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Schizophrenia- Hallucinations

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Hallucinations in schizophrenia are considered “positive” symptoms as it is an addition to the state of functioning.  Hallucinations are false perceptions. It means that the individual senses things that are not there in reality. Hallucinations play an important part in creating a different reality that is not real or true, making them dysfunctional in the actual reality that we share.

Hallucinations in schizophrenia can be experienced through all the senses:

Auditory hallucinations are the most common in schizophrenia. They are unreal voices the individual hears. They can also be particular sounds like music, footsteps, animal sounds, etc. There can be one or more voices the individual hears. These voices may talk to the individual or talking among themselves (when there is more than one voice).

They could be commenting on the individual’s activities or instructing them. Auditory hallucinations can be life threatening if the voices command the individual to stop taking medications or harm themselves. These make the individual vulnerable to suicidal and violent behaviour.

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Here the individual sees people, animal or objects that are not in reality. Visual hallucinations are the second common hallucinations in schizophrenia. The unreal image the individual see hear can be clear or distorted. These hallucinations can be very frightening depending on what the individual sees.

  • Olfactory hallucinations

Here the individual can smell unreal odours that no one else can smell. These may involve particular stink that may be associated to a particular place. On many cases it is seen that individual get these unpleasant smell from themselves, where they feel their body is decaying. This may cause embarrassment to the individual when in public.

  • Tactile hallucinations

This involves the sense of touch. The individual might feel someone touching them, finger running over their body or someone holding them. They may also feel that someone is hurting them or slapping them. These can be disturbing as they feel the pain of the person hurting them.


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  • Gustatory hallucinations

These involve the sense of taste. Here the individual taste something bad in their mouth as if they had eaten something.

Living with hallucinations is difficult as it take a long time and effort to even realize if the individual is hallucinating. However, there are medications and therapies available to manage and cope with these hallucinations, enabling the individual to function effectively. For managing hallucinations and effective treatment of schizophrenia, call us now on +919611194949.

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