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Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

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What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia and a progressive mental deterioration that causes degeneration of brain cells with memory problems.

Note that Alzheimer’s symptoms aren’t a normal part of ageing.

Usually, a person experiences Alzheimer’s slowly and gradually. When it advances to the progressive stage, the disorder becomes severe and difficult to manage. Even a daily task would be challenging for an individual with Alzheimer’s, e

The severity of the disorder is not the same for everyone. It differs from person to person. “But the disorder follows an arbitrary pattern”, says Dr Barry Reisberg of New York University.

Hence this blog breaks down the seven stages of Alzheimer’s disease based on the theory of Dr Resiberg’s system

Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s diseases | Symptoms of Alzheimer’s diseases

  • No Impairment

During the early phase of the disorder, the individual won’t experience any symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. They may look very normal

  • Very mild decline

At this stage, the individual experiences a minimal level of symptoms such as misplacing things, forgetting words or forgetting the due dates. The person may not get distracted due to the minimal effect of the disorder. It’s hard for the individual to notice the mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

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  • Mild decline

At this stage, the individual may experience the mild decline symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease such as forgetting the recent reads, repeatedly asking the same questions, finding difficulty in planning or being organised.

  • Moderate Decline

The effect of the disorder gets severe during this stage. The individual may encounter issues such as forgetting the details about themselves, they may face trouble with date, place and time and have difficulty in decision making.

  • Moderately Severe Decline

The individual may start finding difficulty to recognising the familiar faces. May have trouble in recollecting the address or phone numbers. They wear dress inappropriately to the occasions. They might be always under significant confusion.

  • Severe Decline

At this stage, the individual needs constant supervision and regular professional care. They will be needing assistance for the daily activities. Individual during this stage may lose control over bowel and bladder. They frequently mistake the person for someone else, for instance, they think their son as a brother.


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  • Very Severe Decline

The seventh is the final stage of Alzheimer’s diseases. At this stage, the individual loses the ability to communicate and respond to the situation. Even the person may not do the basic abilities such as walking, sitting or swallowing food.

You may be reading this blog for yourself or for your parent. If you spot any of the above-mentioned symptoms of Alzheimer’s don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Early intervention leads to better management. If you are looking for right treatment options call us @ +91 96111 94949

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