During teenage, life turns out to be quite challenging as it is the transition phase from childhood to adulthood. Teenagers, even trying out a new drug, can get them addicted to drugs and alcohol. It is because teenagers are more experimental in nature, and they like trying out anything that seems new and exciting to them.
Importance of Learning from Peers and Media
Out of many, peer pressure one of the commonest reasons for drug addiction in teens. The fear of being tagged “uncool” drives them to drugs and other substance their friends ask them to try. When they see similar things in the movies and sitcoms, where the fun part is focused more than the negative impact, the teens get mislead, and they don’t fear from substance abuse.
Factors that Influence Teenagers to Get Addicted
The environment at home often plays a role in determining addiction. Children who stay in a depressive and stressed environment or have parents with addiction have a chance of being addicted to drugs. Exposure to some traumatic experience of witnessing an accident or sudden death of a loved one at an early age can also contribute to it. Most teenagers drink because it makes them feel good, or when they have nothing to do to kill their boredom.
Consequences of Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Teenagers
The alcohol addiction can often indulge in risky behaviour such as rash driving which can often put their life at risk. It can also be linked to early sexual intercourse, acquaintance rape and teenage pregnancies. Most of the teenagers get addicted to alcohol or other drugs without knowing much about it, and they face the risk of death due to drug overdose.
There are several consequences of getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. Studies suggest that it can affect their cardiovascular system and brain. It affects their academics and other activities, and can often lead them to criminal activities like, theft, murders, rape, etc
A Helping Hands from Parents
Parents can helps them from staying far from addiction. Parents often fail to notice the signs of addiction among their children. Parents, along with their children, can resolve depression, violence and bullying, which often leads them to addiction. Confronting their children could help them from getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. Teens can learn much about addiction and their consequences from their parents