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Is Parkinson’s a form of Dementia?

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Yes, Parkinson’s disease is a type of Dementia. It is a progressive disorder that affects changes in the body movement. The average age of onset of Parkinson’s disease is 60 years and the longer somebody has it, the more likely they are to develop dementia. What causes the illness? What are the symptoms, risk factors of the disease? Hope this article will help you with all the information you should know be knowing about Parkinson’s disease.

Risk Factors causing Parkinson’s Dementia

The cause of Parkinson’s dementia disease is obscure, but various factors seem to play a role, that includes-

  1. Genetics: Research studies have identified specific genes that can cause Parkinson’s dementia.  
  2. Environmental triggers: Vulnerability to certain environmental factors or toxins may increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease, but somehow the risk is therefore small.
  3. Age: Young adults unusually experience Parkinson’s disease and begin in mid or later stages of life. The risk advances with age. People normally develop Parkinson’s around the age of 60 or older.

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What symptoms of Parkinson’s dementia disease to look out for?

The symptoms of Parkinson’s dementia disease include the following:

  • Loss of decision-making skills
  • Difficulty in adapting to changes
  • Disorientation in common surroundings
  • Problem learning new stuff
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Lack of short and long-term memory
  • Problem with putting a sequence of functions in the correct order
  • Difficulties using complex language.  

People with Parkinson’s dementia disease may often respond slowly to requests and questions. They may become fearful, dependent, passive, and indecisive. As the illness advances, the sufferers of this disease may become increasingly reliant on caregivers.

How Parkinson’s Disease dementia can cause problems in a person’s life?

Parkinson’s Dementia is often accompanied by these problems, which may be treatable:

  • Thinking difficulties- They may experience cognitive impairments and thinking difficulties.  
  • Depression and emotional problems- In the very early stage, they may experience depression. Receiving treatment for depression can make it easy to manage the other challenges of Parkinson’s disease dementia. Emotional changes, such as anxiety, fear, or loss of motivation can be the result.  
  • Anxiety- Extreme worry or fear disrupting everyday activities or relationships. The physical signs such as extreme fatigue, restlessness or muscle tension are visible.
  • Psychosis- It is the failure to think realistically. The symptoms may include delusions, hallucinations, paranoia.
  • Problems with Swallowing- As the condition progresses, they may find difficulties with swallowing. Saliva may collect in their mouth due to decreased swallowing, thus leading to drooling.
  • Eating disorders- Parkinson’s dementia affects the muscles in their mouth, causing difficulty with chewing. This can also lead to poor nutrition.
  • Sleep-related problems- People with Parkinson’s often have sleep difficulties, including waking up regularly throughout the night,  or falling asleep during the day. Medications may help sleep problems in such cases.
  • Bladder problems- The illness may cause bladder problems, where the person finds it difficulty with urinating or loss of control.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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When Should You Call the Doctor for Parkinson’s Dementia?

Any significant change in ability to reason, think, or concentrate, or lack in problem-solving; in use of language; in memory; in mood; or changes in behaviour or personality of a person justifies a visit to a mental health care professional.

If you need more information or any guidance with Parkinson’s dementia treatment and how to care for someone with dementia visit us at Cadabam’s. Alternatively, you can also call us on our 24/ 7 helpline number- +91 96111 94949.

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