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Sobriety Can Feel Like ”Slowbriety” When Getting Sober

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Congratulations to you have made the most difficult decision of your life: the decision to getting sober.

Addiction sneaks up on us very slowly, and sooner or later it grabs us and takes control of our lives. If this has happened to you, then what we need to do is to take a good look at ourselves and try to figure out our game plan, and in order to reverse this addiction.It is going to take some time to do so. This too will be a slow process, but it can be done. It will not happen overnight, just as the addictions we have did not happen overnight. That is why sobriety can feel like “slowbriety”. It is said because slowbriety is the slow process of recovery, but remember its results are always fruitful; it does all the help to you for getting sober and gives you a Sober Identity.

Here are some important things to help you in getting sober from alcohol addiction.

5 Things to keep in mind for getting sober from Alcohol

Getting sober from drugs or alcohol addiction will take time, and a lot of willpower, inner Strength, possibly help from the outside world, love and support from our families and friends, and a positive attitude. Along with these, here are few important things for staying sober-

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  • Start with the right-

Try to decide how you are going to head back up the path from where you began, and think of what you want out of your life. Think of your dreams you want to fulfill in your lifetime. When you have come up with the answers this is when you make the move to Go Sober.

  • Be positive-

Preparing your mind and starting with a positive attitude will indeed help you to begin your road to Recovery.

  • Have patience –

Be patient with yourself and don’t get disgusted

  • Have an inventory plan-

Make an inventory of actions you associate with drinking. But, after you finalize your inventory, now, try not to do those activities you associate with alcohol, or to replace smoking with anything else.

  • Quitting addiction will not happen overnight-

When you have decided that you will give up smoking, it is not that you will stop it completely in a day’s time. Try to convince yourself that smoking solves nothing. In fact, it only brings in illnesses. Such reasoning with yourself will help you give up the habit soon. If possible, reason positively every day.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Quitting alcohol makes the quality of your life better instantly. You start tasting and smelling food better. You get rid of cough and risks of cancer, stroke, and scores of heart and lung diseases. Your health improves and you save the money spent on drinks.

If in situations where you feel hopeless, it is crucial you visit a mental health professional who can understand the issue and help you get off it. For a proper support and guidance on quitting alcohol and getting sober, please do call us at 96111 94949 or Visit Cadabam’s.

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