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Overview of Antipsychotic Medication Side Effects

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Written by Kshithij Karan

Antipsychotic medications have helped millions of people in reducing symptoms of delusions and hallucinations that come with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. However, these medications have shown to have minor to more severe side effects, based on the condition, biological factors, dosage and more. This is why medications are just a part of a larger holistic effort to help a person recover from the condition they’re dealing with. 

Regular therapy, focus on fitness, and maintaining interpersonal or social relationships are all part of the process. It is thus important to explore the role of antipsychotic medications in the treatment. 

Introduction to Antipsychotic Medications

Antipsychotic medications are a type of medication used to treat specific mental health conditions. These medications are most beneficial for patients in helping relieve symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions and hallucination. 

Antipsychotics are the primary medications used to treat schizophrenia and are also useful in relieving symptoms of bipolar disease and Alzheimer’s disease. In some cases, professionals recommend it to reduce anxiety symptoms or to stabilize the mood of an individual. 

It functions by bringing a sense of balance and calm, and reducing the confusion and disarray that comes with psychosis or anxiety. While it can have an immediate impact, experts recommend using it over a period of a few weeks, to attain the desired result. Remember that these medications only work towards relieving symptoms, and not to cure any underlying disease.

Understanding the Need for Antipsychotic Medications

  • The mention of antipsychotic medications can ring alarm bells for people, especially when education and awareness on mental health issues is not widespread. It is thus crucial to thus highlight the need for these medications and how its research-backed application can prove life changing for millions of people. 
  • Psychosis is an isolating process. Delusions and hallucinations are hard to explain for a person experiencing it and can be incredibly frightening and dangerous in the long run. 
  • This is where antipsychotic medications come in. It prevents a person’s symptoms from worsening and provides a platform for recovery. It keeps a person’s range of emotions in relative control, prevents irritability and disorganized thinking. 
  • Recognizing the symptoms early, undergoing therapy sessions along with maintaining a well planned medication routine under the guidance of an expert is key to recovery for conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 

Types of Antipsychotics

In clinical terms, there are two main types of antipsychotic medications - first generation antipsychotics and second generation antipsychotics. 

  1. As the name suggests, initial medications that were produced to treat psychosis that are now gone out of fashion due to advancements in mental health research are what are termed as first generation antipsychotics. 
  2. Second generation antipsychotics are newer medications that are able to better identify how conditions affect brain chemistry. They affect neurotransmitters and help reduce common symptoms associated with psychosis. These medications have also shown to have considerably lower side effects.

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Long-term Effects and Considerations of Antipsychotic Medications

Antipsychotic medications have proven to be effective in managing a range of mental health conditions. Yet, it can have certain long-term side effects. It is important to consider some of the potential issues that come with it, before committing to a long term medication plan. 

Some of the common side issues include weight gain, diabetes risk, dry mouth, blurred vision, disruption in menstrual cycles, headaches and more. In rare instances, people also experience certain movement based issues. With constant monitoring of side effects and personalized medication plans, these side effects can be effectively minimized or avoided altogether.

Remember, medications are simply a part of the larger recovery journey of an individual. With the right responses and adaptive treatment methods, mental health experts can ensure that antipsychotics help contribute towards long-term mental health improvement. 

Alternative Approaches and Adjunct Therapies for Antipsychotic Medication Side Effects

  • In most cases, antipsychotic medications are an absolute must in order to keep symptoms of psychosis at bay and promote optimal recovery. 
  • In cases where a patient is facing mild or severe side effects, mental health experts often recommend alternative approaches or adjunct therapies to ensure that a person’s progress towards recovery is not derailed due to the side effects. 
  • Lifestyle modifications are one of the prominent steps that ensure the side effects of antipsychotics are minimized. 
  • Regular exercise, proper sleep schedule, and a well-rounded diet are aspects of everyday life that one can bring in, to mitigate side effects. 
  • As part of the broader recovery programme, the patient is likely to be part of solo counseling sessions that may involve CBT or other psychological methods that are important in helping a person cope with the distress that comes with mental health conditions. 
  • Certain medications may also be prescribed to alleviate the side effects. Remember, mental health treatment is about overall effectiveness, rather than medication based recovery.
  • Antipsychotic treatment is part of a holistic treatment programme to ensure the best possible quality of life for people with mental health conditions.

Conclusion: Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Antipsychotic Medications

Antipsychotic medications play a pivotal role in managing distressing mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or anxiety. While they don’t tackle the underlying mental illness that causes issues such as hallucinations or delusions, they offer relief from it, which acts as a platform towards long-term recovery in the long term. Yet, having known its side effects, it is important to consider how your body could react to these medications. 

It is therefore crucial that one makes the necessary lifestyle adjustments and participates in alternative therapy methods to go hand in hand with the medications. It cannot be reiterated enough - antipsychotic treatment is just one piece of the puzzle. Mental health treatment is all about elevating the quality of mental health of a person in a holistic, personalized, adaptive manner.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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What are the common side effects of antipsychotic medications?

Some of the common side issues of antipsychotic medications include weight gain, diabetes risk, dry mouth, blurred vision, disruption in menstrual cycles, headaches and more.

Are the side effects of antipsychotic medications temporary or long-term?

The side effects of antipsychotic medications can be temporary or long-term, depending on the person, the type of medication and how they are managed over the course of the treatment. 

Can the side effects be different for different types of antipsychotic medications?

Yes, side effects can vary among different types of antipsychotic medications. First-generation and second-generation antipsychotics may have different profiles of side effects and their severity. 

How can I manage or cope with the side effects of antipsychotic medications?

Managing antipsychotic medication side effects generally involves regular monitoring, lifestyle adjustments with respect to diet and exercise, communication with your therapist, and considering adjunct therapies or additional medications when necessary.

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