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Seize the summer: Tips to keep your kids active for constant learning

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We all know that kids have a different attitude as soon as the final bell of the school year. While children deserve a long break from restless homework and tests, there will be no reason why they can’t stay engaged during the summer months. As parents, we expect our kids to be active, keep learning and exploring during holidays. So, planning the summer vacation in a way that yields the best to your kids is absolutely important. The following activities can keep your kids engaged.

Nature walk: A nature walk is a great way to help your children experience the beauty of the nature. You can plan a nature walk in areas near your home. Please be realistic about the distance they can walk without any trouble. The objective is to expose your children being close to the nature instead not doing a forced march with unhappy kids.

Your kitchen companion: Spending time with kids in the kitchen is a joyful experience for every family. You could prepare one or two dishes with them to keep them active or exposed to cooking. Kids will enjoy this, and at the same time, you can have the great companions too.

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Plan play dates: The summer vacation shouldn’t make your kids home-bound with  limited family interactions. However, you can invite their friends to your house, schedule a game, and offer them a movie treat and good food. This makes them feel relaxed and happy and you can also have good time.

Craft together: Sit with your kids; gather random stuff from home and do some craft. Allow your kids to think creatively. You can find organizations that supply craft boxes on a monthly basis, and enroll your children for the same.

Create own games: Kids enjoy the most from a game, which they themselves can create. So, give them a platform. They might have unconventional rules and ideas, but they will learn and enjoy from the experience if you give them a chance.

Hobby classes/ summer camps: Enroll your budding kids to a summer camp that would keep their minds ignited and entertained. The goal may be educational or cultural development, but it helps children take healthy risks in a safe and nurturing environment.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Plan a trip: Busy parents, take heart! If you’ve kids, we know you’ve got better things to do with your time than spend hours planning a family vacation. Try spending quality time with the family by touring to favorite destinations.

“Let your children be happy and unstressed to take up new challenges of the next school year”.

Neha S Cadabam
Psychologist & Executive Director
Cadabam’s Group

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