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10 things about dementia you must know!

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Dr Ninad Baste, president of the Indian Psychiatric Society to Hindustan Times (Friday, Jan 04, 2019) – “India has second most number of individuals suffering from dementia.”

In India, the number of people suffering from dementia is about 4.1 million

The steaming facts on dementia have popped a curious question on your head! India has the second most number of individuals suffering from dementia

The answer is quite simple, ‘lack of awareness among people about dementia’

A report published by the Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India states- About 4.1 million Indians suffering from dementia and its likely to double by 2035.

In order to break this stigma and know about the disorder is all about, people need to educate themselves about it. So here are the top 10 facts on dementia you must know.

Things to Know About Dementia

  • Anyone can experience dementia:

Majority of the people believe dementia is an age-related disorder. Actually, it isn’t! Between the age of 30-70 and above, anyone can experience dementia. The risks of encountering dementia are higher in a person with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, or arteriosclerosis and etc.  

  • Women are more prone to dementia

According to the research conducted by Dr Aoife Kiely, Research Communications Officer at Alzheimer’s Society where – women are more likely to experience dementia more than men at a ratio of 2:1.

A hormone called ‘estrogen’ is the reason behind the rising numbers in women (biologically the hormone seems higher in women). According to the study, estrogen affects the memory functions of the brain, cardiovascular system and sleep patterns. Which paves the way to encounter dementia.

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  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Numerous people think Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are two different disorders. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia.

Dementia is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that cause a decline in brain function. This leads to difficulty with cognitive behaviours such as memory, decision making and rational thinking. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that specifically affects parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language.

  • Dementia is not only about losing memories

Apart from memory issues, dementia instils more symptoms that include,

  1. Behavioural changes
  2. Unusual food cravings
  3. Impaired judgment
  4. Frequent mood swings
  5. Change in sleep patterns
  • Conditions that are closely related to dementia

Unlike the other disorders, dementia is closely connected with an individual’s lifestyle. A person with poor lifestyle habits is at a higher risk of developing dementia. Factors that increase the risk of having dementia are

  1. Poor diet
  2. High cholesterol
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Diabetes
  5. Physical in-activities
  6. Sleeplessness
  7. Drug or substance abuse
  • There is no cure for dementia

Unfortunately, the researchers are yet to find a cure for dementia. But it is absolutely manageable. Through proper medication, treatment and coping skills anyone can manage and reduce the symptoms of dementia.    

  • Symptoms of dementia

There are numerous symptoms are associated with it. Here are some symptoms of dementia,

  1. Memory issues
  2. Change in mood
  3. Apathy
  4. Confusion with time and date
  5. Poor judgement
  6. Poor concentration
  7. Being repetitive
  8. Incoherent speech
  • Treatments for dementia
  1. Medications- Combination of drugs enhances the cognitive functions and helps the individual to manage symptoms of dementia.
  2. Psychotherapy- It is a behavioural approach that helps the person in controlling behavioural issues such as aggression, anxiety and depression. With psychotherapy, the person can function better and increase the well-being.
  3. Support groups- It encourages the caretakers and the individuals to gain knowledge and seek support from not only the professional but also from the like-minded people.
  • Early diagnosis is important

A lot of people confuse forgetfulness and confusion a normal part of aging. Wake up to this, they are early warning signs of dementia. Reach out to a doctor and have yourself screened for it. If dementia is diagnosed earlier, the symptoms could be reversed through proper medications and treatments.


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  • We still have a lot to learn about the facts on dementia!

You might have known a lot about dementia now, but still, you lack in a cue. Self-therapies are helpful in dealing with dementia, but for long-term, it not effective as professional help.  

‘Professional help’ – helps to manage, anticipate and reduce the symptoms of dementia. If you are in search of dementia treatments, we can help you in managing dementia, call us @+91 96111 94949.

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