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Famous People with Bipolar Disorder: A Historical Study

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Bipolar disorder is one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses. However, it is important to note that many illustrious people have been diagnosed or speculated to have bipolar disorder, including the likes of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, and many others.

If you or someone you know has bipolar disorder, know that you are not alone. You are not just your illness, and recovery is possible. Cadabams, with its 30 years of experience and the multispeciality team of professionals, has comprehensive treatments for bipolar disorder. Call us on our 24/7 helpline at +91 96111 94949 or mail us at for any queries or support.

History is replete with people who have shown signs of mental disorders – some of whom have continued to function normally despite showing symptoms at an early age, while others have succumbed to the fatal effects of their diseases. While it may be difficult to lay a finger on the exact mental illness they may have suffered from, educated minds speculate on what the possible problems might have been and their possible repercussions on harrowed minds.

Isaac Newton: A Famous Bipolar Genius

Take the example of Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists who invented calculus and gave the world the theory of universal gravity and a famous bipolar genius. The man whose third law of motion, ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,’ guides the working of spaceships might have suffered from serious bouts of bipolar disorder coupled with psychotic tendencies.

Isaac Newton’s Mental Illness: Autism, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

Isaac Newton’s mental illness prevented him from connecting with people, leaving modern psychologists to guess that he may have suffered from autism. Medical historians feel that Isaac Newton’s bipolar disorder may have been questionable, as revealed from his papers wherein he had developed imposing delusions of having been delegated by God to convey reality to the world.

The scientist’s dark hallucinations and brief interactions with absent people have prompted modern psychiatry to conclude that Newton’s mental health had only deteriorated with time as he swung between autism, bipolar, and schizophrenia

Newton's Progressive Mental Health Decline

While there is a change of Newton exhibiting the signs of all these disorders, we can only speculate the disorders that he might have had as there are no real records or assessments to validate the existence of any disorder. 

Newton’s bipolar problems must not lead one to deduce that this chronic mental illness causes people to suffer between extreme highs and lows and alternate between happy, energetic moods and disparaging lows affect scientists alone.

A Study of Newton’s Mental Health Conditions

 A study of Sir Isaac Newton’s mental health conditions, including frequent and extreme mood swings, has led many to question if bipolar disorder could possibly be linked to creativity. Scientific studies conclude that bipolar disorder, another name for manic depression, affects nearly one percent of the world population.

Many people show signs of this disorder from an early age as their moods oscillate between elation and depression. During the manic phase, bipolar patients show feelings of inflated self-esteem bordering on grandiosity, simultaneous and endless thoughts, restlessness, and insomnia.

Newton’s Bipolar Minds and Creativity

Newton’s bipolar problems have often caused researchers to contemplate if bipolar minds could increase the chances of developing unexpected insights and intelligence in certain matters. Though nothing to date shows a direct correlation between the two, studies reveal that many people identified as high achievers in their lives were manic depressives, too. As the famous Aristotle once said, “There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.” The 19th-century author Edgar Allen Poe, who is alleged to have suffered from manic depression, was also a literary genius with enhanced access to vocabulary combined with enviable cognitive resources.

Winston Churchill: A Bipolar Statesman

A brilliant British statesman of his time, Sir Winston Churchill is believed to have been afflicted with bipolar disorder problems as well. Winston Churchill was one of the famous people with bipolar disorder. A man of words who was also known for his brilliant wartime strategy during the Second World War portrayed the picture of a severely accomplished mind whose possible bizarre character traits were hidden behind the veneer of a political and strategic mastermind. 

It is speculated that, similar to Isaac Newton’s bipolar symptoms, this stately politician became eccentric to the extreme and gradually became irritable and occupied himself with thoughts of death and suicide.

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Charles Darwin’s Bipolar Disorder

The English naturalist, geologist, and biologist Charles Darwin, known for his contribution to evolution, suffered from an undisclosed illness that has led many to conclude that the great mind may have been convoluted with frantic episodes of depression that left him incapacitated for days or even weeks at a time.

Though Darwin’s exact illness continues to be unknown, with modern-day doctors zeroing down on nearly 40 different diagnoses, Darwin, in his severely debilitated state, wrote nearly 19 books and produced an enormous volume of research papers and thousands of letters preserved and carefully scrutinized for possible clues that could explain this unwarranted fear of being in public, frequent panic attacks followed by hysterical crying and unexplained hallucinations.

Abraham Lincoln: Battling Bipolar and Leading a Nation

The much-acclaimed American statesman Abraham Lincoln, who led his country through the American Civil War, suffered from mental breakdowns so severe that he would often collapse. In his letters to Joshua Speed, the former US President would often make references to his struggles with depression and how he had learned to live with negative thoughts but not dwell on them.

Similar to Isaac Newton’s depression symptoms, Lincoln harbored suicidal thoughts. However, experts suggest that it is his fight against depression and a constant struggle to win over it that gave the much-reputed statesman the strength to handle the crisis he faced during his political career.

Ludwig Van Beethoven: The Bipolar Composer

Newton’s mental illness symptoms have many times been compared and contrasted with Ludwig Van Beethoven’s behavior, identified as bipolar disorder today. The composer had died of liver failure in 1827 as he tried to self-medicate his emotional problems with alcohol.

Beethoven’s friends had often explained how the composer had written down most of his celebrated works in a fit of mania while, at other times, he would sink to the lowest depths of depression, often contemplating suicide.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder: A Psychological Analysis

The huge ups and downs combined with psychotic tendencies are signs of bipolar disorder that can be treated with therapies and medications. Despite years of research trying to possibly link bipolar disorder with a part of the brain region that affects one’s emotions, psychoanalysts emphasize an in-depth psychological study that would explain the sudden manic episodes followed by depressive states and sudden willingness to die.

However, the shifts between sadness and joy must not be misinterpreted as signs of the disorder, as even normal human beings can experience such feelings. In bipolar patients, the depressive episodes may last between four days to two weeks or even longer, depending on the severity of the problem.

Linking Psychological Illnesses and Creativity

Do creative people suffer from bipolar disorder, too? This is a question that has no answer or maybe so many answers that it is hard to pinpoint which is correct. Many studies have highlighted that people likely to suffer from bipolar disorder are also known to show high levels of creativity, particularly in fields requiring artistic ability.

Researchers looking for possible connections between genetics, bipolar disorder, and creativity to explain how those bordering on symptoms of bipolar disorder or other kinds of mental illnesses have often been found to excel in creative fields, including acting, dancing, writing, and composing music. However, not all bipolar people may be creative, as not all creative people may harbor signs of the disorder that causes many people to feel severely distressed and distraught without any reason.

Comprehensive Treatment Plans for Bipolar Disorder

The first thing to note is that bipolar disorder is treatable. Those with subtle symptoms respond to treatment effectively. However, if severe mood disorders interfere with your daily functioning, inhibiting your work performance and marring your relationships, it’s time to seek the help of an experienced psychologist.

You may have to relive your fears or the cause of your stress during your treatment. However, it is worthwhile to recognize that you have a problem and get it treated and incapacitate yourself by living with it. While Isaac Newton’s bipolar disorder unleashed his creativity to an unimaginable extent, you must not forget how it also caused the great scientist to live a life filled with delusions and misapprehensions.

If you are suffering from some kind of emotional distress that restricts you from living your life to the fullest, it is time to look for help.

Why Cadabams?

At Cadabams, we ensure that you get the treatment you need and deserve. Our team of psychiatrists is an expert in psychosocial rehabilitation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT), and family-focused therapy, which have been proven to be highly effective in treating Bipolar Disorder.

We have over two decades of expertise in handling the most complex and severe cases of Bipolar Disorder. Our multispecialty team of psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and physicians work around the clock and are with you every step of the way. We offer world-class, evidence-based treatment that is fit for all stages and all types of addiction.

Cadabams is widely trusted by various healthcare experts and is known for its treatment plans that focus on providing help with care and love. We offer customized solutions and treatments based on the conditions and issues faced by an individual. Our treatment plans  

For bipolar-related queries and treatments, reach us at +91 96111 94949 or mail us at We are here for you.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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1. What famous people in history were bipolar?

Vincent Van Gogh: According to his writings and the reports of others who knew him, he suffered from mood swings, impulsivity, and emotional intensity, all of which are symptoms of bipolar illness.

Isaac Newton: Historical accounts and his own writings suggest Newton experienced mood swings and psychotic tendencies, leading modern psychologists to speculate he may have had bipolar disorder, among other mental conditions.

Winston Churchill: Accounts from the past mention moments of tremendous vitality, inventiveness, and production, as well as episodes of despair and mood swings.

Ernest Hemingway's life was distinguished by tremendous creativity, followed by depressed spells and impulsive tendencies, both of which are indicators of bipolar disorder.

Sylvia Plath's writings, notably "The Bell Jar," provide insight into the American poet and novelist's emotional turmoil and mental health difficulties.

Ludwig van Beethoven had manic bursts of tremendous inventiveness and vitality, followed by depressed lows, which is consistent with bipolar illness.

2. Who is the famous bipolar genius

The artistic genius of the renowned musician Kurt Cobain was overshadowed by his battle with bipolar disorder, which contributed to his turbulent personal life and the emotive depth of his music with Nirvana.

3. Who are the successful leaders with bipolar?

While bipolar disorder can be challenging, several successful leaders have managed their condition effectively. Here are five lesser-known names:

1. Andy Behrman - an author and mental health advocate who wrote "Electroboy" about his experiences with bipolar disorder.

2. Rufus May - A clinical psychologist who openly discusses his bipolar disorder and works to reduce the stigma around mental health.

3. Melody Moezzi- A lawyer, writer, and mental health activist who has written about her journey with bipolar disorder.

4. FrankrBruno - A former professional boxer who has used his platform to raise awareness about bipolar disorder and mental health.

5. Elaine Hanzak - A mental health advocate and author of "Eyes Without Sparkle," shares her experience with postpartum bipolar disorder.

4. Why are bipolar people successful?

During manic episodes, people with bipolar illness may experience increased inventiveness and heightened vitality. This can result in spurts of creativity and new thinking, which can help them succeed. Furthermore, depressive periods can encourage profound reflection and sensitivity, broadening their grasp of human feelings and experiences. Bipolar disorder, when properly managed, may harness these swings, allowing individuals to exploit their unique perspectives and abilities, perhaps leading to success in a variety of industries. It is important to remember, however, that bipolar illness can present substantial problems, and success varies widely from person to person.

5. Why is bipolar called the genius disease?

Bipolar disorder, often dubbed the "genius disease," is linked to high creativity and intelligence in historical figures with bipolar, suggesting a connection between manic-depressive states and exceptional cognitive abilities. This label reflects observations of notable talents in various fields who had bipolar disorder, fueling speculation about a link between the condition and extraordinary intellectual and creative prowess.

6. Are bipolar people highly intelligent?

The notion that bipolar individuals are brilliant stems from studies and anecdotal evidence suggesting a higher prevalence of creativity and cognitive abilities among them. This observation is supported by the disproportionate number of successful artists, writers, and innovators diagnosed with bipolar disorder. However, intelligence varies among individuals with bipolar disorder, as it does in the general population, and not all exhibit above-average intelligence.

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