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Coping with Emotions – All You Need to Know

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Emotions are a significant part of one’s personality, and they majorly influence the behaviors, actions, decision-making capabilities, as well as, the perception of a particular situation. Positive emotions lead one to feel happy, joyous, productive, being cared for, and overall successful at the personal, professional, and social fronts. On the other hand, negative emotions have the exact opposite effect. One may feel dejected, unsuccessful in life at large, and may also experience bouts of depression, loneliness, unworthiness, etc. While it’s almost impossible to avoid emotions, the best way to feel them is to nurture positive emotions and keep the negative ones at bay, as much as possible.

Effects of Lack of Emotional Control (Psychological and Physiological)

Before we delve deep into learning other aspects about coping with emotions, let’s learn the devastating effects emotional mismanagement may have on the psychological, and physiological fronts.

The physiological impacts of not coping well with negative emotions are quite evident. They may surface in the forms of headache, stomach ache, back pain, and mild to chronic pains in other body parts. Poor digestion, nausea, bouts of vomiting, a decline in one’s appetite could be the indicator that one is feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Unwarranted allergies, asthma, and other breathing issues, and at times hysterical fits (mild seizures) may also indicate the same.

While physiological impacts of emotional imbalance are easy to recognize and deal with, psychological impacts are daunting to manage. Sensations of emotional instability, depression, continuous anxiety, the urge to indulge in impulsive behavior, crying spells, unhealthy competition can be considered as some of the most potent psychological symptoms when one is struggling with coping with emotions and stress.

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Coping with Emotions Life Skills Training

Like physiological well-being, psychological well-being is also equally necessary to lead a happy, healthy, and productive life. While stifling negative, and overwhelming emotions can’t be achieved all the time, it’s necessary to understand, learn, and implement coping with emotions life skill. It’s nothing to be apprehensive about as seeking assistance from trained professionals will go a long way in ensuring one’s overall wellness.

Here are some key aspects of coping skill training.

Identifying One’s Own Emotions

We all go through a myriad of emotions – positive, and negative ones alike throughout the day. And, it’s a common practice to shut down or to be unwilling to acknowledge negative emotions for the fear of getting overwhelmed. Though it may provide a momentary respite, it’s not healthy for the long run. Negative emotions when goes unacknowledged and attended to may pile up and have some disastrous outcomes. Trained professionals, therapists help you recognize, acknowledge, and analyze your own emotions in a healthy manner so that a necessary plan of action can be carried out to achieve emotional stability.

Managing Emotions

Managing your own emotions is rather not an easy feat; it may take much longer to take control and direct the emotions in a productive way. Motivating yourself, having a positive thought process towards life, and rationalizing the failures or shortcomings are some of the key initial steps in the right direction when it comes to managing emotions.

Emotional Self Control

Emotional self control is highly essential for ensuring the overall wellness of one’s body, mind, and soul. You have to understand and accept that emotions will be out there and you just have to learn to deal with them in the most efficient manner. Negative emotions may lead you to snap out of control, engage in destructive, self-harming behavior, and may impact your social and familial relationships. At such a juncture, mastering the art of emotional self control is key. Trained professionals can help you learn the necessary techniques such as Yoga, meditation, self-retrospection, breathing exercises to achieve emotional self control.

Recognizing Emotions in Others

We often get busy dealing with our own emotions and in a manner, we may altogether forget about how others are managing their emotions. We must nurture the social, and people skills to be able to recognize the emotions of others and empathize with them. By helping others deal with their emotions, you stand a greater chance to attain emotional self control.

Treatment Options

Cadabams has a wealth of trained professionals, therapists, psychiatrists to help you manage your emotions in a more productive manner. By implementing therapeutic methods, they help you understand, and analyze the emotional distress, and then act diligently to manage it.

Why Cadabams?

Cadabams is your go-to option for availing of psychological counselling, coping skill training to manage your emotions in a much more efficient manner. The panel of world-class and licensed mental healthcare professionals working at Cadabams work closely with you to address all the issues that may have contributed to the current situation, whether it’s physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual.

Cadabams also offers rehabilitation facilities, where the individuals are treated with care, compassion, and respect. The team will help you at every step of the journey and allow you to heal in an environment of trust and compassion.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Why is coping with emotions necessary?

Emotions tend to have a strong influence on our daily endeavors, physiological, and psychological aspects. It shapes our personality, and how we deal with our inner, and outer circle of friends, colleagues, and family members. If we fail to recognize and manage our emotions, it may have a holistic impact. Thus, it’s necessary to identify emotions such as the sense of failure, depression, loneliness, sudden, and unwarranted outbursts, crying spells, understand the root cause of such emotions, and then take a productive approach to keep them in check.

What are some of the effective emotion coping strategies?

Identifying the disturbing emotions is the initial step in learning to cope. You may choose to release the pent-up emotions by either talking to a close one; expressing your emotions may help you get things in perspective, and acquire a third-party view also. Distract yourself with something unique, and creative when you feel like the emotions are getting out of control. You may also meditate, practice mindfulness to manage emotions.

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