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10 Caregiver Tips for travelling with someone with Dementia

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A dementia analysis doesn’t certainly mean the end of all travel, but it does mean taking extra preparations, safety and precautionary measures to ensure an enjoyable experience for all.

Here are 10 tips for caregivers who are traveling with someone living with dementia.

  • Determine Whether Travel Is Suitable – While it’s essential to give all elders who are able a chance to travel and visit family and loved ones, it may be impossible for some. Signs that travel is infeasible include an unstable medical condition, high fall risk, severe mood swings, agitation/ aggression. Before you choose to take the trip, decide whether travel is appropriate for your loved one.
  • Simplify your Travel experience – Look for methods to simplify your travel, which may include avoiding unusual modes of transportation, avoiding undesirable shortcuts, and having familiar surroundings to the most considerable extent possible. It’s also a great idea to cap the total trip time to 4 hours.  
  • Evaluate the environment – If you’re taking your elderly to a holiday visit, take a glimpse at the place before the day of the gathering. See that the place is safe and peaceful for your elderly.

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  • Stick to a Routine – When travelling with someone who has dementia do your best to hold to the same routine as at home. Allow for the equal amount of time during dressing, bathing, and eating as you would at the house. Stick to the same kinds of food choices so you can ensure the individual does not eat something that can make them sick, and provide plenty of time for rest.
  • Walking – While a relaxing day out may be enjoyable, you need to ensure you are always on the lookout for potential problems and hazards. As a forethought, make sure you do not leave them alone anywhere may be inside a car if you’re travelling in a car or at a table in a restaurant.
  • Be Prepared – Just like any other trip, you need to be sure you have all of your necessary documents and ready to go for your trip. When travelling with an elderly person, though, you must also take additional precautions. Be sure you keep copies of medical records, and medication refills.

  • Try To Be Patience – Communication is possible, as long as you have patience. That means slowing things down a bit and giving them more time to process what you say. It also helps if you maintain eye contact at all times and take note of any facial gestures or cues. So take your time and try not to let frustration win.
  • Don’t Do It All Yourself – If you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, ask for help ASAP! The emotional stress that comes with caring for a person is simply too much for an untrained individual to handle. That is why we strongly suggest getting professional help from a specialized facility such as the help of a therapist. Whether they come to you or you go to them, it is important to take the weight of the world off your shoulders.
  • Avoid Using Baby Talk – Even if they have memory issues, elderly with dementia should be able to follow you if you talk in a slow, even tone. There is no need to use baby talk or any other superior mode of communication. Sometimes it could be another way around- a loved one may have an accident due to indulgence. Or maybe they are forgetful. Attempt not to upset your parent by stating or scolding them for repeating themselves. These behaviours embarrass them, causing them to feel like a child. If you’re frustrated or overwhelmed with these behaviours, take a quick break yourself.
  • Plan for rest – Elders tend to tire more quickly and may need to take a nap or just a rest from the activity. Elders with dementia are especially prone to overstimulation from increased activity and noise levels. Taking a break to a peaceful area of the house may make for a much more enjoyable time.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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If you are taking a trip with dementia in elderly, make sure you take all of the 10 precautions needed, including planning activities, to make it a safe and fun trip for both you and the individual.

If you’re someone looking for dementia care in Elderly? Reach us

Also, this World Alzheimer’s Day, What advice would you give to others who have a parent with dementia? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Let’s start a conversation and help in preventing the disorder.

For more guidance and knowledge about the illness, contact us on our website- Cadabam’s. Email us at or give us a call to +91 96111 94949.

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