and we felt a little peaceful after she began rehab at Cadabams. She is slowly but surely making significant recovery and we couldn't be happier.

Bharat Bhargav

I never thought depression could happen to me. I always thought of myself as a happy person. But, slowly I started noticing the changes. I was no longer finding joy in life and most of my time would be spent having really dark thoughts. It got so bad that I had to choose rehabilitation. Rehabilitation at Cadabams was so effective. It helped me recover and gave me the confidence that I could fight the dark thoughts if they ever returned. Thank you so much Cadabams!

Devika Sharma

We had tried multiple rehabilitation centers across North India. None of them seemed to help my son. Then, a relative told us about this place called Cadabams in Bangalore. We were very nervous actually, since our son was going to be so far away from us. But, the time he spent at Cadabams has changed him. We knew the recovery journey would be long, but with Cadabams, it seemed worth it. Today, our son is in a much better place and he is slowly regaining control over his life.

Tina Debashish

My little brother. The apple of the family's eye. He is my favourite person. But, drug addiction took its toll on him. He stopped interacting with us, he became very secretive and he started having multiple health problems. We finally made the decision to avail rehabilitation at Cadabams. The change in him has been immense. Through rehabilitation at Cadabams, he has learnt how to stay off the substance and we truly believe that this recovery will be sustained.

Ananya Srinivasan

Drugs were always a means of escape for me. Sometimes, it seemed easier to consume drugs rather than face reality. My family was very supportive while I tried to fight addiction. We learn about Cadabam's and I enrolled into their drug rehabilitation program. Today, I have recovered from addiction, and am in control of my life. I will never forget what Cadabam's did for me.

Varsha Govindraj

I never realised when my brother started slipping away. We thought it was too late when we realized he was addicted to alcohol. But, the folks at Cadabam's reassured us, and took such good care of him. Rehabilitation at Anunitha really helped him, and we are grateful to Cadabam's for bringing him back to us.

Prithviraj Kumar

Alcohol Addiction had completely taken over my life. I was trying hard to fight it, but sometimes there's nothing you can do. Cadabam's helped me rediscover my will to fight and their rehabilitation program made me feel healthy again. Thank you Cadabams.

Khushi Sharma

My son had been addicted to alcohol for so long. It had affected his liver and we were really scared that he was going to suffer more. But, the detoxification and alcohol rehabilitation program at Cadabams really helped him overcome his addiction. It helped him give up the bottle.

Vinay Kumar

I had been suffering from the illness for so long. I didn't think I could have recovered as much as I did until I found Cadabams. After rehabilitation at Cadabams, I have had so much more control over my own life.

Varsha Manoj

My sister was fighting schizophrenia for over 10 years. Cadabam's significantly accelerated her recovery process. I am glad that I found Cadabams, the recovery journey is so much easier here.

Sneha V

My son was suffering from Schizophrenia. We tried many places to get him treated but none worked. We heard about Cadabam's and once we stepped in here, our lives changed. They have helped us immensely and my son is recovering. I never thought I would see him enjoy life again. Thank you Cadabams.

Rahul Bose


Cadabams has helped us so much. Our grandmother was fighting dementia, and she was suffering a lot. Cadabams Rehabilitation helped her. The doctors there were very helpful and caring. They regularly kept in touch with us to give an updated about her.

Varshith R

My father was fighting dementia, and it was difficult to manage it at home. We searched for support for him, and we found Cadabams. They helped us immensely, they cared for him, and he seems so happy there. Thank you Cadabams.

Mahantesh G

My son made great recovery at the rehabilitation centre, but he was having some problems after discharge. With post-rehabilitation care at Cadabams, they ensured that my son identified and dealt with his issues at an early stage. The dedication of the team is really commendable! 

Dhanvantri J

The post-rehab care program really helped me. I had recovered from addiction, but was tempted again after some months of discharge. But, post-rehab care with the treating team here at Cadabams, really helped me keep my head straight.

Mahesh R

My son has rebuilt his life through rehabilitation at Cadabams. The supported employment there helped him immensely as well.


He started doing some work while recovering and it changed him as a person. He has since made some good progress in recovery, thank you Cadabams for helping my brother.


Supported employment at Cadabams really helped my son find purpose in life again. I found him looking forward to each day again and it helped his recovery so much.


Cadabams were quite beneficial against my alcoholism. My life had been absolutely shattered as a result of it. I was able to get my life back on track thanks to a brief program here. Thank you very much.


Deaddiction is a difficult process. Cadabams made it easier for my family. A special thanks to Dr. Swarupa for helping me reconnect with my family, I am a lot happier now.


This place changed my life. Would recommend it to everyone for recovery.


My son had fallen into drug addiction. Rehabilitation here really has helped him recover.


Cadabams really helped with my drinking problems. It had completely destroyed my life. A short program here really helped me bring my life back on track. Thank you.


Cadabams Amitha is the best place for recovery. My sister recovered very well here.

Varshith H

Good rehabilitation is available at Cadabams. Special mention to Dr. Madhukar, very professional, and accurate treatment.

V Mahendra

Cadabams is a really good place for longer period rehabilitation, we had a really good experience.

Chandana K

My brother was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. He just didn't seem to get better anywhere. At one point, we thought everything was lost, it really affected our parents the most. Since he has joined rehabilitation at Cadabams, he has slowly gotten better. Seeing the joy on both his and my parents’ face as he recovered was worth it. A great experience here with Cadabams.

Mrityunjay A

Our son was fighting Schizophrenia. Earlier he used to manage it well, but slowly he started facing difficulties. A short stay at Cadabams Amitha helped my son so much.

Mr & Mrs Shankar

Watching my husband go through bipolar disorder was one of the most difficult things. To see him recovered now, and back on his feet is an indescribable feeling. The short-term rehab program at Cadabams really helped him return to me.

Mrs. V Shekhar

Rehabilitation at Cadabams really helped me. The professionals here are so helpful and understanding!

Vinay L

The short-term rehab plan at Cadabams really helped my child beat his disorder. Thank you team Cadabams!

Karishma D

Thank you Cadabam’s for your support. They helped a lot with my father, who was suffering from old age issues.


Special shoutout to Dr. Priya Raghavan. She understands both the patient and their family so well. My mother had Dementia, and she was so caring about all of us while she helped my mother get better.


Thank you to everyone at Cadabams. I am deeply grateful for everything they did for my aunt. She had suffered a lot due to dementia and old age. Cadabams ensured she is happy and recovering!

Rishabh V.

My grandfather was facing many difficulties. The psychiatrists and other professionals at Cadabams ensured that he got better


Dementia was so difficult for my family to deal with. My father suffered a lot. Cadabam’s helped him cope with the disorder better.

Sukhbir S

Very effective treatment is given by their team of well-trained professionals. They are both patient and family-friendly. The hospital is well organized and the treatment plan is excellent. The activities are challenging and very useful. Our Thanks to Cadabams.

Uma Ramesh

Thanks, Anunitha. My son had gone for deaddiction. Ms. Raji, Jobin, and Sufia have done wonders. He was treated professionally and there is a vast difference in his behavior from before admission and after 2 months of treatment. He liked the food out there. Raji is fantastic. She understands the patient closely and is very attentive. She is completely dedicated. We have constantly been after Raji, Jobin, and Sufia for the ongoing developments in my Son but they have always attended to us calmly and understood our concern. My Son is back to his studies and other activities and leading a normal life. Thanks to the entire staff who was involved in treating my son. Anunitha is a very good place for treating Deaddiction.

Nilesh Jing

This is one of the most well-planned and thought-out rehabilitation centers in India. I was diagnosed with substance Induced psychosis a couple of times before and was admitted here. To be honest I found it very harsh at first and sometimes they really frustrate you and curtail your freedom a lot. But when you look at the bigger picture they try to inculcate discipline and good habits which is the most effective weapon to tackle substance abuse.

Abhimanyu Verma

We had a very satisfying experience at Anunitha. The professional approach and the diligent personal involvement were exemplary. I would particularly put on record the contribution of Mr. Rajsekhar for handholding and for providing us the clarity and direction of the process and for Mrs. Renuka, Mr. Biju, and Mrs. Saji for taking care of all the requirements of professional service during the course.

Rajnish Kumar

Anunitha gives hope, comfort, professional support when you need it the most. Dr. Priya is amazing. As for Ms. Raji, she's outstanding in her depth of understanding and tracking all the residents. Her thoughtful advice has been most valuable. I am very grateful for all the help my family member has received. Thank you!

Bhanu Chandran

It is a very good place. Very professional. Most patients who recover some self-awareness will know the value of this place. The centre has served the patient well.

Anand Rajamani

I took my aunt here for her recovery. Though it took some time, she started getting better. In my experience, this place is the best rehabilitation centre for an affordable option.


I stayed here for a year and saw a huge difference in my own life. My family were also so happy with my progress. Thank you so much for everything to the doctors, and the rest of the team.

Chintan Gowda

My mother suffered from Schizophrenia. She had faced a lot of issues everywhere, but here, I saw some improvement. The counselors, caretakers, and the doctors all were so understanding.

Kumud Sharma

I had a great experience here. It was affordable, clean and the doctors really care about the patients. They were so understanding and helped me a lot in my recovery process.

Lohith M

My brother was suffering from Schizophrenia. Cadabams offered the best recovery experience and helped him return to good health.

Manjunath R

I had stayed here for treatment of Bipolar Disorder. It was a great experience, and staying here really helped my recovery. Thank you Cadabam’s!

Ravi Kumar.

It's good there are very supportive doctors like Priya Raghavan, and Arun Kumar. We are very satisfied with the doctors and counselors. The counselors are very responsible and we had a very good experience with them.

Srividya B

It was a good experience. The team members were very understanding and helpful throughout the stay. Counselors have worked sincerely to help the family. Thank you Team Amitha and Cadabams!

Mansoor Khan

I had admitted my mother for schizophrenia treatment. Full marks to the facility, doctors, and the counselor. My mother was treated with utmost care. This is one of the best in the city.

Amrithraj Kannanth

Amazing Team, International standards of care and Rehabilitation. We had a good experience with the team, in particular Dr. Rajasekhar, Mr. Bipin Thomas, and the counselor Ms.Neethu.

Sai Prasanthi Nalavenkata

I am extremely pleased with the entire staff for their ability, care, and expertise for the treatment, rehabilitation work, and timely action during emergencies.

Christopher Neal

I stayed here for schizophrenia treatment. The care and treatment I got were on par with global standards. I did not regress to any other disorder after staying here. I recommend Cadabams highly.

Vijaya Vaishnavi Narayan

Cadabams really cares about our recovery. The staff and the professionals all try to understand the patients. Thank you Cadabams!

Ramesh G

The campus was very pleasant and the staff were also very polite. The management really cares about all patients.

Vinayak Sarkar

The rooms were so spacious and clean. Good food, and compassionate staff. Special shoutout to Dr. Madhukar for helping my son.


Cadabams helped me recover. I am very thankful. Luxurious stay at Tri-Star, and experienced team helped me a lot.


Three months my brother stayed here. He made good progress. Worth the money.


I was worried about leaving my son at a rehabilitation center. But Cadabams changed my son’s life. He has recovered impressively and the entire family is so happy. Thank you!

Vanitha K

My son was having difficulty in reading things. It was only after meeting the professionals at Cadabams that we realized that this was a disorder called Specific Learning Disability. They helped our child recover, We couldn't be more happy today!

Rani B H

When we realized our daughter was fighting Specific Learning Disability, we tried to seek help from various places. No one was able to give us definitive advice. But Cadabams was different. They took us through what exactly the disorder meant and the team helped us understand how we could make our daughter's life easier.

Ravi Hebbar

My child was facing difficulty in school. It took us some time to understand that our child was fighting a specific learning disability. Seeking help from Cadabams helped us as a family understand what our child was going through, and also helped us make changes which would assist him in his recovery.

Pramod Naik

I did not even know Autism was a disorder. But, when the psychiatrist diagnosed my son with ASD, it was terrifying. There are very few good mental health centers in North India. We had to search across the country and we finally discovered Cadabams. They helped my son so much.

Jackson Pakh

My younger brother had ASD. It was distressing to see him struggle everyday. But, Cadabams helped him navigate the stress of everyday life and helped him grow as a person. He is now able to fully enjoy life and realize his potential.

Rishikesh Verma

My son is so brilliant but he has faced so many difficulties. Autism made it very difficult for him to interact with others. Cadabam's helped him cope with ASD better and helped us as a family meet more families who were going through the same. It is such a wonderful support system. Thank you Cadabams.

Sandesh Sharma

My husband suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. It was really difficult to see him in a rehabilitation center. But Cadabams did such a great job at helping him recover. We are doing much better in life now. Thank you Cadabams!

Neha Malhotra

My niece suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. It was affecting her relationships and her work as well. We decided to bring her to Cadabams so that she could undergo comprehensive rehabilitation. She is now able to manage life so much better, and I am so proud of her. Thank you for helping her, Cadabams.

Charith Kumar

I somehow convinced my best friend, who was suffering form OCD to consider rehabilitation to help him. Cadabams' Rehabilitation Center vindicated my advice. Today, he is able to lead his life with minimal distress and he is enjoying his daily activities.

Damodar Modi

My sister was fighting OCD from quite some years. Sometimes with treatment it would get better, but eventually she would start having problems again. Rehabilitation at Cadabams, helped her a lot. She is doing much better now and her recovery seems to be sustaining.

Virat Kumar

We did not know Obsessive Compulsive Disorder could become so severe. Thats why we started looking for treatment so late. but luckily for us, we got the best possible treatment experience on our first try. Thank you for helping our son recover from OCD.

Veena R

My son was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We had tried everything to help him get better, and we were losing hope. We tried Cadabams as a last ditch effort, because it was so far away from home. From the moment we stepped into the premises, we knew this place was different. They have helped our son so much through rehabilitation. We now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you Cadabams.

Laila Rohan

I had fought Bipolar Disorder for so long, I thought I would not get better at all. Multiple doctors and treating centres tried. But, finally Cadabams changed my life. They helped me fight Bipolar Disorder and helped me understand that I could live a fulfilling and happy life while fighting the disorder.

Vinyas Ravish

My brother was suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We didnt know what to do, but the team at Cadabams was so understanding. They have taken such good care of my brother. He is recovering and is so much better now.

Parth Kumar

My father started facing severe memory problems. We understood that he was suffering from dementia after a few consultations with a psychiatrist. Rehabilitation at Cadabams has helped him so much. He is able to take care of himself and he is able to enjoy life. Thank you Cadabams.

Veeresh A S

I would like to thank Cadabam's for their care and treatment procedures. My mother was suffering from Dementia, and I was so scared to leave her at a rehabilitation centre. But, I see her so happy now, and she is still so functional. Thank you, thats all I want to say.

Farah Sharma

My wife of 35 years started forgetting everyday things, and that was when we realized something was amiss. We received a diagnosis of dementia. It felt like the world was falling apart for me. But, the Cadabams team have done such a good job of caring for her that I feel so much more peaceful now. I can see her happy, and I know that she is cared for.

Arvind Subramanian

Depression is such a difficult situation to face. My family was so supportive through my recovery journey. But, I must give special credit to the team at Cadabams, who took such good care of me at their rehabilitation centre. Thank you for helping me return to my life.

James Verghese

My daughter was suffering from Depression. She had tried to hurt herself as well. The entire family was scared. The staff and doctors at Cadabams were so understanding. They really seemed to care about our daughter, and we felt a little peaceful after she began rehab at Cadabams. She is slowly but surely making significant recovery and we couldn't be happier.

Bharat Bhargav

I never thought depression could happen to me. I always thought of myself as a happy person. But, slowly I started noticing the changes. I was no longer finding joy in life and most of my time would be spent having really dark thoughts. It got so bad that I had to choose rehabilitation. Rehabilitation at Cadabams was so effective. It helped me recover and gave me the confidence that I could fight the dark thoughts if they ever returned. Thank you so much Cadabams!

Devika Sharma

We had tried multiple rehabilitation centers across North India. None of them seemed to help my son. Then, a relative told us about this place called Cadabams in Bangalore. We were very nervous actually, since our son was going to be so far away from us. But, the time he spent at Cadabams has changed him. We knew the recovery journey would be long, but with Cadabams, it seemed worth it. Today, our son is in a much better place and he is slowly regaining control over his life.

Tina Debashish

My little brother. The apple of the family's eye. He is my favourite person. But, drug addiction took its toll on him. He stopped interacting with us, he became very secretive and he started having multiple health problems. We finally made the decision to avail rehabilitation at Cadabams. The change in him has been immense. Through rehabilitation at Cadabams, he has learnt how to stay off the substance and we truly believe that this recovery will be sustained.

Ananya Srinivasan

Drugs were always a means of escape for me. Sometimes, it seemed easier to consume drugs rather than face reality. My family was very supportive while I tried to fight addiction. We learn about Cadabam's and I enrolled into their drug rehabilitation program. Today, I have recovered from addiction, and am in control of my life. I will never forget what Cadabam's did for me.

Varsha Govindraj

I never realised when my brother started slipping away. We thought it was too late when we realized he was addicted to alcohol. But, the folks at Cadabam's reassured us, and took such good care of him. Rehabilitation at Anunitha really helped him, and we are grateful to Cadabam's for bringing him back to us.

Prithviraj Kumar

Alcohol Addiction had completely taken over my life. I was trying hard to fight it, but sometimes there's nothing you can do. Cadabam's helped me rediscover my will to fight and their rehabilitation program made me feel healthy again. Thank you Cadabams.

Khushi Sharma

My son had been addicted to alcohol for so long. It had affected his liver and we were really scared that he was going to suffer more. But, the detoxification and alcohol rehabilitation program at Cadabams really helped him overcome his addiction. It helped him give up the bottle.

Vinay Kumar

I had been suffering from the illness for so long. I didn't think I could have recovered as much as I did until I found Cadabams. After rehabilitation at Cadabams, I have had so much more control over my own life.

Varsha Manoj

My sister was fighting schizophrenia for over 10 years. Cadabam's significantly accelerated her recovery process. I am glad that I found Cadabams, the recovery journey is so much easier here.

Sneha V

My son was suffering from Schizophrenia. We tried many places to get him treated but none worked. We heard about Cadabam's and once we stepped in here, our lives changed. They have helped us immensely and my son is recovering. I never thought I would see him enjoy life again. Thank you Cadabams.

Rahul Bose