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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Symptoms

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It is normal, on occasion to go and double check the things that we all missed or not remembered. For instance, checking ‘the door is locked or not’, ‘checking pocket for a wallet’. But what if this loop keeps repeating for ‘n’ number of time.

This medical condition is known as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Here the individual is completely occupied or influenced by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. This article will let you know to understand the obsessive compulsive symptoms with practical examples.

What are Some Symptoms of OCD:

Obsessions Behaviour:

The individual gets obsessed with unwanted or preoccupied thinkings, situations or ideas which is responsible to cause anxiety and distress.

Themes of Obsessions Behaviour:

  • holding the fear of dirt or contamination
  • performing paternalism arrangement for a longer period
  • aggressive thoughts of harming others
  • irrational thoughts on sexual or religious subjects

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Examples of Obsessions Symptoms:

  • Fear of touching objects thinking that is contaminated by the usage of others.
  • Cross-checking the door lock whether  is locked or stove wether turned on or off
  • Suffering an intense stress when a particular object isn’t placed in order
  • Thinking of hurting others when the condition is getting uncomfortable
  • Might suffer unpleasant sexual images looping in mind.

Compulsion Symptoms:

The behaviour that drives individuals to perform a repetitive action is OCD compulsion. The individual will try to build the loop action to prevent or reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession.

Themes of Compulsion Behaviour:

  • Cleaning and washing
  • Checking
  • Following a pattern or orderliness
  • Intense repeat action
  • Doubting

Examples of Compulsion Symptoms:

  • Keep washing hand until skin becomes bleached
  • Repeated checking of things
  • Follow some pattern to count
  • Murmuring the prayer or words repeatedly
  • Arranging the similar objects to face same

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Where to Get Help for OCD:

OCD often starts in the teenage or young adulthood. The severity of the symptoms grows as the years progress throughout the life. So, it’s waste of time by holding inside or trying a self-cure it won’t. It’s okay to talk? Remember you are not the only one who suffers from OCD. Reach Cadabams with residential OCD treatment centers . The only centre that is following the evidence-based therapies and treatment options in the country. Call us at +91 96111 94949.

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