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Behavioural therapy & medication for Marijuana Addiction

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Despite the contrasting medical and non-medical characteristics of Marijuana, in India and other parts of the world, it is being widely used as an entertainment drug. Like any other drug, its abuse has serious ramifications for the health of persons hooked to it. There have been reports of an increasing number of people suffering from Marijuana addiction.

Quick Facts about Marijuana Addiction

Smoking or using of Marijuana is quite rampant among both elderly and young people, particularly in some parts of India there have been reports of increasing use of the substance. The number is as high as people addicted to other illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin. As a result, the number of patients being admitted for outpatient or inpatient treatment for marijuana abuse or dependence has also seen an increase over the last few years.

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Treatments available: Marijuana Addiction Treatment Programs

Marijuana Addiction

Persons addicted to marijuana respond well to de-addiction treatments such as MET or Motivational Enhancement Therapy for behavioral treatment, CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, CM or Contingency Management besides family-based treatment.

  • Motivational Enhancement therapy– The MET seeks to motivate addicted persons to resist the temptation to use the drug by encouraging him or her to change attitude towards the drug and abstain from it.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy– The CBT is an effective treatment method that equips an addicted person with skills to help him or her stop abusing the drug. It also helps patients deal with the problems that drive them to marijuana.

  • Family therapiesBesides the three therapies, the de-addiction treatment for persons addicted to marijuana also lays stress on family therapies. Experts broadly categorize family therapy into four parts:
  1. Multisystemic therapy
  2. Multi-dimensional therapy
  3. Family support network
  4. Strategic family therapy

These treatments are more of interventional in nature and involve upgrading skills of the patient and his or her family members. The treatment is meant to discourage the addicted person from using marijuana.

  • Combined cure approach

However, there is unanimity on the effectiveness of combining motivational approaches and medication as the best possible option in the treatment of marijuana addiction, or for that matter any other addiction. This along with training patients in coping-skills can go a long way in bringing them back to a normal, healthy life. But the treatment has to be an ongoing process for complete de-addiction under the supervision of specialists and psychiatric professionals.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Treatment for marijuana addiction at Cadabam’s -Modern treatment facilities

Cadabam’s, state of the art, specialty psychiatry and neurology center in Bengaluru, comprehensively addresses marijuana addiction disorders. Its treatment regimen seeks to help addicted individuals stop compulsive drug seeking and use. The treatment may be provided across a variety of settings.

The drug addiction treatment at Cadabam’s includes medication, behavioral therapies, or a combination of both. The treatment programs employ both individual and group therapies. A team of specialist works on different aspects of addiction. The treatment follows a combination of behavioral therapies and medications for an effective and early recovery of patients.

For more information call us now at 96111 94949 or visit Cadabam’s Anunitha know about best Marijuana Addiction Treatment Programs.

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