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Understanding Depression and Weight Changes

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Written by Sulagna Chakraborty

Food and mood often go together. You might reach for a comforting bag of chips when you feel low or feel extremely stressed. It is normal for difficult emotions to make you overeat or eat too little. 

But if you live with depression, changes in food patterns and habits can be long term and lead to drastic weight gain or loss. 

Weight gain and depression can stem from social, environmental or biological causes, further research has shown that patients with depressive symptoms are likely to experience an increase in BMI ( Body Mass Index) and waist circumference over subsequent years. 

Depression can also cause a decrease in appetite that eventually leads to unintentional weight loss. This might leave you with aches and pains along with a sharp drop in energy levels, making it difficult to cope with the symptoms of depression.

How Depression Affects Weight

Depression can affect weight through various mechanisms, including altered eating patterns, reduced physical activity, and hormonal imbalances. Stress hormones like cortisol can also play a role.

The Link Between Weight Changes and Different Types of Depression

Depression is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Some people may experience atypical depression, which can lead to weight gain, while others may experience melancholic depression, often associated with weight loss.

Depression and Weight Loss

Some individuals with depression may experience significant weight loss due to reduced appetite and interest in food. This can result in nutritional deficiencies and further exacerbate their depression.

Example: A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that individuals with severe depression had a higher likelihood of experiencing weight loss, with a 10% decrease in body weight being common.

Depression and Weight Gain

On the flip side, depression can also lead to weight gain in certain individuals. Emotional eating, cravings for comfort foods, and decreased physical activity can contribute to this phenomenon.

Example: A review published in JAMA Pediatrics highlighted that adolescents with depression are at an increased risk of developing obesity.

Impact of Antidepressants on Weight

Antidepressant medications are commonly prescribed to manage depression. While they can be highly effective in improving mood, some of them are associated with weight gain as a side effect.

Example: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been linked to weight gain in some patients. According to a study in JAMA Psychiatry, up to 25% of individuals on SSRIs experience significant weight gain.

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Recognizing Unhealthy Weight Changes

It's crucial to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy weight changes. Rapid, unexplained weight loss or excessive weight gain can be signs of underlying issues, including depression.

Lifestyle Strategies for Combating Depression and Weight Issues

Managing depression and weight simultaneously can be challenging, but there are effective strategies. These include regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management, and seeking professional help.

Seeking Medical Attention for Severe Cases

If depression and its associated weight changes become severe and affect daily functioning, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider. They can offer tailored treatment plans, including therapy, medication adjustments, or referrals to specialists.


Depression's impact on weight is a nuanced and individualized experience. Some may lose weight, while others may gain it. Antidepressant medications can also play a role in weight changes. Recognizing these patterns and seeking help when needed is crucial to managing both mental and physical well-being. Remember the key is addressing depression while maintaining a healthy relationship with food and exercise.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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1. Is there a link between depression and weight changes?

Yes, depression can trigger weight loss or gain. Researchers define two types:

Type 1: Symptoms include appetite loss, weight loss, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.

Type 2: Symptoms include increased appetite, weight gain, limb heaviness, daytime sleepiness, and poor metabolic profile.

2. How does depression affect appetite and eating habits?

Depression can be associated with overeating, poor dietary choices or more sedentary lifestyle choices.

3. Can depression lead to weight gain or weight loss?

Yes, people with depression may experience either weight gain or weight loss depending upon the propensity of their condition or due to the medication used for treatment.

4. What role do hormones and neurotransmitters play in depression-related weight changes?

Hormones and neurological factors intricately affect appetite regulation in depression. Hormonal imbalances, particularly in serotonin and ghrelin, can lead to increased appetite and emotional eating, resulting in weight changes.

5. Are there any specific antidepressant medications that cause weight changes?

In general, antidepressants may cause weight changes as possible side effects, depending on the medication, as they are grouped based on how they react with certain chemical receptors in your brain..

 6. Why is losing weight so mentally hard?

Simply, the perception of  losing weight increases psychological distress. And, depression related symptoms such as fatigue or sleep-deprivation may make weight loss more challenging. 

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