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How Relapse Prevention Plan helps after recovery from Addiction?

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Relapse prevention plan helps a drug addict or alcoholic deal with the addictions, disorders, behaviors, and thoughts that in the past have created feelings of shame, depression, hopelessness, and helplessness. Read on to know more about the Relapse Prevention Strategies and Techniques.

Addiction Relapse Prevention Plan – What and how helpful is it?

Relapse Prevention Plan is the practice of proactively planning for the onset of a possible relapse and preparing a response that will prevent that relapse from occurring. It is a written document created by the client with the help of a counselor that contains specific, concrete practices and interventions that will help the client avoid relapse. Clients recovering in hospitals or at residential treatment centers usually receive several hours of planning each week. In the best case scenario, clients will complete their own plan before being discharged.

This plan contains specific information about the client’s situational triggers, belief-system triggers, and emotional triggers, and includes specific plans for behavioral coping, mental and emotional coping, and information for people supporting their recovery about signs and symptoms of a relapse and what they can do to help. By the time they return home they have a concrete, personalized plan for managing the inevitable stresses that will occur during a reintegration into normal life.

The statistics for relapse from drug and alcohol addiction are notoriously high. Estimates range from 40% to 60% or more, depending on the study. These statistics are alarming and should be viewed as a warning to treat the subject seriously, but it is important to put these statistics in correct perspective.

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What are the other Relapse Prevention Strategies and Techniques?

Addiction isn’t a “one size fits all” kind of issue. It’s a disorder that requires an individualistic approach. One person may be able to quit addiction while another may take several months, or in some cases years, to quit. Several methods are available for producing acceptable results. For that reason, Here is a brief list of three solid guidelines for treating addiction:

#1: Admit You’re An Addict

As cliche as this sounds, you will never heal if you can’t admit you’re an addict. No matter the spin on it, if you’re drinking or taking drugs in situations where it’s socially unacceptable, question yourself. Ownership is one of the most important concepts of life and goes a long way with issues like alcoholism.

#2: Find The Method Of Quitting That Works Best For You

You may have done some research on treating addiction already and come across “guaranteed” methods to quit. Sure those methods are working for others, but understand the concept of bio-individuality. What works for one person may not work for another. Do extensive research on the different approaches to quitting and make a decision based on what you feel your chances of success will be. It’s no coincidence that most of the time relapse happens is when you’re doing something you’re not comfortable with.


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#3: Seek a Close Support System

In the event of a relapse, it is critical to have a close support system. We’d like to think our family and closest friends would understand and respect our decisions, but of course, that isn’t always the case. Albeit fun to party with, some friends and family have toxic effects in our lives. It doesn’t mean you stop hanging out with people altogether. However, it does mean you should start limiting the amount of time you spend with them. Particularly keep an eye on the environments that may lead to the temptation to push you back a few steps.

All things considered, the most important point to take from this guideline is to seek people who are going through the same thing you are. You won’t believe the feeling of knowing you always have someone to talk to and won’t judge you, is therapeutic.

Nothing is more therapeutic and encouraging than knowing you have someone who understands what you’re going through. It’s been proven time and again that people who surround themselves with other like-minded people are far likelier to achieve their goals.

There Is No Shame In Making Positive Change In Your Life

These are by no means comprehensive guidelines. The argument can be made, however, that many who have or are currently treating addiction will vouch that these methods work. They’re simple, yet critical to success. It’s up to you to decide how serious you are about giving yourself the greatest assistance anyone else could ever give you in taking ownership of your situation. It’s up to YOU to treat your addiction!

For more information about addiction relapse prevention plan and other related information about quitting drug and alcohol addiction, please do reach us at 9611194949 or visit Cadabam’s Anunitha. One single step can also change your life.

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