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Substance Abuse Program

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The issue of substance abuse is increasing in today’s world. Even an occasional use of substance has the risk of becoming an abuse and addiction. The decision to get over this abusive habit is a courageous one as it takes a lot of effort and resilience.

Substance abuse program aims at removing this abusive behaviour and helping the individual function effectively in the society. This program is provided by mental health intuitions in two formats. One: in-patient basis where they have to live in a structured environment and go through the program. Two: out-patient basis where the individual is asked to come to the institution weekly and receive treatment.

Let us look at the components of substance abuse program:

  • Assessment and goal setting: When the individual approaches a mental health professional for substance abuse, they are first completely assessed. Their mental as well as physical state is tested. Looking at the assessment results goals of the treatment program is set, these goals also includes the person’s individual goals.
  • Detoxification: This is a common and essential part of any abuse or addiction program. Medications are used to drain the substance out of the body. Withdrawal symptoms develop in this stage, ways to cope with them are taught to the individual.

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  • Individual therapy: These include quite a range of psychotherapies that can be given to the individual. Some of them are cognitive behavioural therapy, behaviour therapy and motivation enhancement therapy. These therapies help the individual resolve their emotional crisis and change behaviour.
  • Group and family therapies: Family therapies are integrated when there is problem in the family connections. They are also employed to motivate the individual towards recovery. Group therapies are where individuals share their experience and together learn ways to overcome substance abuse.

  • Skills training: These trainings are given to the individual to enable them to connect back to the society and function effectively. Some of these skills are communication skills, assertiveness training, vocational skills, etc.
  • Follow up: After the treatment program is completed, individuals are still asked to come back for a follow up. This helps both the professionals and the individual, to keep a track on their progress.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Substance abuse programs may vary from institution to institution. To choose an out-patient program or in-patient program, it is up to the individual. However, before enrolling yourself for such programs, consult a mental health professional who will guide you with an outline of their program. For effective substance abuse programs for your loved one, call us now on +919611194949.

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