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De-Addiction: A Tough Road to a Beautiful Life

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Are you worried about drug addiction? Not to worry! Recovery may seem like an impossible task when you’re suffering from drug addiction. But, it is never out of reach no matter how hopeless your situations are. The road to recovery often consists of setbacks, pitfalls and bumps. Change is possible, provided you undergo the right treatment plan and seek the proper assistance from health care professionals. Under no circumstances should you drop the hope of recovery even if you’ve attempted and failed before.

Drug Treatment Approaches

There is a wide variety of treatment plans and therapies available for drug addiction. Therefore, application of the right addiction treatment program relies on an individual’s requirements. Generally, the longer and intense is the drug usage, the longer and more intense the treatment you may require. Irrespective of a program’s length, the long-term follow-up and support are very crucial for recovery. A quality treatment program addresses drug abuse, emotional pain and other life problems that significantly contribute to your addiction.

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Medications Can Aid Treatment

Medications can be used to help an individual to avoid drug consumption, focus on learning, adopting new behavioral skills, avoid relapse and stay in treatment for a complete recovery. These medications act slowly to quit drug cravings and mental agitation. They also help people focus on counseling sessions related to their treatment programs. For instance, buprenorphine can be prescribed by an approved physician to treat opiate drugs like painkillers or heroin. Buprenorphine is useful in the short-term detoxification process which eases withdrawal symptoms and cravings in long run.

Behavioral Therapies Can Make People Right                                            

Behavioral therapies are also effective and can help the patient stay in de-addiction treatment and avoid relapse. The therapies focus on encouraging rational and positive thinking in the patient and coping with cravings. There are four types of behavioral therapies: cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational incentives, motivational interviewing and group therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people avoid, recognize and cope with situations that lead to substance abuse. Motivational incentives offer rewards for following the treatment properly and attending counseling sessions. Motivational interviewing aims in intrinsic motivation of the patient for a change in behavior. Group therapy takes place in small groups where patients listen to each other’s stories of substance abuse and development in recovery.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Self-help Groups as a Part of Drug Addiction Recovery

If you’re planning to stay away from drugs, peer support groups can be an invaluable source of assistance, guidance and encouragement. Self-help groups can help in maintaining sobriety after completion of the treatment. Such groups provide emotional support helping them ward isolation, fear, and hopelessness.

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