Person engaging in substance abuse by rolling a joint

Artwork by Akshaya Shankar

Person engaging in substance abuse by rolling a joint

Substance Abuse & Rehab: Ending the Addiction Cycle

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Written by Karthik Kumar

Alcoholism, drug dependence and addiction, known as substance use disorders, are complex problems. People with these drug abuse and addiction once were thought to have a character defect or moral weakness; some people mistakenly still believe that. However, most scientists and medical researchers now consider dependence on alcohol or drugs to be a long-term illness, like asthma, hypertension (high blood pressure), or diabetes.

Substance use disorder is an illness that can affect anyone: rich or poor, male or female, employed or unemployed, young or old, and any race or ethnicity. Nobody knows for sure exactly what causes it, but the chance of developing a substance use disorder depends partly on genetics—biological traits passed down through families. A person’s environment, psychological traits, and stress level also play major roles by contributing to the use of alcohol or drugs.

Effects of Substance Abuse on Family & Relationships

Substance abuse disorder not only affects the individual but everyone around them. Among these, the family is the one that gets affected the most, both mentally and financially. Substance abuse is also associated with other problems such as health issues (affecting the liver), physical abuse and criminal activities.

Children of parents who abuse drugs are more likely to develop drug or substance abuse into adulthood. The likelihood that children suffer neglect, abuse also increases manifold in a home struggling with addiction. Children in such homes may struggle with self worth and are likely to get into abusive and unhealthy relationship patterns in adulthood.

Why is Rehab Essential?

For those suffering with addiction, rehabilitation is the only respite. Rehab helps people regain control over their life and reintegrate into society. Drug rehab centres help guide sufferers with 12 step programs, they also include therapeutic sessions and interventions that have counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and group therapy like yoga, meditation, and so on.

Most reputed treatment centres provide drug addiction treatment with round the clock assistance and care. They include qualified counsellors who have much experience, general psychiatrists, physicians, and psychologists. The patients are provided with expert medical care and support which will help them recover from addiction.

Symptoms of Drug Abuse

Drug substance abuse affects people from all walks of life, no matter whether they started taking drugs recreationally or as prescribed. Tolerance and dependence can sometimes develop even before the user realizes it. There are various long term effects of drug and substance abuse. Here’s how to recognize them:

Physical Symptoms – Poor physical coordination, staggering walk, insomnia, loss of appetite, abrupt weight changes, sweaty palms, watery eyes, pupils larger or smaller than usual, nausea, vomiting or excessive sweating, irregular heartbeat, etc.
Behavioural Symptoms – Change in attitude or personality, temper tantrums, chronic dishonesty, sudden oversensitivity, paranoia, silliness, mood swings, irritability, nervousness, depression, lethargy, major habit changes, and/or involvement in criminal activities.

Common Harmful Addictive Substances

For those suffering with addiction, rehabilitation is the only respite. Rehab helps people regain control over their life and reintegrate into society. Drug rehab centres help guide sufferers with 12 step programs, they also include therapeutic sessions and interventions that have counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and group therapy like yoga, meditation, and so on.

Ways to Overcome Addiction

For those suffering with addiction, rehabilitation is the only respite. Rehab helps people regain control over their life and reintegrate into society. Drug rehab centres help guide sufferers with 12 step programs, they also include therapeutic sessions and interventions that have counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and group therapy like yoga, meditation, and so on.

Most reputed treatment centres provide drug addiction treatment with round the clock assistance and care. They include qualified counsellors who have much experience, general psychiatrists, physicians, and psychologists. The patients are provided with expert medical care and support which will help them recover from addiction.

What Happens during Drug Rehabilitation?

For those suffering with addiction, rehabilitation is the only respite. Rehab helps people regain control over their life and reintegrate into society. Drug rehab centres help guide sufferers with 12 step programs, they also include therapeutic sessions and interventions that have counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and group therapy like yoga, meditation, and so on.

Most reputed treatment centres provide drug addiction treatment with round the clock assistance and care. They include qualified counsellors who have much experience, general psychiatrists, physicians, and psychologists. The patients are provided with expert medical care and support which will help them recover from addiction.

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