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Addiction Recovery And Treatment Programs: A Guide To Your Options

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We, at Cadabams, provide a wide range of services when it comes to addiction-related mental health problems. Addiction is a serious mental condition that is complex and often chronic in nature. It affects the functioning and the constitution of the brain and body, it has serious repercussions on relationships, families, schools, work-life, and on society at large.

Addiction treatment is the process by which the illness of substance abuse is treated and patients are helped to stop their compulsive abuse of substances. Treatment can be in a variety of settings and can vary in length based on the intensity of the addiction.

We at Cadabams provide a wide range of services when it comes to addiction-related mental health problems. There are a wide range of rehabilitation programs provided at Cadabams. From 1 month programs, 3-month programs, and even 6-month programs.

Symptoms of substance addiction:

Drug addiction is a serious mental health problem, and if you’re looking for lasting addiction recovery programs and various types of treatment for addiction, then you have to be aware of the symptoms and behaviors that accompany substance abuse and addiction.

Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Experiencing a nagging feeling that you have to use the drug daily or several times a day.
  • Feeling an intense urge to take the drug so much that it blocks out any rational thought or will power.
  • Increasing the intake of the drug, over time. This is done to get the same effect.
  • Ignoring prescriptions, and taking the drug for a long period (more than needed).
  • Ensuring that you have a good supply of the drug, and you don’t run out
  • Spending money on the substance, even though you can’t afford it.
  • Avoiding personal and professional responsibilities, and cutting back on social activities
  • Using the drug even though it’s causing problems in life, along with physical and psychological harm
  • Driving or going about risky activities, while being under the influence
  • Failing in your attempts to quit
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when quitting cold turkey, and relapsing.

Causes of addiction and substance abuse:

Just like any other mental health disorder, many factors contribute to a downward spiral which leads to addiction. The main elements are:

Environment: Your environment plays a huge role in your life. Things like your family’s beliefs and the exposure to various peer groups can spark the initial drug or substance use.

Genetic: The development of addiction can be influenced by genetic traits, which can delay or speed up the disease progression.

When should you see a doctor?

If the drug or substance use gets out of hand and is interfering with your personal and professional life, then it’s time to seek professional help as soon as possible. The sooner you seek help from addiction treatment centers, the greater are your chances for a long term recovery.

To understand the different types of addiction treatment programs, you will have to talk to a primary doctor or a mental health professional, they will refer you to an addiction specialist or licensed alcohol and drug counselor.

Make an appointment with a doctor, if you are experiencing the following:

  • Can’t stop using the drug
  • Continue using it, even though it causes you mental and physical harm
  • The drug use has led to reckless behavior, like unprotected sex and sharing needles
  • You fear the withdrawal symptoms that will occur once you stop using

If you are not ready to see a doctor, then you can contact hotlines and helplines that are good places to learn about the treatment of addiction and addiction treatment centers.

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When should you seek emergency help?

If someone you know is involved in addiction and substance abuse, then you have to seek help if:

  • They may have overdosed
  • Lost consciousness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • They are having chest pain and a possible heart attack
  • Is experiencing troublesome psychological and physical reactions to the use of drugs

Individuals with addiction suffer a lot of negative consequences yet are unable to gain the willpower to quit their addiction. The symptoms of addiction would include severe loss of control, engaging in addiction despite severe consequences, continued preoccupation with the usage, failed attempts to quit, increased tolerance, and withdrawal effects.

What Are the Options for Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse or addiction can seriously hamper an individual’s quality of life and disrupt the way they perform at school, work, social and recreational settings. Once an individual recognizes that they have become a victim of substance abuse in their life, there is a wide range of treatment options open for them. Hence, the first step towards successful addiction treatment and addiction recovery is acknowledging that substance abuse is causing problems in different areas of their life.

For the treatment of addiction disorder, several factors are taken into consideration including the length and severity of substance use, the type of disorder, and its effects. The addiction recovery program for most people will be an ongoing process for life.

Although there are several types of treatment for addiction, a combination of approaches will be typically used for individuals suffering from it, which may include inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment programs, group therapies, psychological counseling, and medication.

There is a wide range of rehabilitation programs provided at Cadabams – 1-month programs, 3-month programs, and even 6-month programs.

Harm Reduction Program – 1 Month

This addiction program lasts for around one month. First, a clinical screening is conducted, to understand the diagnosis of the individual. Detoxification programs would be introduced to get rid of the substances consumed by the patient. Once under control, diagnostic testing, and a variety of psychotherapies by clinical psychologists will be done like insight building, motivation enhancement therapy, cognitive- and behavioral therapy. Due to the limited time i.e. one month only basic care could be provided to the individual, where they can help themselves out of the withdrawal stage and be insightful towards their addiction.

Comprehensive Program – 3 Months

This addiction program lasts for around three months. The first month would remain the same as above; the second month would consist of addressing the individual’s chief complaints relating to their work, social, family lives. Here the issues and the problems addressed are much deeper.

The following is a list of addiction recovery treatments and interventions that we follow at Cadabams as a part of our comprehensive treatment program.

The family therapy sessions that Cadabams offers could last up to 4 months. Psycho-education: Psycho-education aims at educating individuals with addiction disorders, co-occurring mental health issues and dual diagnosis regarding the nature of substance abuse, the methods of treatment, coping and management as well as the skills needed to avoid relapse. Typically, psycho-education is offered in conjunction with other cognitive behavioral treatments and group-based therapies. At Cadabams, we ensure that our residents become experts at their disease with our supportive environment, addiction programs, and engaging workshops.

Family therapy: Individual therapies focus on the emotions, thoughts, and behavior of a single individual. Family therapies for addiction recovery on the other hand, focus on the collective relationships within the family as a whole and aim to bring clarity in relationships, rectify any conflicts in them, and foster closeness.

Psycho-education is provided to the individual; an understanding of the substance /alcohol’s harmful effects, monitoring of the individual’s dysfunctional ways, psychotherapies are provided, designed by the clinical psychologist specifically for the individual. Family therapy is provided here, these sessions could last up to 4. A client’s workbook is maintained where their lives from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood are recorded.

Clinical observation is done by the psychiatrist, where they provide medications and interventions. Individuals also attend group therapy that is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotic Anonymous (NA) in order to share their struggles of addiction and be supportive and inspirational for one another.

The addiction treatment center at Cadabams offers advanced levels of care for individuals suffering from the impacts of substance abuse. Our AA group therapy focuses on 12-step addiction treatment philosophy as drafted by Alcoholics Anonymous. When you enroll in the program, we will work closely with you to help you get into a new way of life with meaning and purpose.

Relapse prevention program: This program is introduced in the third month. Here each situation is identified in order to make sure the individual doesn’t go back to his addiction days. This program is called the  Nine Model Situation

Other programs like yoga, Revive meetings (insight building) which is a 12 Model undertaken by counselors and Reel Therapy which consists of more than 12 movies are also undertaken throughout their rehabilitative stay.

In the third month, a relapse prevention program is introduced. Here each situation is identified in order to make sure the individual doesn’t go back to his addiction days. This program is called the Nine Model Situation. The client is asked to practice the motivation to leave the addiction. If the denial persists, the family is enlightened about our limitations and family counseling therapy is oriented.

If the family wishes, they can continue the fourth month of the admission process of the same. This is undertaken when they believe the denial persists. There will be a change in strategy in order to have a practical approach and desired change for the same; Aversion Therapy would be used here and a progress chart will be maintained throughout their recovery.

Other programs: Yoga, revive meetings (insight building) which is a 12 Model undertaken by counsellors, and Reel Therapy which consists of more than 12 movies are provided to individuals throughout their rehabilitative stay at Cadabams.

Post Care Plan: Once the individual leaves the rehabilitation, they are called for post care wherein they undergo family interventions and their progress is checked by a psychotherapist. Cadabams also provides telephonic interventions as a part of the post care plan. Individuals also attend group therapy i.e. AA or NA as a role model for new addicts in the rehab.

Post Care Plan- Once the individual leaves the rehabilitation, they are called for post-care, wherein they undergo family interventions, the psychotherapist checks the progress of the individual, telephonic interventions are also provided. Individuals also attend group therapy i.e. AA or NA as a role model for new addicts in the rehab.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Integrated Program

The integrated program consists of all the provisions of the Comprehensive program. The only difference here is we follow a more holistic traditional Indian approach to healing, which is a therapy developed from the Indian systems like Ayurveda.

Dual Diagnosis Program

When individuals have a co-occurring mental health disorder along with substance addiction, they are said to have a dual diagnosis. In the case of dual diagnoses, the individual has to go through integrated and comprehensive care for the treatment of both conditions. As of now, there’s no specific explanation that could describe why drug or alcohol addiction co-occur with other mental health issues like depression and anxiety. But people with dual diagnosis surely tend to exhibit more persistent and severe symptoms than those suffering from only one disorder.

Cadabams’ Dual Diagnosis Program focuses more on the psychiatric problems of the individual. As here the individual along with addiction suffers from a more serious mental illness. This is a six-month program of addiction recovery wherein the previous three months of therapy remain the same but from the fourth month, the therapy concentrates more on the psychiatric condition of the individual. The progress seen here is slow. Individual programs are introduced to manage the psychiatric condition, family therapy continues. Once progress is witnessed skill training is facilitated in order to apply for jobs and help inculcate a sense of independence.

As understood above addiction can be a serious mental condition but nobody needs to live with addiction; it can be effectively treated, prevented, and cured. Additionally, it can be managed by the individual with the help of healthcare professionals and the support of family and friends.

To learn more about addiction treatment programs, call us now on +919611194949.

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