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Happiness at Workplace: How to Achieve it?

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Happiness at Workplace – An Overview

Workplace is the second-most important environment next to your home, where you spend several hours. So, it is very common for you to feel a plethora of emotions such as happiness, dissatisfaction, discomfort and frustration at work. Your personal ambitions,  perception and professional commitment also play a huge role in deciding your workplace happiness quotient.

Unlike past decades, the workplace environment has witnessed dramatic shifts in terms of ever-evolving employer and employee expectations, new work-related guidelines, or policies, etc. There are now several factors that may make employees feel exasperated at work or less motivated to do their jobs.

Are you feeling similar vibes too at your work? How often do you think of quitting your current job? How often do you look for better alternatives? How often do you feel the need to procrastinate and push the work for later? Do you take out your work frustrations at home or on your family members or other colleagues at work? These could be the signs of workplace unhappiness. So let’s learn why you or any employee for that matter would feel unhappy at work.

If you ever feel overwhelmed with work stress or need a way to vent it out, our specialists at Cadabam’s will listen to your concerns with patience. Reach out to us and let us help you manage your feelings better.

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Why Do Employees Stay Unhappy at Work?

Basic Needs – It is common knowledge that we all work for our emoluments. However, an employee’s basic needs may still go beyond just the salary bit. Employees would need additional support in terms of healthcare facilities or insurance benefits that need to be extended to their immediate family members. Employees tend to be unhappy at work if their basic needs are unmet.

Autonomy – No one would like if their superiors or peers are breathing down their necks at work be it related to delivery timeline or quality of work or any other reason. Employees deeply crave the sense of autonomy at work wherein they have individual power or authority to take decisions and execute them in an efficient manner. However, if they have to ask for permission or approval for each small aspect regarding work, they tend to feel demotivated, This lack of autonomy may cost them their productivity, creativity, and overall enthusiasm at work.

Mastery – The need to excel at everything you do is universal. Now, who does not want to feel the satisfaction to master a particular task? Mastery at work is also pivotal. But, the employees would need the appropriate work culture, and nurturing environment to grow their skills, and become the best versions of themselves. Workplaces that are unable to extend support for the same may demotivate the employees. With no way to learn, grow, and realize their work passions, they will end up just doing simple redundant tasks. This, in the long run will make them unsatisfied and underutilized at their work.

Belonging: Standing apart from a crowd may seem lucrative, but only when one is succeeding. Being a part of a community helps realize the sense of belonging, togetherness, and security. No matter how efficient or expert an employee is, at the end of the day, they too crave the sense of belonging. It could be belonging to the immediate team, or an association to the larger crowd. Employees need to feel connected and contribute towards the organization’s long-term objectives.

Why is Workplace Happiness Crucial?

Workplace happiness is paramount and here are some of the key reasons why:

Happier Employees are Healthier – Any organization’s success and growth depends on their employees productivity, professionalism and commitment. So, what happens if employees are not motivated at work or are continuously under stress or taking days off? The organization ends up enduring the brunt of it all – in terms of work escalations, delays, unwarranted crisis situations. On the contrary, happy employees are great assets to any organization. They tend to be highly motivated towards their goals, and perceive organizations’ objectives and success as their own, and are ready to walk extra miles for the same.

Happier Employees are good at relationships – Happy employees maintain positive relations in both their homes and their social lives. Being happy in their personal fronts also makes them more productive at work, and at relationships with their colleagues. This is manifested in their peers, superiors and subordinates and even clientele. Happier employees means happier and satisfied clients and that leads to successful organizations!

The Bottom Line

Employee happiness at work is paramount, and to achieve this, both the employee and employer have to take necessary actions to grow this mutually-beneficial dream.


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Why Cadabams

To feel a sense of dissatisfaction at work is common. However, it must be attended to if the disappointments get the better of you. Employees who are unhappy at work tend to be less productive and less motivated to bring in creativity. They often tend to take out their frustration at home on their families. At Cadabams, we ensure that employees get the necessary counselling services to help them gain a better perspective of things and learn new coping mechanisms to face the adversities at work. We also offer EAP (Employee Assistance Program) to boost the happiness indicator of employees at work. With more than two decades of experience, our multispecialty team of psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, physicians work round the clock and are with you every step of the way. We offer world-class evidence-based treatment.

Cadabams is widely trusted by various healthcare experts. It is a comfortable facility where individuals are treated with attention, love, care, and compassion. We offer an exclusive range of solutions and treatments based on the condition and issues faced by an individual.

Call us on our mental health helpline +91 96111 94949 for further details.

Disclaimer – We strive to treat our patients with dignity and the utmost sensitivity. We understand that feeling despair at work is not a sign of weakness. We don’t use any term in a derogatory fashion but to remain relevant to user search trends and common usage. In case you or a loved share a unique viewpoint on how we can improve this content for our readers, please reach out to us at


Employee happiness – how critical is this for an organization?

Employee happiness is crucial for the holistic wellness of both the employees and the employer. While happy employees tend to be more productive, and driven at work, the employers stand to benefit from these too. Their success and expansion prospects rely on it.

Can employee assistance programs be helpful?

Yes, employee assistance programs are definitely helpful to promote happiness at the workplace. In these programs, employees are offered necessary counselling services aimed at helping them gain a better perspective of work situations and feel a sense of happiness, and satisfaction.  

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