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Symptoms of Schizophrenia in Adults

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Schizophrenia Symptoms

Schizophrenia is not to be ignored! Do you know people affected by schizophrenia tend to become so suspicious that they go the extent of believing that medications can cause them harm? Schizophrenia is not curable, but if left undiagnosed, this condition can worsen. It could get the person to cause harm to self and to others. Early detection of the disorder through the Schizophrenia Symptoms in adults can help the person to manage schizophrenia and live a normal life.

Here are a few ways to look after if your loved one is battling schizophrenia.

Possible Schizophrenia Symptoms in adults

It is estimated that 50 per cent of the people can lead normal lives with schizophrenia, while 50 % need family or medical support. The hard fact lies in that there is poor awareness about this psychiatric disorder and moreover caregivers can suffer more than the suffering individuals.

Whether related to social or occupational or work-related or interpersonal matters, schizophrenia exhibits both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia in adults along with cognitive symptoms and mood symptoms. But whatever the condition is, it is bad for your loved one’s life.

Know the Schizophrenia Symptoms today and help your close one with the best treatment for this disorder-

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What are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in adults?

  • Hallucinations– Often schizophrenics, tend to feels, hear or smell things which sometimes others fail to do. They often hear voices in their heads which make them talk to someone out of their hallucination.
  • Delusions of grandeur– Delusions are those strange beliefs that make the person affected by schizophrenia to feel like as if someone is watching them relentlessly.
  • Disorganized speech and behavior– People suffering from schizophrenia have a hard time in organizing their thoughts and speech. They cannot follow the speech along when someone is talking to them.

What are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

  • Affective flattening– People with schizophrenia doesn’t show up a full range of expression of emotions unlike others do. This is what called as affective flattening.
  • Reduced motivation levels– They face trouble in concentrating and the decrease in the motivation levels causes them to act in a way of self-directed purposeful activities.

Apart from these, the person also comes across poor cognitive symptoms such as attention memory disorders and other mood symptoms such as suicidal thoughts and helplessness.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Schizophrenia Treatment for major symptoms of schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia lose interest in things. One of the common examples is a lack of self-interest in hygiene and grooming. These signs can be hard to find, especially in cases of teenagers, because of the reason that teens have big emotional mood swings between highs and lows. Also, depression has the same symptoms as that of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenics might not show any feelings or not talk much, but their voice can look flat when they talk like they do not have any emotions. This is the state of emotionless in them.

Research studies show that family support is vital to help their family member dealing with schizophrenia manage the symptoms of schizophrenia in adults. If and so you feel your loved is fighting badly in managing the signs of schizophrenia, help them get the best schizophrenia treatment that can aid them in dealing with the illness.

Help someone you know has schizophrenia. Educate yourself about the illness. To know more about Causes and treatment of schizophrenia, contact Cadabam’s today or call @+91 96111 94949 to consult with our best counsellors. Or visit Cadabams.

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