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Drug addiction and Treatment: Escaping the clutches of dependence

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Addiction is a brain disorder triggered by the continuous use of harmful substances, where the individual becomes dependent on the substance that eventually destroys his/her mental and physical health, causing severe disruptions in family and professional life. This guide will help you understand the psychology of addiction and how treatment and rehab can help individuals get back on track.

The Concept of Addiction

While the addiction concept is very broad, the disorder can be divided into chemical or drug addiction and behavioral addiction. Very often, a specific behavioral element can trigger a compulsive or a dependent attitude towards a substance. Once the individual is used to the substance, he/she gets into a withdrawal state following a specific chemical reaction. In other words, withdrawal is always influenced by a prominent psychological reaction.

What is available as a prescribed drug, eventually becomes a habit due to specific mental reactions or due to the high or a temporary state of euphoria the individual experiences. Behavioral addiction is rising at alarming proportions and impulsive control disorders and compulsive gambling & betting are leading from the front.

The behavioral patterns having clinical significance are persistent in nature and are often powerful expressions of the individual’s lifestyle, characteristics, and environment, and are also a way of relating to themselves and others. As this disorder continues its journey, it leads to several other behavioral disorders that are characterized by compulsive and repetitive behaviors that are not influenced by any substance abuse.

Types of Addiction

The common types of addiction are:


Alcohol addiction is the most common type of addiction and is considered more as an ability. Heavy alcohol consumption like anywhere between 12 to 14 drinks a week or at least 4 drinks a day, you’re an alcohol addict. The addiction causes mental problems, chronic liver damage, and other serious health disorders.

OTC drugs

Over the counter drugs are also prescription drugs that are extremely harmful just like illegal drugs, including meth, acid, and cocaine. These drugs are so addictive since they give a high and it becomes next to impossible to stop the dependence. It’s dangerous when you consume it for recreational purposes or in excessive quantities.

Opioid drug addiction

Drugs like heroin, crystal meth, LSD, and others are opioid drugs, and consuming them gives you a feverish feeling accompanied by tiredness and anxiety. It soon leads to an ecstatic state where you become dependent that leads to serious psychological issues.


It’s a common drug that often begins in social gatherings and parties, and is the first drug most people get used to. Regular consumption can lead to serious psychological problems, leave you burned, and can cause chronic neural effects like memory loss.


This drug, mostly found in cigarettes, is the most addictive drug and it gives the user a temporary high and relief. However, the high tolerance level makes the user addictive. It’s a leading cause of cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

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The top treatment options for drug addiction include:


Detoxification in a rehab is performed to remove all toxic elements from the body before undergoing other treatments.

Behavioral counseling

The therapy engages the individual in holistic activities that keep him/her away from the drug and stop the dependence.


There are harmless nicotine patches, gums, and other options like opioid treatments that help prevent dependence or a relapse on illegal drugs and substances.

Identifying Drug Addiction

Here are the top indicators to identify drug addiction:

  • Tolerance that increases your consumption
  • Withdrawal
  • Unable to control the use of drugs
  • Continuing the drug despite experiencing negative consequences
  • Neglecting or postponing important activities frequently
  • Thinking too much about the drug or sending a significant amount of time to buy
  • Several unsuccessful attempts to cut down on drug consumption

If at least three points refer to you, then you’re a drug addict who requires medical intervention.

Why choose Cadabam’s for Drug addiction rehab?

Your long-term recovery is our priority. With our comprehensive addiction counselling, we are involved in every step of the way. We offer personalised Post-Diagnostic Support for addiction to familiarise the patient and the family with counselling.

Our treatment does not end with discharge. We use our 28+ years of expertise to ensure that you get the treatment you need and deserve. Our multispecialty team of psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and physicians continually work with you and your family members to ensure a well-rounded and holistic alcohol addiction treatment.

With state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced professionals and strong community support, we offer world-class evidence-based treatment that is fit for all stages and all types of addiction. As pioneers in private behavioural healthcare services, we pride ourselves on our renowned psychotherapy,  pharmacotherapy, neurofeedback and community-based treatment for alcohol use disorder.      


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Addiction is a disorder that is best combated with the support of trained professionals. Our programs help you or your loved one recover by using the top therapeutic interventions used worldwide. Our high-quality and comfortable facilities, qualified mental health professionals, caregiver support plans, post-diagnostic support, post-care support and crisis intervention ensure that all your needs are met. At Cadabams, we care for you.

Disclaimer – We strive to treat our patients with dignity and the utmost sensitivity. We understand that mental health illness is a disease and not a sign of weakness. The term addiction is used not in a derogatory fashion but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage. In case you or a loved are struggling with any kind of addiction or you are caring for one, do share your unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at

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