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How to Prepare for Rehab

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Preparing for a rehab is a smart move, firstly congratulations to you for that. “How to Prepare for Rehab” if you are prepared for this question then you have crossed half a mark on the road towards your recovery. These preparations might allow you to have a feel-good sensation and comfortability while going through the therapies and treatments plans.

  • Manage commitments:

Thoughts of your personal, professional and financial commitments may stress and interfere with your rehab program. Furthermore, it might also take you a step back from recovery side.  Hence it is essential to manage all your commitments before entering the rehab centre.

  • Start a Journal:  

Once you get into the rehab centre, take a notebook and start a journal on the therapies and the treatment programs. This might help you out to track the advancement in the recovery stagewise over the time. Helps you know yourself better.

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  • Be open-minded:

Recovery needs more mental efforts, this energy is possible by holding on to a right mindset. Try to cooperate with the procedures and the programs which are a part of the recovery program at the rehab. Sometimes it feels different than what you imagine. However, try to accept the ongoing systems and be open-minded. It might take weeks or months to adapt or cope up with the things.

  • Eliminate distractions:

Some individuals try to binge drink before joining the rehab which they call ‘One last time drink’. Kindly avoid those practices because it might effect your intentions also. Furthermore, it can be a health hazard for you. To bypass that particular situation drinking sufficient amount of water and regular workouts may help you.

  • Make buddies in recovery:

Rehab is a place where you will get a chance to meet more people. They might have also encountered the same kind of struggle as you experienced. A buddy at rehab is like treading a recovery path together with a friend. Make a buddy and make your stay at the rehab comforting.

  • Be open in group therapy:

Group therapy is the secession where the participants share their thoughts with the guidance of the therapist. This group therapy will break the chain of low-self esteem one of the key symptoms of addiction and develop the braveness to oneself and others to share the experience. This can help you make buddies.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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When you are in the recovery process, it’s our responsibility to make you better, because you deserve to be okay! We are just a call away, so don’t hesitate. Reach us at +91 96111 94949 and clarify your queries with our counsellors. Help is available 24/7 with care. Also, you can visit us at

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