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Tips for Helping People with Mental Disorders

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Do you know anybody suffering from mental illnesses in your contacts? Or have you ever experienced somebody expressing the problems of mental disorder any time? If yes, you have an opportunity to help them recovered for a healthy life.As a matter fact, we all tend to have one or the other health related issues. So, when you happen to meet anybody suffering especially from mental disorders, the way you treat and react to him/her shouldn’t be abnormal.

Hope we all remember German wings Jetliner crash that occurred recently. The co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, was suffering terribly from psychiatric problem that went unnoticed. Does anyone know? Ideally, he should only have suffered from the illness instead allowing it to make such an invaluable damage. Had he shared his mental illness with someone else, we would have had our loved ones among us today. Yes, it is the truth.

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It is a well-accepted fact that one out of four persons suffers from psychiatric illness at any given point of life. It mayn’t be difficult to find out such person around you. The challenge you have here is in making people comfortable thereby enabling them share. Sometimes, you can experience people maintaining the secrecy of the illness, but you could read from their gestures.

It is important to give an utmost care to the mental health that can influence the overall health of a person. We promise that people with mental disorders can lead a meaningful life provided they undergo treatments with specialized mental counselors. The only answer to such a mental illness is STIGMA, which is massively useful. At the same time, the social and family support can’t be unquestionably denied. Below cited are few tips that you could do:

  • View mental illness as good as any other health issues.
  • Avoid tagging people with mental illness and address them with their names.
  • Try learning more about the illness to extend a helping hand to the needy.
  • Offer support and affection to people with mental illness, but don’t be sympathetic.
  • Encourage people with mental illness and their families.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Neha S Cadabam
Psychologist& Executive Director
Cadabam’s Group

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