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Neurofeedback Therapy to Help Treat Depression

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What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback or neurotherapy is a method that helps improve your brain function by intensive brain training exercise. Though the technology is sophisticated, the method itself is simple and painless. It is much like learning through feedback and practice.

How Does Neurofeedback Help Treat Depression?

It has been proven that you mood is better when the left frontal area of your brain is more active as compared to when the right frontal area is more active, when your mood turns bad.

Studies showed that neurotherapy for depression in college students is successful. It trains the left frontal area of your brain to be more active and also changes your thinking patterns, making them more positive and thus eliminating the chances of depression or relapse.

When other methods to treat depression fail, such as psychotherapy and anti-depressants, you may opt to undergo neurotherapy.

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Why Neurotfeedback And Not Other Methods To Treat Depression?

Neurotherapy does not work the same as every other treatment for depression. In neurotherapy, the doctors are able to identify the source of the problem and your mood. An example of this would be the studies that have shown one’s mood to be better when the left frontal area of one’s brain is more active than the right. But, this is not the same for everyone.

Many different kind of depressions have varying origins in the brain.

While other medications and methods of treatment will mainly concentrate on the symptoms and eliminate them, neurotherapy will help you ascertain the very spot where your mood problem is originating, and help you work on it and improve your mood through feedback and training.

The Long Term Advantages Of Neurofeedback

People with depression that have undergone neurotherapy say that it is easier for them to stabilize their moods and be motivated.

Neurotherapy can help a depressed person get their life back. Depression changes the way you think and neurotherapy helps you relearn healthier thought patterns and overcome depression.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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Dealing with depression alone can be difficult.

If anyone you know or care about is going through depression, urge them to seek help and get better.


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