For as long as health professionals can remember, our country has developed a negative stigma towards depression illness. People suffering from depression tend to suffer in silence, or not seek the appropriate treatment because of the shame associated with admitting they have a mental illness.
Currently, people diagnosed with depression illness are viewed as broken, helpless people who need lifelong assistance. The stigma of being depressed is often compounded by shame, guilt, and discredit for not being a “productive” member of our society.
People often measure their self-worth by building their career or taking care of their family. However, the depressed person feels like a nobody when their depression makes them unable to work or earn a living for their family. In fact, a majority of Indians agree that if they admit to their boss that they are diagnosed with clinical depression, they will lose their jobs.
Educating Society About Mental illness and Depression
Tipper Gore, An American author, said it best when she stated, “the last great stigma of the 20th century is the stigma of mental illness.”
It is generally thought that a depressed person has “trouble coping,” a “bad attitude,” or a “poor outlook on life.” However, depression is a combination of environmental and biological causes, and our society has a lack of understanding and acceptance for this condition. Why is it so scary to be open about our weaknesses? The stigma surrounding depression developed from living in a country where feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability are considered weak and unacceptable. Therefore, people easily lose touch with their feelings by avoiding situations where a strong emotion is present.
Being depressed is a serious illness and the disorder involves feelings of sadness that can last for days or weeks at a time. This causes the person to lose interest in life and themselves. It is a hard thing to beat and most depressed people will simply say that they aren’t depressed at all.
If you think you know someone or if you yourself are suffering from the symptoms of depression illness I would urge you to seek help. Appropriate treatment can help most people who suffer from depressive disorders.
Keep in mind that many people either do not know that they are depressed or simply don’t know what depression is. It is not a weakness of your character, nor does it mean that you are inadequate. It means that a depressed person has a medical illness that is just as real as cancer or diabetes. It cannot be shaken off or willed away you need to seek professional help.
Depression is a diagnosable condition that needs to be treated with as much respect as any other disease, and in this manner, we can eliminate the stigma of depression in our society.
How overcoming the stigma of mental illness depression can help us all?
If our society becomes more knowledgeable and aware of depression, we can reduce the stereotyping that is often associated with this condition, making it more acceptable in our culture. It is important to promote the unique strengths that are required to endure depression.
It takes much courage and mental toughness to get help for this condition, especially under its current stigma. This is also a good opportunity to teach others about overcoming adversity and assisting their peers who are also struggling with depression.
The key to overcoming the stigma of depression is to realize that your individual self-worth is a function of who you are, not what you do or how much money you make. Repeating this mantra can help you redefine how you view yourself.
Getting help for Depression Illness
As mental health professionals, our mission is to reduce the stigma associated with depression. Although many celebrities have admitted to their struggles with depression, the stigma of mental illness still remains in the working world.
In order to reduce this stigma, there needs to be a larger public health and educational approach to this condition. There are various groups who are working diligently to educate the public and diminish the myths and stigma that surrounds mental illness. For instance, people of all ages need to be informed about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of depression.
If you feel you are depressed and would like to change your life come to seek help, it is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign that you are taking control of your life and are willing to make a change to better your situation. Not many people will have the courage and determination to drag themselves out of misery, I hope you aren’t one of them. To know more about treating depression, we are there to assist you. Call us now at 96111 94949.