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Dementia Treatment

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Dementia treatment is something that must be increasingly addressed. The number of people affected by dementia will begin to rise. Soon there will be few families that don’t have someone they know suffering from the loss of cognitive function, mood swings and other symptoms that go with dementia. Focusing on dementia treatment proactively is something that should be considered by a good majority in our society. But before that, know what the illness is all about.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a progressive disorder that degenerates the brain cells and destroys memory. Normally, it begins from mild and matures to severe.

Without proper diagnosis or dementia treatment, the illness can make life challenging, even doing daily tasks could become difficult. Before going to treatments, let’s understand a few things about dementia.  

Anyone can get Dementia!

Most of the people think dementia is an old age disease and it only affects memory. Actually, it isn’t. Dementia is something more than that.

Even a work-age person can experience dementia. According to the researchers, early onset of dementia is 30 years of age. Also, apart from memory issues, the other symptoms of dementia include thinking difficulty, poor judgement and changes in mood behaviour.  

Why early diagnosis is important?

At the early stage, most people do not notice dementia, or they neglect them. They don’t consult the doctor for forgetting things. In spite, they think it’s just because of confusion and business.

If dementia is diagnosed earlier, the psychiatrist may help in treating it by reversing its symptoms. By following the proper medications and early treatments one can reduce the severity and minimize the symptoms.

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Dementia Treatment Options

  • Medications

In the field of medicine, we witnessed numerous growth. We have a number of drugs for enhancing cognitive function. Combination of drugs helps the person to manage symptoms.

  1. Antipsychotic medications for reducing the feeling of aggression
  2. Anti-anxiety medications for reducing agitation and restlessness
  3. antidepressant medication to minimize the symptoms of depression
  • Psychotherapy

It is a behavioural approach that helps the person in controlling behavioural issues such as aggression, anxiety and depression. With psychotherapy, the person can function better and increase the well-being.

  • Support groups

Support groups are a popular form of encouragement and education for family members who are also serving as the primary caretaker of people with dementia. These groups allow members to share experiences, and even more important, provide an outlet to socialize with others in similar circumstances.

Ways to Manage Dementia

  • Increase the level of the oxygenation in the blood: More blood oxygenation means more life for your neurons. The neurons will be healthier. The brain will work better simply by giving to it plenty of oxygen.
  • Do mental exercises: Different cognitive exercise will help create new paths in the brain. Dementia is usually a symptom of low brain usage.
  • Engage in daily physical activities: Physical activities are great for the brain to function. The brain is a physical organ. So it has similar needs with other organs in the body. If a person doesn’t do enough exercises each day, he will get fat. In the same way, the brain will tire and not maintain peak performance levels.
  • Learning new things: At the neurological level, learning is equivalent to creating new connections between the different areas of the brain.
  • Play games: Dementia is often associated with memory loss. This is why the person needs to improve the memory function. Different mnemonic techniques will help do exactly that.
  • Take plenty of notes: Taking notes is a great dementia treatment. First, it makes the person remember better what they do. Second, it engages more of their senses. They see what they write. They feel their pen or a keyboard. And they silently say to their self what they write.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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The above are just a few dementia treatment approaches and ways of managing the illness. There are many more. For further guidance and support, please do reach us at +91 96111 94949 or visit Cadabam’s Today. We would be happy to assist you.

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