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Types of Addiction

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Anything taken to an excessive level can result in addiction. The addiction types range from the substance like alcohol to behaviors like gambling. Dependence can be both emotional and behavioral.

Common symptoms are seen in addiction:

  • Numerous failed attempts to stop the behavior
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Lack of Control over the intake
  • Risk-Taking Behavior
  • Being secretive about their addictive behavior.
  • Decrease in personal hygiene

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Different Types of Addiction

The types of addictions are classified into two categories:

Substance abuse addiction-

Here the individual is addicted to a one or more specific substances like alcohol and drugs. Drug addiction is characterized by compulsive and drug-seeking behavior.

  • Alcohol Addiction: Alcoholism is marked by a failure to quit drinking.  It is a type of drug which leads depression. It also leads to serious health effects like cancer, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Opiates: Its symptoms like the seizure and psychological issues may lead to life-threatening conditions.
  • Cocaine: Cocaine is a hazardous stimulant, even if taken in small amounts, it can prove fatal. It may cause blood pressure fluctuation and increases the heart rate. It can lead to fatal stroke and heart attack as well.
  • Hallucinogens: PCP and LSD are kinds of hallucinogens. The individual may feel things that are not real. The abuser may live in a fantasy world and enter into a trance state. It causes a nerve damage and makes the individual more prone to accidents.
  • Amphetamines: It is commonly associated with the obsessions and delusions. He or she may experience one or more manic periods. They may also become too aggressive and injure their loved ones accidentally.
  • Marijuana: This illegal drug is used for the recreational purposes in parties and clubs. Frequent abuse of marijuana not only affects the physical but also the mental health.

Types Of Behavioral Addictions

  • Eating: In this type, the person cannot control their eating patterns or tends to eat more. The one who engages in this type of behaviors may suffer from a past distress.
  • Shopping: Yes, shopping is a type of addiction. It includes Compulsion money spending despite lack of need is seen here. It can also cause financial issues.
  • Gambling: Gambling or betting is a kind of impulse behavior. The individual may enjoy the risk involved in this type of addiction. The person addicted to this is obsessed with winning back the money.
  • Sex: The individual engages in sexual intercourse. It also includes watching pornography causing harm to their partners.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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There is a help available to break the cycle of addiction and recover your life. Early intervention of the problem can promote a quality life. For more information on different types of addiction, call Cadabam’s Anunitha on +919611194949.

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