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Drug Abuse Symptoms, Facts, and Statistics

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According to World Health Organization around 155 to 250 million people around the world suffer from drug abuse disorders. Drug addiction is a serious problem and causes huge distress to individuals and their families. It also largely contributes to the crime and violence around the world. Gone are the days when we consider drug addiction a problem only the West suffer, it is time we sit up and take notice of the misdemeanours in our country. India has a drug abuse problem and we better take notice of it.

  • An influx of drug abuse cases in India.

According to the data from the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) there has been a registered influx of 29,247 cases under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 in 2012. Punjab has 10,220 registered cases, Uttar Pradesh with 6,755 cases, Maharashtra with 1,903 cases, Tamil Nadu with 1,402 cases, Rajasthan with 1,115 cases, Jammu and Kashmir with 411 cases and Gujarat with 68 cases. This figure also shows an influx of crime rates relating to drug abuse; crime not only affects the individual but its family, friends and society at large.

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  • Everyday there are 10 suicide related deaths due to drug addiction in India.

Deaths due to drugs are a staggering reality in India. Over dose of drugs could occur due to a number of reasons; from escape of environmental or personal stressors, purposeful overuse to cause cessation of life to unsuspecting annihilation effects due to overuse, deaths due to drugs is a harsh reality of today’s times.

  • Teens are the rampant users of drugs.

Curiosity is high amongst kids in adolescence; from peer pressure, popular media, rebellion, boredom, escaping from a source of stressor and instant gratification can all lead to teens experimenting from wide variety of drugs. Be it illicit drugs or medications, misinformation about the use and dosage could lead to a harmful effect.

  • Long term effects of drugs can cause lasting damage.

Drugs are addictive substance; hence causing drug abuse. It tampers with the brain’s reward circuit, hence causing the individual to continuously seek drugs.  Over a period of time drugs end up affecting an individual’s learning, decision-making, memory, judgment and behaviour causing lasting damage if left unattended.

  • Drug abuse affects the whole ecosystem of the individual.

Drug abuse not only hampers the individual, but its effects have far and wide reaching consequences.  Its affects families, work, personal health, and communities as a whole. Isolation, legal problems, unemployment, development of mental health issues, etc are just a few affects to name that is a result of drug abuse.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma
Take the first step

Drug abuse doesn’t have to be the reality; it is a disease that can be entirely reversed, prevented and treated. With rehabilitation and proper medical and mental health care we can overcome and support individuals in need to overcome drug abuse. For treatment of drug abuse, drug addiction, call us now on +919611194949.

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