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The Facts About Ice Addiction

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Crystal meth, commonly known as ice, is now considered one of the most dangerous drugs (Ice addiction). Ice is the purest form of the drug methamphetamine. Smoking ice is considered to be the most addictive form of intake. It causes severe damage, both physical and mental, to the abuser.Like any other form of addiction, recovery is better and easier. When the addiction is detected in the early stages. For this, the signs and symptoms of the addiction have to be known in order to identify.

Signs of Ice Addiction:

  • Extreme mood swings
  • Talkativeness
  • Easily getting irritated and restless
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Dilated pupils
  • Teeth grinding and jaw clenching
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Palpitation
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Withdrawal

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The Facts About Ice Addiction:

Physical effects

Physical issues such as heart palpitation and weight loss are common among ice abusers. Many suffer from dental issues where their teeth tend to crack. This may be due to lack of salivation which is also an effect of ice abuse. In severe cases, the individual may have lung and kidney problems, liver diseases, low resistance to illness, stroke and brain damage.
Psychological effects- As a result of ice abuse or addiction, the individual may have a lot of mental issues.

  • Low performance
  • Due to the addiction, they have low performance in their academic or professional areas.
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Aggression can result from them trying to acquire the drug. Most of the times it results in criminal activities.
  • Delusions and hallucinations
  • The individual may become extremely delusional. And at times harms self or other when responding to those delusions. Hallucinations are also seen in ice abuse and addiction, most common are bugs crawling under one’s skin.


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  • Paranoia
  • Individuals addicted to ice are also seen to have severe paranoia. Where they feel everyone around them is dangerous and as a result may attack anyone encountered.
  • Relationships
  • Their relationship with the family member, friend and other severely affects. This could be the result of spending excessive time in the abuse or addiction while completely ignoring the other person.

Helping someone with ice addiction

Recovery from ice addiction is a tough one, as it is a strong drug. Detoxification is one of the most important and difficult stages of recovery. In detoxification, the goal is to drain the drug out of the body via exercise, medication and particular diet. This is the stage where withdrawal symptoms, such as craving, occur. However, there are other psychotherapies available that help copes with these symptoms as well as any other emotional issues the individual suffers from.

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