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Role of family in addiction recovery

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A family’s role

The family members and loved ones always have a huge role in helping a person recover from addiction disorder. There is a huge difference in recovery with and without support from family members. Of course, it is the most difficult thing for a family members in helping a person recover from his or her addiction problem.

Family members often fail to understand why their loved ones get to drugs or any such substance. Most of the time actual reason behind addiction is due to lack of proper care and attention within family. Family members should often take the initiative of taking them to De-addiction or convince them visit a nearby counsellor. Whatever approach they take it is only possible due to full intervention of the family members till the end which can help them have self realization and understanding their problems.

How family involvement is essential

The addict is asked to stay away from present environment which probably is the reason in contributing to addiction. He/she later undergoes regressive training for a long period of time. They are not allowed to leave the place at any cost and are stay back till the end. But family involvement is essential; addict is allowed to spend time with family and friends who often play a role in motivating the addict in recovering from addiction. They pretend that person is not having any problem and help in he/she from recovering from addiction.

In some cases, family members tend to become angry and frustrated with addict’s problem which often triggers which often creates negative problem for addicts. They tend to misunderstand the problem or fail to recognize that it can be treated. But when family members realize that it can be treated and decides to support the person it can create miraculous change in a person.

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Family also have to undergo their counselling for dealing with addiction problem of their loved ones. In some case, we can trace back addiction to Genetic factors then in that case there will be also someone else suffering from addiction.

The family members play a greater role during post treatment period. Once your loved ones leave rehabilitation centre it becomes essential for family members to provide proper care and support to make sure the person doesn’t go back to addiction.

It also essential for family members to get support them self to get support to deal with this situation. There are self help groups involving family members where people from same problem share their experiences and provide support to each other in dealing with the situation. There are also self help groups for people suffering addiction such as Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous which provide similar support to people suffering addiction problem. At time when families are stumped over the next step to take, they should try reaching out for help.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Reach out for help

Families look for support in dealing with loved ones suffering from mental disorders can reach out to Cadabam’s Hospitals at +91 9741476476. Our trained professionals can help you take the next step towards ensuring your loved ones get the treatment they truly deserve.

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