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First Aid for Panic Attacks

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Panic attack is a condition which is episodic in nature marked by high anxiety and fear, also discomfort that develops suddenly and reaches heights within 10 minutes.

Observable Symptoms:

  • Trembling and shaking
  • Sweating
  • Short breaths and sensations of choking
  • If the person reports – palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, abdominal distress or nausea, dizziness and feeling unsteady, fear of losing control and dying, numbness and feelings of unreality and not able to think clearly.

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First Aid and support:

  • Stay close to the person and calm them down
  • Take them to a quiet place
  • Ask if they take any medications for it usually. If yes, give them one.
  • Ask them what do they need instead of you assuming they might need
  • Talk normally, softly with reassurances like – You are going to get through this; concentrate on breathing and stay in the present.
  • Make them repeat few simple physical task like raising their arms above the head
  • Reduce the amount of stress and prevent the situation from getting worse.
  • Let them know that it is their thoughts which are bothering not the place and the feelings which they are having is scary but not dangerous.
  • Make the person accept the situation and know that it would not last for ever.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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