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All you need to know about Drug Rehab programs

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Congratulating you in advance for taking the first successful step on your/ adored one’s recovery chapter. A zen quote says “Willing is half the cure” now you have acquired half the recovery by preparing the mindset to know about rehab program, let us help you break down the remaining things.

What makes the program so effective to the individual:

Multidisciplinary team:

24/7 complete and dedicated hours of guidance and care for the individuals by psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, counselor, and nurse who operates as a multidisciplinary team. This assesses of team care makes the individual more comfortable and feel like home.

Detoxification: The process is very simple- Just the individual to get rid of substance and cope-up with the treatment and control the withdrawal symptoms.

The most frequently asked question by many of the individual’s family members is that ‘why detoxification can’t be done in an outpatient program’. It is very hard for the individual to control and avoid the drug abuse when they are directly exposed to the substance and it’s very easy to them to intake if there is no supervision to stop them.

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This therapy is all about making the individual understanding of what they are going through. This helps the individual to overcome their emotional conflicts, inferiority complex, and the personal issues. For instance- If the individual is encountering communication and relationship problem then the program is directed to family therapy. This focused treatments not only allows the individual to manage the issues also paves the way to understand why they involved in such kind of addictive behavior. The various therapies that are highly effective are Motivation Enhancement Therapy (MET), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Relapse Prevention & many more.

Support system:

The individual is pampered by a supporting team which is created by the rehabilitation program and the multi-discipline team. Along with the professional team, the support team acts and support the individual to cope with recovery difficulties. This group acts as a community helping and inspiring the recovering individual to reach their goal to the road of recovery.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Positive environment:

Above all the support team, multi-discipline team, treatments, and therapies environment play a vital role in the chapter of recovery. The combination all structured settings (rehabilitation centre) of these facilities influence an individual to feel the environment positively.

After recovery:

The techniques and the practices learned from the rehab program provides the lump sum of energy to the individual not only live without drug also influence the individual coping techniques that assist to manage the withdrawal symptoms too. You might be following each and every word of this blog for yourself or adored one. This is the right time to make a wise decision. For effective drug treatments and therapies call us on +91 9611194949

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