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How to Control Anger – All You Need to Know

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Anger Management – An Overview

Anger is a common emotion that we ought to feel at some point in our lives. Expressing anger can help us understand the root causes or triggers, and gain better insight into the particular situation. However, anger, out of proportion to its trigger, is not healthy. It may make the person be in a constant state of inner turmoil, impact the individual’s decision-making acumen, damage relationships, and a host of other conditions. Anger has physical, psychological, emotional, and societal impacts, and thus must be managed optimally. Read on this blog to understand how to control anger!

Why Anger Management is Essential?

Anger management is essential for a plethora of reasons. Here are some of the key ones.

Potential Health Risks: When an individual is angry, their blood pressure tends to elevate. Extreme levels of anger may lead to backaches, headaches, hypertension, reduced pain tolerance, etc. Extreme anger also may cause insomnia as the inner turmoil along with elevated blood pressure may leave the individual tossing and turning on the bed. The heart is one of the key organs that endure the brunt of extreme anger and is prone to strokes or attacks, which may prove to be fatal. Skin disorders, IBS, and a weakened immune system are some of the other aftereffects of anger. To keep these health risks at bay, anger management is highly crucial.

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Relationship Issues: Do you get highly irritated when your child does not cooperate? Do you get angry at your spouse for petty things that otherwise won’t bother you? Do you feel like screaming at your workplace due to unfair situations? Well, getting angry at certain, justifiable situations is common, and even healthy. However, an excess of anger may put your relationships at your home and work in jeopardy. Your children are going to be highly impacted and this may seep into their behaviour as well in the long run. So, learning how to control anger is highly paramount.

Mental Health Issues: Anger is one of the prime causes of a host of mental health challenges. People who lack anger management skills, and coping mechanisms often tend to suffer from prolonged periods of depression, a sense of loneliness, hopelessness. They may also face eating disorders, lack self-esteem, and may engage in self-harming actions. Anger management plays a crucial role in ensuring one’s holistic mental well-being, and its advantages can be felt by the individual and their near and dear ones too.

10 Tips to Control Anger  

Anger management is essential, and it is important for you to understand that it can’t be achieved overnight. You will have to identify the early signs of anger and introspect about the potential triggers. Once the triggers are identified, you will have to allow yourself time to learn to control them.

Here are the 10 key tips of best practices on how to control anger.

Think before you speak – Words once spoken, can’t be taken back. Have you heard of this saying? It’s absolutely true. We often tend to pour out whatever is in our minds and may even speak about certain things unintentionally that may hurt the other person. So, thinking before speaking, and understanding the ramifications is highly important.

Express your anger in a healthy manner – As covered earlier in the article, anger is a common emotion. So, there is nothing wrong with expressing it. However, the expression must be done in a positive and constructive manner. Explain your thoughts that have made you angry rather than laying the blame on the receiving individual. Try to identify the triggers, and try to come to terms with them to avoid bouts of anger in the future.

Plan for physical activity – Anger often rising out of frustration, disappointment or any other reason must be channelled out in an appropriate manner. Physical activity is the best way to take out your anger, and not harm anybody. Taking a long stroll or making a trip to the gym may prove beneficial to vent out your anger.

Consider taking a break – In today’s fast-paced life, we go on and on. And, considering the personal, and work commitments, we often end up not taking any time off for ourselves, which in the long run may have quite hazardous consequences. Take a break for half an hour or as your schedule permits and indulge yourself in a constructive activity that also brings you joy.

Identify potential solutions – Like other emotions, anger also surfaces due to triggers. Triggers may vary based on the individual and their circumstances. So, accordingly, the solutions have to be charted out to contest these triggers and maintain one’s calm in the face of eruptive anger.

Express the cause of anger – Sometimes, we end up being angry and blaming the other person whereas the other person might not have any idea what has made us angry. So, consider explaining the causes or triggers of anger. This way both of you can work around the issues and may arrive at potential solutions without upsetting or infuriating each other.

Say NO to long-term grudges – It is very common to feel resentment towards someone or a situation that has triggered you to anger. However, holding long-term grudges is not going to make the situation any better. Try to understand the cause, identify a solution and try to not hold any long-term impression – negative or otherwise. This can help you in breaking the vicious cycle of anger.

Leverage humour – You might be thinking how can someone crack a joke or double over when he or she is actually infuriated? Well, it won’t be easy, but with practice, and perseverance, it’s not unattainable. Doing this will help your mind to offload the frustration, and making amendments become quite easy.

Opt for coping skills – Have you heard of someone counting 100 to backwards or chanting something consistently or practising deep breathing exercises to cope with their anger? Those who are unaware of these activities and their significance as coping skills may find them absurd. But these techniques are indeed beneficial in managing anger.

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help – You are not wired to do everything. The same goes for anger management also. When you feel like you are unable to keep your anger in control, and it is impacting your daily life, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are trained psychiatrists, behavioural therapists, and psychologists who can help you in your quest for anger management in an easy, efficient, and hassle-free manner.


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Why Cadabams?

At Cadabams, we ensure that individuals get the necessary counselling services to help them gain better control over the triggers for anger, and learn new coping mechanisms. With more than two decades of experience, our multispecialty team of psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, physicians work round the clock and are with you every step of the way. We offer world-class evidence-based treatment.

Cadabams is widely trusted by various healthcare experts. It is a comfortable facility where individuals are treated with attention, love, care, and compassion. We offer an exclusive range of solutions and treatments based on the condition and issues faced by an individual.

Call us on our mental health helpline +91 96111 94949 for further details.

Disclaimer – We strive to treat our patients with dignity and the utmost sensitivity. We understand that feeling anger is not a sign of weakness. We don’t use any term in a derogatory fashion but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage. In case you or a loved one share a unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at


Is it bad or uncommon to feel anger?

Anger is quite a common emotion that most of us exhibit at any point in our lives. In fact, feeling anger indicates that you are sensitive to certain aspects and have a judgment about what’s right or wrong. Expressing your anger is not bad. It is essential for your overall well-being and helps your near and dear ones understand what makes you tick or go over the edge. However, expression of anger must be done in a constructive manner to avoid a multitude of ramifications such as putting your health at risk or damaging relationships irrevocably.

When is the right time to seek professional help?

You can definitely try out anger management and coping skills on your own, which may help you bring down your temper. However, even after trying everything, if you still experience outbursts occasionally and may put your loved ones at emotional risk, try seeking professional assistance. Mental health professionals are trained to assist you in identifying, and then controlling your anger with practice.

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