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Technology: How Healthy is it for Children

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When British Romantic poet, William Wordsworth, penned his now immortalized, the most popular line in “The Rainbow” poem: ‘The Child is Father of The Man’, he had perhaps little inkling about the way technology was going to impact the childhood of modern-day ‘Man’.

The beautifully written poem is in a way celebration of nature and how exposure to it during formative childhood days plays such an important role when a child grows up to become a man or woman.

The childhood of a boy or girl born any time after 2004 inevitably will make up of smart class gadgets in schools, mobiles and latest play station games versions, cartoons on HD television, Home PCs and a Wi-Fi enabled virtual world of their own on the web.

Obsession with technology

It has been proved now that unbridled childhood pre-occupation with modern technological gadgets and gizmos, without being exposed to the heat and dust of the real world outside, throws a spanner in the natural growth and mental development process of a child. Parental intervention helps deal with many of the mental and physical issues associated with excessive use of technology by children.

Disturbing picture

A recent survey conducted by ASSOCHM (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India) has pointed out:

  • About 82% of kids in the 5-14 age category have their own mobile phone, tablet, iPad, etc.
  • Nearly 82% of kids aged 5 to 12 especially in metropolitan cities and using electronic devices can suffer from social isolation, insomnia, depression, anxiety, obesity and mental health problems

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Impact chart

Sedentary bodies exposed to long hours of chaotic sensory stimulation:

  • Delaying attainment of child development milestones
  • Jeopardizing basic foundation skills for achieving literacy
  • Kids bound to fast paced life struggling with self–regulation in school
  • Attention skills necessary for learning are being dented
  • Excessive use of mobile phones makes teenagers more restless
  • Excessive use of mobile phone results in sleep disorders and stress
  • End result of all-significant behavior management problems for class teachers

What to do?

Inform youngsters about:

  • Negative impact of excessive use of technology on sleep-wake pattern
  • Cognitive and attention problem resulting in serious health issues
  • Stress allowed to build up through overuse of technology impacts sleep

Codes of Healthy Child development

Sensory inputs like movement, touch, human connection and exposure to nature helps:

  • Normal child development
  • Development of postures
  • Development of bilateral coordination
  • Development of optimal arousal states
  • Development of self-regulation necessary for achieving basic skills for school entry


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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  • 2-3 hours of daily active rough and tumble play helps to achieve adequate sensory stimulation to vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems.
  • Tactile stimulation received through mooching, hugging and play helps development of praxis, or planned movement patterns.
  • Touch also activates the parasympathetic system lowering cortisol, adrenalin and anxiety.
  • Exposing to nature and “green space” has a calming influence on children, restores attention, promotes learning process

Cadabam’s Group has over 23 years of experience child and adolescent psychiatry. Its team of psychiatrists, psychologists and healthcare professionals have the experience to diagnose and treat psychological issues in children and adolscent. For any help, you can reach out to: +91-97414-76476 or visit:

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