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Types of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a serious medical condition which affects the individual’s normality how he/she thinks, speak, feels and act. The individual who encounters schizophrenia finds difficulty in correlating imaginary and reality. This can appear in various ways under various situations, in the same individual. The condition begins in late pre-adulthood or youthful adulthood. Here are the types of schizophrenia disorder.

Paranoid schizophrenia disorder:

The most common subcategory of schizophrenia is the paranoid type or otherwise called paranoid schizophrenia or paranoid delusion. The individuals of this type intensively lose in psychosis which might vary at random intervals. Causing the individual to lose touch with the real world with heavy fear and anxiety. Also, the same individual has a high chance of developing social withdrawal.


  • Delusional Disorder.
  • Low Self-Esteem.
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder.
  • Psychosis.
  • Sleep Deprivation.

Hebephrenic Schizophrenia disorder:

It’s also termed as disorganized schizophrenia in which the individual encounters illogical thoughts and behaviours. This action is highly influenced by the combination of natural and environmental factors sometimes because of hereditary too. If it is left untreated may lead to the lifelong condition.

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  • Difficulty feeling pleasure.
  • False, fixed beliefs.
  • Grimacing.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Strange behaviour

Catatonic Schizophrenia disorder:

Catatonic is one of the rare kind of schizophrenia. This disorder type contains a group of symptoms, that highly influence and develop schizophrenia. The symptoms are also very different and severe to all other types of schizophrenia.


  • Stupor- No response and movement in the individual’s body and mind.
  • Catalepsy- Unusual postures.
  • Waxy flexibility – if an individual’s body part is placed in a position it will not be moved until someone else moves it.
  • Mutism – counted verbal responses.
  • Echolalia – mimicking another person’s speech.

Undifferentiated Schizophrenia disorder:

The individual with this subtype might not fit in a specified classification. Rather have the indication of both traditional “positive” and “negative” symptoms which oscillate over the period of time. This may drive the suffering individual with full confidence or make him to the knees and encounter anxiety and fear.


  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Disorganized speechCatatonic behaviour
  • Negative symptoms

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Residual Schizophrenia disorder:

In this type of schizophrenia, the individual might face the long-term history of negative symptoms (psychomotor slowing). In an occasional or unusual occasion, he/she encounter positive symptoms.


  • Depressed mood.
  • Emotional blunting.
  • Illogical thinking.
  • Poor communication.
  • Inactivity in body and mind.

Sometimes it might take years to experience positive symptoms. At this stage, the individual may display a pattern of symptoms in this dynamic phase. Earliest treatment enhancement is all the individual needed now. On reading this blog and you come to notice similar symptoms in the individual that might be yourself or your adored one. Reach for the professional help. Call us now on +91 96111 94949

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