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How I lost my job?- Cadabams Rehab Center

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What could be a bigger heartbreak than when you realise that “YOU ARE FIRED”. And it is because of your addiction.

Hello, am Alex (name changed) a successful employee of a reputed company. I had won “The employee of the year” award for two consecutive years now. Like all individuals in this almost rounded globe have their own merits and demerits. Likewise, earlier I had mine too, I was a drug consumer for a long time for at least 4 years before my new job.

The Old Job:

My old job! Oh my god it was so good. Am so lucky to have had a job like that. All it needed from me was creativity, creativity, and more creativity. For that sake, to extract more creativity from the brain I started to intake weed and other stuff too.  I believed that drugs helped me foster my creative spirit. And I was stuck with that craving drowsiness and that was the point where I dragged myself deep into to drugs and trapped inside addiction.

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I called myself an addict and I knew it, but the best part I was good enough to hide it from others. And, actually, this geniuses made my case even worse. Because no one knew about my cold war (withdrawal symptoms) with drug addiction. And, after I realised that it was a slow poison, it was already late for me to recover because I was deeply buried under a fountain of weed, drug, heroin, cocaine and all the other substances in the world.

The Ray of Hope:

Then I was left with no option and thought it would be better to open up about my addiction to my parents. They are the one I trust the most. Initially, they were shocked and shattered. Later, they gathered themselves and decided to take the big brave step.  They directed me to a rehab center. To begin with, I was very reluctant but then, it was the rehab where I got the breakthrough from my addiction. 90 days at the rehab! Counsellors, psychiatrists, mates recovering there – everyone I must say helped me sail through this.  With individual counselling sessions, group therapy, family therapy sessions, neurofeedback and many more… I am here today testifying that addiction recovery is a reality! And all you need to do is believe.

What am now is the real me and not the one whom I was before the treatment.  That good old 90 days made me feel better. Don’t be a person who believes that “No one knows I’m a drug abuser”. You are just killing yourself by sniffing; come out of it and be the best version of you. Remember, these are the words coming out of an addict – who was just like you……    


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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