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Heed early warning signals, keep depression at bay

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Feeling crestfallen or sad or losing interest in your immediate surroundings or people whose very mention till the other day would make you jump with excitement? You sensed it right: it might as well be a bout of depression you are reeling under. But hold on!

Ignore at your own peril

Do you know what depression is and more importantly about its early symptoms that would help one diagnose it and initiate the treatment process. Yes, it’s true that depression if left untreated can play havoc with your overall being and mental health with far reaching ramifications.

The reasons for the debilitating impact of depression is not far to seek: it impacts the brain. Depression can be attributed to genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions, stress, grief or difficult circumstances in one’s life. The combined impact of one or more than one of the mentioned factors can spark off changes in brain chemistry and resultant symptoms of depression.

Read early symptoms

So, what are the early symptoms of depression? Depression commonly affects your thoughts, your emotions, your behaviors and your overall physical health. Here are some of the most common symptoms that point to the presence of depression in a person:

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Disrupting Feelings:

  1. Sleeping too much or too little
  2. Feel inclined to suicide
  3. Losing interest in life
  4. Poor eating habits
  5. Too high or too low levels of energy
  6. In a sadness mode all the time
  7. In a state of hopelessness
  8. Urge to cry or crying all the time
  9. Disruption in decision making process
  10. Loss of concentration
  11. Nagging pain and aches unresponsive to medication
  12. Feeling miserable and helpless

Disrupting Thoughts:

  1. One has trouble concentrating
  2. One has trouble remembering
  3. One has thoughts of self-harm
  4. Delusions and/or hallucinations (signs of severe depression)

Behaviourial Changes:

  1. Turning reclusive
  2. Resorting to substance abuse
  3. Missing work, school or other commitments

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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However, it is important to note here that occurrence of any one of these symptoms on its own does not constitute depression. Psychiatrists or doctors generally look for a group of symptoms occurring over a period of two or more than two weeks to make any conclusion on depression.

Cadabam’s Group has over 23 years of experience in treating people suffering from mild to severe degrees of depression. Its team of psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals have the experience to diagnose and treat depression.

For any help related to depression you can reach out to: +91-97414-76476 or visit

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