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Substance Abuse: Is there a way out?

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During our college days or even during our later working years we are drawn to substances like alcohol, cannabis (commonly known as ganja) or harder chemical substances such as cocaine, LSD and heroin. Initially it can be the cool factor or sometimes the simple curiosity to figure out how it feels. Cigarettes (nicotine) and alcohol comes on the top list as they are accepted socially and due to free availability.

Entering the world of substance abuse is easy, but quitting can be excruciatingly painful. It is painful for the user, his/her family and friends. The substance can quite easily consume the user’s life and disrupt his studies, work and every relationship he/she cherishes.

The above named drugs are addictive due to various reasons. They act on the chemicals in the brain causing cravings which lead to a high dependence on the substance to maintain a perceived balance in normal activities.

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Experts say that there is a link between chemical changes in the brain nerve and substance addiction. The drugs act as stimulant to provide dopamine and create a different experience in the brain which is often mistaken by the user as a ‘high’. While, in the short run this may not cause much harm to the brain but after long periods of dependence, these drugs degenerate the user’s physical, mental and social life.

This also causes side effects such as short term memory loss, weight loss or gain in appetite etc., which can be dangerous and affect the addict’s life in a very harmful way. In some cases addiction to prescription medicines, cocaine and heroin can result in over doses that may be fatal.

Here the question arises – ‘Is there no way out of addiction?’

A Few simple methods to overcome addiction

Treatment for substance addiction depends on the severity and the substance of addiction. The first step in recovering is for the patient to admit that he/she is facing addiction problem. The treatment involves providing aid and support to the patient from having the tendency abuse drugs.

Psychotherapy – It involves one-to-one sessions with the counsellor in providing support to gradually gain control over drug dependency.

Self help groups – The patients have close interactions with other similar patients suffering from addiction problems. They share each other’s story and often act as a motivation factor in recovering from disorder.  Examples include Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Help with Medications – There are medications available to prevent the cravings for the drugs which involves both medications and regular monitoring and counselling.

Cadabam’s Hospitals provides treatment for drug addiction which involves a combination of behavioural and cognitive approach in providing an effective recovery from addiction which often involves care at each individual level. You can be assured that your ward will be provided with effective treatment in successfully recovering from addiction.

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