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Substance Abuse Statistics

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Substance abuse means to the harmful or unsafe use of psychoactive substances, including illicit drugs and alcohol. Psychoactive substance use can prompt to dependence disorder; a group of behavioural, physiological, cognitive phenomenon that create after frequent substance use and that normally incorporate a powerful urge to take the drug, challenges in controlling its use, holding on in its use in spite of destructive outcomes, a higher need given to drug use than to various activities and compulsion, increased resistance, and occasionally a physical withdrawal state.

Common substance that are abused:

  • Alcohol
  • Narcotics, opiates
  • LSD
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • Amphetamines
  • Caffeine
  • Sedatives

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Obtain data source from (SAMHSA) substance abuse and mental health services administration, (NSDUH) National Survey on drug use and health. 23.5 million Individuals aged 12 or older essentially required treatment for an illicit drugs or alcohol abuse issue in 2009 (9.3 percent of people aged 12 or older). Of these, only 2.6 million, 11.2 percent of the individuals who required treatment.

A number of various government organizations take yearly surveys to screen the ups and downs of substance abuse and addiction in the United States. A few discoveries include:

  • According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), roughly 27 million Americans, or 10.2% of the American common people above 12 years old utilizing illegal medications in 2014.
  • The NSDUH likewise assessed those 28.7 million individuals or 10.9% of the population more than 12 drove while drunk in any event once in 2013.
  • An evaluated 6.5 million Americans beyond 12 years old reports current, non-therapeutic utilization of professionally prescribed drugs, for example, painkillers, narcotics, sedatives, tranquilizers.
  • Investigation show that in 2014, almost 140 million Americans beyond 12 years old were, when right now utilizing alcohol, with 16.3 million having stated that alcohol use in the earlier month, and 60.9 million having reported that heavy consumption of alcohol hardly in the earlier month, reflecting an increases from earlier years.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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  • NSDUH reports that cocaine utilize reduced among Americans aged 12yrs 2.3 million years old about 2.3 million peoples in 2003 to roughly 1.5 million peoples in 2014.
  • In 2013, 22.7 million Americans required treatment for a substance use scatter right around 9% of the population beyond 12 years old. Just about 2.5 million got such treatment at rehabilitation centres. It is assessed that over 41% of treatment confirmations were for alcohol addiction 20 % of admissions were for sedative (opiate) addiction treatment, and 17% were taking treatment of cannabis addiction in 2009.
  • In India recent survey by Ministry of social justice and empowerment is tie up with Nation drug dependence treatment centre (NDDTC) of AIIMS they convey message that 2.3 lakh people are opioid dependents.

For effective substance abust treatment programs, call us now on +919611194949.

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