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It is a great honor to be able to contribute to this souvenir being brought out by Cadabam’S, on the occasion of “Anvesha”. At the outset I express my sincere thanks to the management for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this fantastic event.

This write up is neither academic nor of great clinical relevance. It is more of my observation and certain questions which arose in me, after being part of a reality TV show, on alcohol problem in the society. There were 4 panelist, including Minister for Excise, a famous theater person, a lady who runs a rehabilitation center and chairman for a government body to regulate its use.

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The audience was a good mix of both sexes and comprised of youth, housewives, academicians, teachers and spouses of people with alcohol problems. What followed was a heated debate, temperatures breaking mercury point and several uncomfortable questions mainly aimed at the minister. To summarize them why does the person continue to drink when he knows his family is suffering, also is the government helping the people to stop drinking or encouraging them to drink more. What else can the family do to prevent the social malady?

I am sure each individual has his view point depending on your role as a professional or a family member. I will leave it for your judgment.

What I say is, for every one person getting well, there are many families who are left suffering and asking the above same question “Are we doing enough to alleviate the suffering?” probably the limitations are far more in this field than any other specialty.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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In spite of all this recent advances, the challenges are many. Pharmacological treatments available to date continue to focus on motivation of the individuals. We still don’t have good success rates in the not so well motivated individuals. Like wise the rehabilitation centers, counselors will vouch for the difficulties they face in this particular group. Families are left frustrated, angry and helpless. Whom to blame? The individual or the society…….and the solutions to this………? The mega fight continues to be fought in our minds.

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