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Does Schizophrenia Have Effects?

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Schizophrenia can change a person drastically; the way he/she thinks, sees the world, converses with people and even his/her social behavior. It can change almost everything about him.

Schizophrenia causes & effects

  • Negligence of the Symptoms by the Family

Dealing with this condition can be very frustrating for family and friends, and for anyone that knew the person before he/she got ill.

It is observed that an individual develops this condition mainly during his/her adolescent years, often causing the parents to overlook the early symptoms, dismissing them as just normal adolescent behavior.

  • The Blame Game

Once this condition is detected, however, it can generally be disruptive to families; the members of the family constantly keep searching for someone to blame for the development of this condition. The reactions of the family members(to another family member acquiring this disease) may, at times, result in the ‘shame and blame’ syndrome, causing estrangement and disagreements among the family members.

  • Stress and Trauma

It may be hard for the familyto cope with the change in behaviour, attitude and possibly the ways of his/her communication.

Along with the patient, who struggles to keep up with reality who could also be experiencing auditory hallucinations at times, friends and family also experience a lot of stress and trauma.

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  • Depression and Denial

This condition can cause depression both in the patient as well as the family. Anyone close to him/her gets affected by his sudden and extreme change in behaviour.

It is frequently found that having a mental disorder such as schizophrenia, could affect the social standing of the patient as well as his/her family. This causes the patient and his family to stay in denial of the condition. Even when there is suspicion of the condition due to similar reasons, the patient may refuse to get help or even a proper diagnosis. It may continually result in household quarrels and long lasting family feuds, and it may cause the patient to feel neglected and out-of-place.

Understanding, Acceptance and Recovery – Schizophrenia Treatment

It is important for the family to understand the condition and accept it completely. It is very essential for the recovery of the patient to have a strong support system.

It must be noted here that recovery doesn’t mean that the condition is going to go away. It is merely helping one cope with the symptoms and the conditions enabling the patient to live and enjoy a normal life.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Leading a Normal Life with a Positive Attitude

Despite these effects and hindrances, it is possible for the patient and his family to lead a normal and happy life, given the fact there is proper medication combined with psychotherapy. It is important to remember that having schizophrenia is not the end of the world, it does not bring down your social status in any way. It is treatable and the condition may be stabilised to some extent. The key is to stay positive.

Early diagnosis and appropriate schizophrenia treatment can prevent complication. For more information on schizophrenia treatment, call us now on +919611194949.

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