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Say No to Cocaine in all forms. Reach out for help and abstain

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We live in a world where taking cocaine is trendier than fashion. Its availability and use is not limited to a certain class of the society or an age group. The ‘Happening’ drug is easily available at the hidden corner of the street nearby. Whether it is to boost self-esteem or just succumbing to peer-pressure, more and more people are getting trapped into cocaine addiction each year. This is what makes it one of the most dangerously addictive and widely abused drugs in the world.

Cocaine can be consumed in a variety of ways, like Snorting, Injection and Smoking. Each form of consumption induces a short-lived good feeling, that is followed by intense feelings of depression, anxiety, and craving for more drugs. The after-crash is severe and leads to intake of repeated doses to delay the horrible feeling. Some also try to lessen its severity by using other drugs. While the duration of the lasting effect varies, each method causes physical as well as psychological problems.

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Once cocaine addiction takes over it has far-reaching effect on one’s health, judgement, behaviour and social life. The physical problems range from heart failures, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, severe lungs damage, impotency, respiratory problems, risk of overdose and potential miscarriage or child abnormalities for women. Whereas the psychological impact includes hallucinations, paranoia, anger, anxiety and reckless or violent behaviour. This in-turn causes problems in family, social and work life.

Cocaine is both physically and mentally addictive, which also builds up a body resistance to its effects, making it more difficult for a person to abstain. Hence it is important to prevent an addiction itself and urge   people to say no to cocaine in first place.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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If you are already hooked to cocaine or know someone struggling with the addiction, reach out and seek immediate professional help, as it is difficult to manage the recovery alone due to the risk of relapse. The bigger challenge however, lies in overcoming stigma around drug addiction, as it is often either viewed as a character weakness or commonly associated with certain type or race of people. This stigma often prevents a suffering addict from coming forth to seek help.

Both the residential as well as outpatient rehabilitation centres offer comprehensive treatment plans for cocaine addiction, including the pharmacological therapy along with the behavioural therapy to address the social triggers that can help abstain and stay sober. A sound support system from family, friends and other local groups along with a comprehensive treatment can help an addict stay committed to the arduous journey on the road to recovery.

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