Psychiatrist for Specific Learning Disabilities

It is estimated that around 2 to 3 children in each classroom across the world could be suffering from one or the other form of specific learning disabilities. Often misunderstood as a lack of effort, or laziness on the child’s part, SLDs are neurocognitive disorders that affect a child’s skills in processing language and information, writing, reading, and calculating.

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Symptoms are detectable through the childhood, and seeking help for the disorder as soon as possible becomes crucial to ensure better outcomes for the child. A psychiatrist helps in diagnosing the disorder, and can prescribe medication for some of the more distressing symptoms of SLD like anxiety, behavioral issues, or hyperactivity.

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  • Persistent difficulties in reading, writing, arithmetic, or mathematical reasoning
  • Inaccurate or slow and effortful reading or writing
  • Poor written expression that lacks clarity
  • Difficulties remembering number facts
  • Genetics
  • Environmental Causes
  • Other
  • Out-patient
  • In-patient
  • Rehabilitation


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Can Specific Learning Disability be treated?

Despite the fact that there is no cure for specific learning disabilities, they can be effectively addressed. SLD can be treated with medication, family counseling, group therapy, educational programs, and other approaches. A multidisciplinary team comprised of a psychiatrist, psychologist, and school counselor helps ensure successful recovery from the condition.

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Mental health issues affect a large part of the world’s, and our country’s population. Often ignored or misunderstood, these disorders can cause severe distress to the individual and their families. Cadabams is a mental healthcare organization providing advanced mental healthcare in the country for over three decades now. Through our journey, we have helped change the perception around mental health disorders, and have helped countless people return to normal daily functioning.

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Dr. Keerthi Sagar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. Arun Kumar

MBBS, M.D. (Psychiatry)

Dr. R. Priya Raghavan

MBBS, MRC-Psychiatry

Ashwini Shastry

M.Phil (RCI) & M.Sc in clinical psychology

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Ph.D. (RCI) in Psychiatric Social Work

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Psychiatrist for Specific Learning Disabilities

Psychiatry is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the identification, management, and prevention of mental health disorders. Psychiatrists possess extensive knowledge in assessing both the physical and psychological aspects of these disorders, allowing them to provide treatment options for a diverse range of conditions.

Commonly addressed by psychiatrists are mood disorders, substance abuse disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and various others. As medical professionals, they can conduct a wide range of medical and psychological assessments to formulate a comprehensive diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan.

What Are the Qualifications of Psychiatrists for Specific Learning Disabilities?

A psychiatrist specializing in Specific Learning Disabilities is a highly qualified medical professional with advanced degrees such as an MBBS and an MD. Their extensive training and specialized knowledge equip them with the skills to conduct comprehensive evaluations, make accurate diagnoses, and offer treatments for the symptoms related to Specific Learning Disabilities.

Unlike primary care physicians such as pediatricians or general practitioners, psychiatrists utilize a combination of physiological and psychological assessments to determine the most suitable therapies and medications that promote effective recovery.

What Does a Specific Learning Disabilities Psychiatrist Do?

When it comes to Specific Learning Disabilities, individuals typically seek their initial consultation with a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are equipped to identify the symptoms associated with this condition through a range of assessments, including physical examinations and psychiatric evaluations.

Moreover, psychiatrists specializing in Specific Learning Disabilities may explore the individual's medical history and family background to gain a deeper understanding of the condition. 

By collaborating with a multidisciplinary team, which may include psychologists, counselors, case workers, nurses, and others, under the guidance of the psychiatrist, a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment approach can be developed for the condition. 

The information gathered from these assessments and the collaborative effort of the team contribute to a more holistic approach to addressing the individual's needs.

What is the difference Between a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Therapist, and Counsellor?

A psychiatrist is a medical professional specializing in providing mental health care. As doctors, they have the authority to prescribe medications for a wide range of mental health conditions.

In contrast, a psychologist is a professional who has completed advanced education, such as a Psy.D or Ph.D. They undergo specialized training in therapeutic techniques and can treat various psychiatric conditions, including Specific Learning Disabilities. However, psychologists are not authorized to prescribe medication as part of their treatment approach.

Therapists and counselors receive training to address the daily challenges associated with Specific Learning Disabilities. They employ therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and art therapy to provide support.

In managing Specific Learning Disabilities, a collaborative multidisciplinary team consisting of these professionals works together to assist individuals in coping with symptoms and enhancing their overall well-being.

What Diseases Are Treated by a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists, with their specialized training in assessing and treating both the mental and physical aspects of disorders, commonly deal with a diverse range of conditions. These may include:

  • Personality disorders: Schizoid personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder can be assessed and treated by a psychiatrist. 
  • Eating disorders: Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, binge eating, and Night-eating syndrome fall under this umbrella. 
  • Substance use disorders: Addiction to any substance (alcohol, nicotine, hallucinogens, etc) is treated medically and psychologically by a psychiatrist. 
  • Psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia, Delusional disorder, and Brief psychotic disorders are mainly assessed and treated by a psychiatrist. 
  • Impulse-control disorders: In children, disruptive or defiant behavior symptomatic of Conduct disorder, Oppositional defiant disorder, and more are also treated. 
  • Mood disorders: Conditions that include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, etc.
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: These include Global developmental delay, Communication Disorders, and Autism spectrum disorders.

What Things to Expect During an Appointment With a Psychiatrist?

When embarking on the path to recovery, it is often essential to seek guidance from a psychiatrist as an initial step. If you are visiting a psychiatrist for the first time, here is what you can anticipate:

The psychiatrist will gather general information about you, such as your age, gender, occupation, and relationship status. They will also inquire about your medical history and family background to comprehensively understand your condition.

The psychiatrist may recommend specific physiological and psychological tests to gain further insight into your situation. These tests are designed to provide a more detailed perspective on your symptoms and overall mental health.

Based on the observed symptoms and assessment results, the psychiatrist may prescribe medications that can help manage and alleviate those symptoms. Medication can play a vital role in treatment, particularly for certain mental health conditions.

The psychiatrist aims to provide comprehensive care and support on your journey toward coping and recovery by gathering information, conducting tests, and prescribing appropriate medication.

When to See a Psychiatrist for Specific Learning Disabilities?

The first and foremost factor that indicates the need for consultation is the symptoms of specific learning disabilities. These symptoms are commonly observed in children and are associated with reading, writing, and comprehension difficulties.

When beginning the journey of coping with Specific Learning Disabilities, it is crucial to seek the guidance of a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist employs a combination of medical and psychological assessments to thoroughly evaluate the cognitive impairments and other symptoms related to this condition.

Their focus is on long-term management and ongoing support throughout the process. The psychiatrist works closely with the individual and their caregivers to monitor progress, make necessary treatment adjustments, and offer guidance and resources to improve the individual's well-being and overall quality of life.

Why Should an Individual Consult a Specific Learning Disabilities  Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists specializing in Specific Learning Disabilities have undergone extensive training and possess specialized expertise in identifying and treating a wide range of physiological and psychological symptoms associated with the condition.

They excel at assessing the severity of the disorder and can prescribe appropriate medications to manage the symptoms and enhance overall functioning effectively.

These psychiatrists have a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between the physical and psychological aspects of Specific Learning Disabilities. Leveraging their knowledge and experience, they develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs and circumstances.

Working in collaboration with other healthcare professionals and caregivers, Specific Learning Disabilities psychiatrists strive to provide comprehensive care that addresses both the medical and emotional dimensions of the condition. Their ultimate objective is to improve the individual's well-being and quality of life by skillfully managing symptoms and promoting optimal functioning.

How Often Does Someone Need to Visit a Specific Learning Disabilities  Psychiatrist?

The frequency of psychiatric appointments for individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities depends on the severity of their symptoms and the impact on their daily functioning.

In cases where symptoms are more severe and ongoing support and supervision are necessary, it is generally recommended to have a higher number of sessions.

Psychiatrists consider these factors and make recommendations to adjust the frequency of consultations accordingly, increasing or decreasing them as necessary to provide the most effective treatment and support for the individual.

How to Find the Best Specific Learning Disabilities Psychiatrist Near You?

There are various avenues available for accessing mental healthcare services, such as clinics, helplines, mental health apps, and online searches, to find a psychiatrist who specializes in Specific Learning Disabilities and meets your specific needs.

During this process, it is perfectly acceptable and common to consider switching practitioners if necessary. The primary goal of psychiatric treatment is to support your recovery, so prioritizing your comfort and well-being is crucial.

Why Cadabams?

With over three decades of experience, Cadabams strives to deliver quality mental health care for all. Regardless of the psychiatric condition, our experts trained in the latest treatment modalities aim to design customizable and holistic treatment plans that help manage symptoms while also improving your overall well-being. 

Facilities and Services within Cadabams

Our experts offer multiple treatment options that cater to your needs. These include: 

  • Outpatient services: Our expert professionals offer consultations for a wide range of mental health disorders.
  • Rehabilitation: In-patient care that involves a holistic treatment approach while collaborating with fellow residents. 
  • Emergency care: Hospitalization in the case of emergencies involves round-the-clock supervision and care. 


The foundation of any professional-client relationship is trust. This refers to maintaining confidentiality. Our experts are held to the highest standards of confidentiality. That is, they are prohibited from sharing personal information about the client unless and until it is needed. For instance, if the condition can cause serious and irreversible harm to themselves or those around them.


1. Can Psychiatrists Treat Specific Learning Disabilities?

Psychiatrists undergo specialized training and possess expertise in using evidence-based treatment techniques and medications to help individuals effectively cope with the symptoms of Specific Learning Disabilities.

While there is no permanent cure for the condition, their objective goes beyond symptom management. Along with addressing the symptoms, they aim to improve the individual's overall quality of life and well-being.

2. Can Psychiatrists Do Counseling?

Psychiatrists have specialized expertise in evaluating and treating the physiological and psychological aspects of a condition, primarily through prescribing and managing medications.

On the other hand, clinical psychologists, therapists, and counselors primarily rely on counseling techniques in their treatment approach. It is worth mentioning that psychiatrists are also capable of incorporating counseling strategies to a certain extent in their treatment approach.

3. Are All Mental Disorders Treated by Psychiatrists?

Psychiatrists possess the expertise to address various psychiatric conditions, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, autism spectrum disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, and schizophrenia.

However, for less severe cases of these conditions, immediate or regular psychiatric intervention may not be required.

4. How Does a Psychiatrist Treat Specific Learning Disabilities?

The first stage of treating Specific Learning Disabilities entails a thorough diagnosis and intervention strategy.

A psychiatrist with expertise in this area will administer a range of physiological and psychological assessments to assess the nature and extent of the condition.

Depending on the evaluation results, the psychiatrist may suggest specific therapeutic techniques, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, rational emotive-behavioral therapy, or other appropriate approaches. In addition to therapy, the psychiatrist may also prescribe medications as part of the comprehensive treatment plan.

5. How Does a Psychiatrist Diagnose Specific Learning Disabilities?

Utilizing a comprehensive array of physiological and psychological assessments is essential for evaluating and diagnosing the symptoms associated with Specific Learning Disabilities.

These assessments encompass various techniques such as cognitive and neurological tests, brain imaging scans, psychiatric evaluations, and more. 

Additionally, gathering information about the individual's family history, including both medical and psychiatric conditions, is essential in understanding and diagnosing the specific learning disability.

6. How to Consult a Specific Learning Disabilities  Psychiatrist Online?

You can conveniently book an online consultation with our psychiatrists through our website. This video-based session allows you to discuss your concerns from the comfort of your own home.

However, we recommend considering an in-person session for the initial consultation, as this can contribute to building a strong professional-client relationship.

7. What Are Some Subspecialties of Psychiatry?

Psychiatrists have the knowledge and skills to specialize in various subspecialties, including but not limited to: 

  • Family Psychiatry
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Addiction Psychiatry
  • Geriatric Psychiatry 
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Reproductive Psychiatry
  • Public and Community Psychiatry

These subspecialties allow psychiatrists to focus on specific areas of mental health and provide specialized care to individuals in different stages of life or with particular needs.

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Psychiatrist for Specific Learning Disabilities

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